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Why are you here? (1 Viewer)

Since reading or participating in the abortion threads

  • My views have changed to completely against abortion

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • My views have change to slightly more against abortion

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • My views have not changed at all on abortion

    Votes: 34 73.9%
  • My views have changed to slightly more in favor of abortion

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • My views have changes to completely in favor of abortion

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters

Chuz Life

Dec 12, 2009
Reaction score
Nun-ya-dang Bidness
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Inspired by this comment by REEFEDJIB in the abortion threads;

Well, I have changed my mind about other issues as well, one of which is a pretty big issue. But I was originally asking the question, somewhat rhetorically, about abortion. Has this or other similar threads here changed you mind about abortion? There has been a lot of time spend arguing this topic.

I would like to know if anyone reading this poll have ever changed or moderated their views on the legality of abortion,.... as a result of reading (or participating in) the 'abortion' threads.

I'm not making the vote public,... your vote will not be seen by others.
It seems like their would be a poll, or at least something that resembled a poll in the poll section.:confused:
It seems like their would be a poll, or at least something that resembled a poll in the poll section.:confused:

Mayhaps it's being worked on?

Edit: There it is!
My views on abortion have not changed at all.

I am against it but do not believe it's my place to tell others whether they should or should not have one. If a person were to ask me my opinion about it, I would tell them.

I do NOT believe in late term abortion - I believe in PREVENTION by way of education and in the case of an already existing pregnancy; putting a child up for adoption.

I do believe it's a very personal choice and one that I am not prepared to force my beliefs onto someone else.
I was all for abortion as a young woman, and gradually changed my views, probably as a result of aging and refining my own personal values. I remain opposed to making abortion illegal, and believe it is such a personal moral decision that it must remain up to women and society in general, although I think it is a morally and ethically loaded decision which has psychological and emotional repercussions for many women down the road.
When I first joined Debate Politics, my views on abortion were in general as follows:

“Abortion should not be allowed except if the mother's life is in danger.”

Now, due to the vast amount of ambiguity involved in the abortion debate, I have, while accepting the possible validity of various partially opposing views, not essentially changed my position.

I would probably, if pressed, allow that abortions before a certain point in a pregnancy probably would not violate my basic view that killing any potential sentient being is wrong...

But then again how can anyone really know what "sentient", "alive", etc. means when part of that definition might involve a "soul" or some equivalent entity which may or may not start to exist at any point in the process of growth involving the organism which will become a baby human.

So, basically, while my starting position has not changed, I have gained a respect for the vast unknowableness (probably not a word) of any real answers/facts/proof/decisions in the debate.
People that speak in absolutes are dumb and should not be taken seriously( Pro-lifers)

I think that when the mental health of the woman, or the physical health of the babies effect on the woman's health are negative, there should be no debate over allowing a woman reproductive choice. ;)
Inspired by this comment by REEFEDJIB in the abortion threads;

I would like to know if anyone reading this poll have ever changed or moderated their views on the legality of abortion,.... as a result of reading (or participating in) the 'abortion' threads.

I'm not making the vote public,... your vote will not be seen by others.

My opinion hasn't changed due to the threads. However, my opinion has drastically changed due to education. I used to be very, very adamantly pro-life. My position changed when I educated myself more on the subject. I am here in the hopes of helping to educate others.
I love open minds! (aka my views on things)
My opinion hasn't changed due to the threads. However, my opinion has drastically changed due to education. I used to be very, very adamantly pro-life. My position changed when I educated myself more on the subject. I am here in the hopes of helping to educate others.

The poll is only about the threads.

ALSO, FOR REFERENCE,... I am asking only about changes in everyones positions with regards to "elective" abortions.
Last edited:
The poll is only about the threads.

ALSO, FOR REFERENCE,... I am asking only about changes in everyones positions with regards to "elective" abortions.

The threads are educational. My poll choice still stands.
I'm still morally opposed to abortion and believe there should be some limitations, but, generally speaking, I believe it should be legal.
I'm still morally opposed to abortion and believe there should be some limitations, but, generally speaking, I believe it should be legal.

well put. :2razz:
I'm still morally opposed to abortion and believe there should be some limitations, but, generally speaking, I believe it should be legal.

So,.. after reading some and participating in some of the abortion threads,... You are unchanged?

The poll?

So,.. after reading some and participating in some of the abortion threads,... You are unchanged?

The poll?


No, when I first arrived at DP I favored a Federally enforced ban on abortion. Now, I think it should remain legal. Your poll choices do not, however, reflect the specific change I underwent, as I still view abortion as morally repugnant.
No, when I first arrived at DP I favored a Federally enforced ban on abortion. Now, I think it should remain legal. Your poll choices do not, however, reflect the specific change I underwent, as I still view abortion as morally repugnant.

Yea, for some reason people confuse pro-choice with pro-abortion :roll:
No, when I first arrived at DP I favored a Federally enforced ban on abortion. Now, I think it should remain legal. Your poll choices do not, however, reflect the specific change I underwent, as I still view abortion as morally repugnant.

Fair enough,... can you link to a specific post or thread that changed your views?
Fair enough,... can you link to a specific post or thread that changed your views?

It wasn't a specific post or thread. It was a very gradual change.
It wasn't a specific post or thread. It was a very gradual change.

That's very odd,...

At my age, I don't change my mind very often,... nor very easily,... But I can explain my change with no problem at all. Gradual or not.
Yea, for some reason people confuse pro-choice with pro-abortion :roll:

I'm reticent to associate myself with "pro-choice" movements or arguments as I generally do not agree with them. I still think the unborn are innocent humans and that abortion kills them. My problem is that enforcing a ban on abortion would be utterly unfeasible without draconian methods being employed against women.

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