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why are the terrorists after us (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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Political Leaning
I would like to see what people think are the causes of terrorists

1 ) Why they even exist

2) Are they just sick people ,fanatics of islam !

3) what is their goal

4) what was motive of the 2 wtc attacks
I don't know how to say this, but really, we are the true terror nation. If we don't like something, we threaten them. If we don't get what we want, we go in and get rid of thier rulers. Assisination. This is TERROR!!! We are bombing innocent Iraqi's everyday. This is TERROR!!! We don't want people to have W.M.D.'s, yet we have them. We theaten countries with them. This is TERROR!!!
young and angry sees through eyes that dont tell him lies

you need a common man in the white house again

with common morals and common goals and common sense
the elite types are like nazis
both side democrats and republicans alike

to stop the puppet state routine where the elite rich with there off shore bank accounts that dont pay taxes run the show
if there isnt a clean sweep of all the politicians in power today out the door except the few
i will be surprised
they have raped you to the core
presidential power must be metered not a given
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