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Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a [W:1469, 2612] (1 Viewer)


Bald eagle
DP Veteran
Jul 2, 2014
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Confirmation Bias Land
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Fox Carolina reported: "When he saw 'a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff' he said he told the woman, 'very politely,' " that he could not "tow her car because she was 'obviously a socialist' and advised her to 'call the government' for a tow."

I'll say this for him: he does a great job representing the type of 'man' who votes for Trump.

Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Fox Carolina reported: "When he saw 'a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff' he said he told the woman, 'very politely,' " that he could not "tow her car because she was 'obviously a socialist' and advised her to 'call the government' for a tow."

You mean for this to be a put down, but that right there is pretty damn funny. That's bumper sticker material.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

I was just going to post this! This is despicable, and he may say he's a Christian but he sure doesn't act like it. What an asshole.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

You mean for this to be a put down, but that right there is pretty damn funny. That's bumper sticker material.

Agreed. It actually is funny and hopefully it serves as an object lesson for the Bernie supporter. If she wants government to do everything for her then she can have them pick her up.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Agreed. It actually is funny and hopefully it serves as an object lesson for the Bernie supporter. If she wants government to do everything for her then she can have them pick her up.

Some people are obviously very weak on the concept of doing business with the public.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

I was just going to post this! This is despicable, and he may say he's a Christian but he sure doesn't act like it. What an asshole.

Why? The tow truck driver was simply shoving the drivers covetous ideology right back at her. Sanders supporters want everything handed to them for free by the state. Perhaps free towing is something Sanders can add to his stump speeches.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

I would never vote for Sanders, but at no time he he ever say he wants to government to do 'everything for us'.

So anyway this guy is turning away business because of politics? Over a bumper sticker supporting a guy who has NO CHANCE of being prez? LOL. When they say Trump supporters are mostly the uneducated they ain't kidding. what a rube.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Some people are obviously very weak on the concept of doing business with the public.

No one is stopping you from towing the woman. I guess liberals hate civil disobedience when they aren't the ones engaging in it.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Agreed. It actually is funny and hopefully it serves as an object lesson for the Bernie supporter. If she wants government to do everything for her then she can have them pick her up.

Why don't you go ahead and elaborate on that point --- how is a private business refusing to do service with an individual because of their political ideology going to teach the Bernie supporter a lesson?

Hell, if anything, he is further encouraging the belief that reliance on governmental support over private enterprise is a good thing.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Why? The tow truck driver was simply shoving the drivers covetous ideology right back at her. Sanders supporters want everything handed to them for free by the state. Perhaps free towing is something Sanders can add to his stump speeches.

You know what she wants how?
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

You know what she wants how?

She supports a socialist. Socialists take the property of others for their own use. Do you not know this?
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Some people are obviously very weak on the concept of doing business with the public.


but he has the right to serve who he wants to serve

it is called freedom

maybe he loses business over it....maybe not

but it was his decision, and he has to live with the consequences of it
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

No one is stopping you from towing the woman. I guess liberals hate civil disobedience when they aren't the ones engaging in it.

Neither observation above has anything to do with what you responded to (as usual).
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Why? The tow truck driver was simply shoving the drivers covetous ideology right back at her. Sanders supporters want everything handed to them for free by the state. Perhaps free towing is something Sanders can add to his stump speeches.

So the tow truck driver, who despises Bernie supporters alleged over-reliance on governmental assistance, is encouraging (arguably forcing) a Bernie supporter to rely upon governmental assistance...

What an idiot.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

So the tow truck driver, who despises Bernie supporters alleged over-reliance on governmental assistance, is encouraging a Bernie supporter to rely upon governmental assistance...

What an idiot.

A little dense today I see. Do I really have to walk you through this?
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

I would never vote for Sanders, but at no time he he ever say he wants to government to do 'everything for us'.

So anyway this guy is turning away business because of politics? Over a bumper sticker supporting a guy who has NO CHANCE of being prez? LOL. When they say Trump supporters are mostly the uneducated they ain't kidding. what a rube.

It's called principle. Why should he help his political enemy? Politics no longer stops at the ballot box, but permeates every facet of life. That has consequences. I applaud this man for putting his money where his mouth is, refusing business (and hence money) rather than service his enemy.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

So the tow truck driver, who despises Bernie supporters alleged over-reliance on governmental assistance, is encouraging (arguably forcing) a Bernie supporter to rely upon governmental assistance...

What an idiot.

do you know of a governmental agency that tows cars?

maybe he just wanted her to call a different tow company and be a little inconvenienced
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Why don't you go ahead and elaborate on that point --- how is a private business refusing to do service with an individual because of their political ideology going to teach the Bernie supporter a lesson?

Hell, if anything, he is further encouraging the belief that reliance on governmental support over private enterprise is a good thing.

Can't quite remember the Bush election years can you? :lamo
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support


but he has the right to serve who he wants to serve

it is called freedom

maybe he loses business over it....maybe not

but it was his decision, and he has to live with the consequences of it

Not really, Homer; he can still get into legal trouble. Probably he won't go to jail, but he definitely could be sued (and would lose).
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Not really, Homer; he can still get into legal trouble. Probably he won't go to jail, but he definitely could be sued (and would lose).

sued for what exactly?

and ZERO chance of jail....what charge?
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Not really, Homer; he can still get into legal trouble. Probably he won't go to jail, but he definitely could be sued (and would lose).

Why would he lose? Anyone can refuse service to anyone, as long as it's not for reasons that are protected, such as age, sex, race, disability. The reason he refused service was her politics, which is not a protected class, so unless you want to maintain that her politics are a disability (a strong case could be made), there's really no basis. Of course, a jury could decide anything for any reason, but there doesn't appear to be any real merit.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

It's called principle. Why should he help his political enemy? Politics no longer stops at the ballot box, but permeates every facet of life. That has consequences. I applaud this man for putting his money where his mouth is, refusing business (and hence money) rather than service his enemy.

His enemy? LOL.

My God you Cons get nuttier and scarier every year. Obama winning TWICE has made you guys 'craaaaaazy'..
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

sued for what exactly?

and ZERO chance of jail....what charge?

Confronting liberals with the consequences of their own ideological idiocy seems to be a crime, I guess
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Reading the story, it stated it had nothing to do with Sanders and everything to do with his history of working with socialist minded people and getting paid for his services.
Re: Why a Trump-backing tow truck driver says he refused service to a Sanders support

Why don't you go ahead and elaborate on that point --- how is a private business refusing to do service with an individual because of their political ideology going to teach the Bernie supporter a lesson?

Hell, if anything, he is further encouraging the belief that reliance on governmental support over private enterprise is a good thing.

Because the gov isn't going to get her a tow. She can hopefully realize that our country runs on the backs of private citizens and businesses. It's not really that difficult to understand.

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