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Why do all the posts here deal with male to female transgender issues and not the female to male? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 18, 2020
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Political Leaning
Is there a reason for this other than those listed below?

1. Male to female is threatening to men because it shows that some males prefer female identities, making these threatened men question their masculinity?

2. Women are inferior to men so why would any male want to be a female?

3. Just as in gay issues, lesbians/women are non-threatening because they have less power than men so are not a threat.

4. Female to male transitions just aren't portrayed in the media so people know less about them.
a. The reason they aren't portrayed in the media is that women (and since female to male trans still have the hormones of females - at least those who object to trans people believe) they won't commit violent sexual crimes against "real men"; trans males won't compete and succeed in athletic contests against other males, etc. In other words, most women are weaker and non-violent when compared to men so no outcry against trans-males.

The only trans people I know or knew about were female to male. So, I really don't understand the current outrage of some regarding this issue and would like to be enlightened. Especially as to why there isn't the outrage expressed about female to male trans people like there is for male to female.
Is there a reason for this other than those listed below?

1. Male to female is threatening to men because it shows that some males prefer female identities, making these threatened men question their masculinity?

2. Women are inferior to men so why would any male want to be a female?

3. Just as in gay issues, lesbians/women are non-threatening because they have less power than men so are not a threat.

4. Female to male transitions just aren't portrayed in the media so people know less about them.
a. The reason they aren't portrayed in the media is that women (and since female to male trans still have the hormones of females - at least those who object to trans people believe) they won't commit violent sexual crimes against "real men"; trans males won't compete and succeed in athletic contests against other males, etc. In other words, most women are weaker and non-violent when compared to men so no outcry against trans-males.

The only trans people I know or knew about were female to male. So, I really don't understand the current outrage of some regarding this issue and would like to be enlightened. Especially as to why there isn't the outrage expressed about female to male trans people like there is for male to female.
We don't see transmen competing in athletic contest and winning and denying men their victory or scholarship.
No one cares a rat's behind about anyone's sex change. What they care about is the ruination of women's sports due to allowing biological men to compete as women.
I wonder if there will be any trans remorse?
I keep asking who pays for all this surgery, but no one seems to know or want to answer.
I wonder if there will be any trans remorse?
I keep asking who pays for all this surgery, but no one seems to know or want to answer.
Many people have insurance that pays for the various surgeries.

Trans remorse is typically less than 10%, so 90% of trans people are better off after their transition.

Calling Buck, ............. Buck.............. Buck.................. Buck?

Detransition Facts Must Come From Reputable Sources

One detransition study claims an 80% desistance rate in trans children.

However, when the study was scrutinised, it was discovered that the methodology was deeply flawed.

The study in question did not differentiate between the following:

  • Young people with gender dysphoria.
  • Young people who socially but not medically transitioned
  • young people who were simply exploring gender diversity.

In fact, nearly half of the children involved in the studycould not be located at its conclusion.

They were recorded as ‘desisters’ by default. The only justifiable conclusion that could be drawn from the study on a subsequent review of its data, was that strong gender dysphoria was a good predictor of future medical transition.


For instance, in the UK a survey of 3398 attendees of a gender identity clinic found that just sixteen – about 0.47% – experienced transition-related regret. Of these, even fewer went on to actually detransition.

Detransition US Statistics

In the US, a survey of nearly 28,000 people found that only eight percent of respondents reported some kind of detransition. Of these, sixty-two percent only did so temporarily.

One perversion at a time.
How are trans people a perversion? Are gay/bi/les also perversions?
Is there a reason for this other than those listed below?

1. Male to female is threatening to men because it shows that some males prefer female identities, making these threatened men question their masculinity?

2. Women are inferior to men so why would any male want to be a female?

3. Just as in gay issues, lesbians/women are non-threatening because they have less power than men so are not a threat.

4. Female to male transitions just aren't portrayed in the media so people know less about them.
a. The reason they aren't portrayed in the media is that women (and since female to male trans still have the hormones of females - at least those who object to trans people believe) they won't commit violent sexual crimes against "real men"; trans males won't compete and succeed in athletic contests against other males, etc. In other words, most women are weaker and non-violent when compared to men so no outcry against trans-males.

The only trans people I know or knew about were female to male. So, I really don't understand the current outrage of some regarding this issue and would like to be enlightened. Especially as to why there isn't the outrage expressed about female to male trans people like there is for male to female.
Because let's be real, females are not a threat to society. Males transitioning to females, no threat.

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