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Who's the hottest conservative? (1 Viewer)

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Maybe some of it is just being more self sufficient in general...and having the means to take care of it oneself rather than hire someone else to kill it. By "means" I'm referring to a larger piece of property as compared to a suburban backyard.

I'm thinking it's that, plus practical tradition of sorts. I'm sure it's been done that way forever.

And, you're right. It's against code to bury an animal carcass on a residential property.

@Grand Mal had a good point too, in the distance thing. If you're a half hour from a vet (or the vet is closed for the night), and your dog has just been severely injured, is obviously dying, and is in agony...do you take that half hour ride (or wait until morning)...or expedite matters right then?

I get it. We gotta' do what we've gotta' do. It's an act of love, quite honestly.

I'm glad I have the option of my vet. The pet actually dies in your arms if that's the choice (it's mine). And crazy as it sounds, when they're wracked in pain and have been for a long time - they actually appear peaceful when life leaves them, and it's hard to believe they're gone because they look like they're peacefully sleeping and you're relieved they're finally at peace.

I think I'd find it hard to have to remember the physical trauma inflicted due to a gunshot death. Nope. I'll take euthanasia, thank you.
Something a typical MAGA incel (local examples abound, evidently) will never comprehend:

WE know when it's okay to sexualize someone, because they generally feel much more comfortable around people like us.
That's why early humor mags like National Lampoon and all those underground comix were of a decidedly liberal bent.
Most body shaming comes most often from the right.
They are insecure about their own looks and feel the need to push it over onto someone else, typical bully behavior.

When we perv or horndog, we're open about it. There's even a term for it: SEX POSITIVE...which is also something MAGA's will never witness firsthand.
So what's best about @Opossum is his cluelessness because in reality he is attacking his own.

But the bolded literature was of a time, of an era.

I don't know, but I suspect many younger generation women might through a fit over that today. When was the last time the Fleet Street rags had bare breasts on page 3? It's not 1970 anymore!
Richard Nixon is no doubt the hottest Republican in modern times. You can't get much deeper in hell than Tricky Dick Nixon.

Crazy though that Nixon's side-kick Kissinger was voted the sexiest man alive, or some-such one year!
But the bolded literature was of a time, of an era.

I don't know, but I suspect many younger generation women might through a fit over that today. When was the last time the Fleet Street rags had bare breasts on page 3? It's not 1970 anymore!

I follow the R. Crumb and NatLampCo pages on Facebook and it doesn't seem that way.
Crumb has always been self-effacing to the max, including himself as a twisted sicko and never failing to portray this work as his confessional.
It just so happens that he manages to hit funny bones in doing so.

NatLampCo? I see almost nothing in the way of gripes about content.
Crazy though that Nixon's side-kick Kissinger was voted the sexiest man alive, or some-such one year!

I can't remember if it was Hustler, Playboy or National Lampoon but one of those mags did a cartoon parody of Kissinger right around 1970 or so.
It was an incredible piece of pruriency, replete with Kissinger getting nakey with a voluptuous strumpet.
They were taking the piss on Hank pretty good. 😆
Well...if you already have the firearm, a bullet is probably cheaper, but then you have to handle the aftermath yourself.

$400 may seem like a good deal for many, given those choices.

I do think so.

The whole family - kids & all - can participate, and they can have their hands on the dog to be with him & ease him through. There's no trauma. The dog simply falls asleep. You actually have to be told their gone, because you can't otherwise tell.

Honestly, not only would I not want to have to remember the gunshot physical trauma I did to my dog as my last memory of them, but I would never want my wife & kids to see that.

While I've never seen that type of mercy killing, I suspect the father would take the dog alone to some out-of-sight area away from his family, before committing the final act.
I follow the R. Crumb and NatLampCo pages on Facebook and it doesn't seem that way.
Crumb has always been self-effacing to the max, including himself as a twisted sicko and never failing to portray this work as his confessional.
It just so happens that he manages to hit funny bones in doing so.

NatLampCo? I see almost nothing in the way of gripes about content.

So National Lampoon & The Freak Bros haven't changed? I'm actually surprised.

I guess that's one we got on Fleet Street . . .
I do think so.

The whole family - kids & all - can participate, and they can have their hands on the dog to be with him & ease him through. There's no trauma. The dog simply falls asleep. You actually have to be told their gone, because you can't otherwise tell.

Honestly, not only would I not want to have to remember the gunshot physical trauma I did to my dog as my last memory of them, but I would never want my wife & kids to see that.

While I've never seen that type of mercy killing, I suspect the father would take the dog alone to some out-of-sight area away from his family, before committing the final act.
Is it weird that we're having a discussion about the best way to put a suffering animal to sleep/down in this of all threads?
I'm thinking it's that, plus practical tradition of sorts. I'm sure it's been done that way forever.

Is it also "tradition" to pay someone to kill your pet?
And, you're right. It's against code to bury an animal carcass on a residential property.
I was thinking more of the discharging of a firearm in city limits.

The burying would depend on local ordinance. The small town I used to live in, lots of people buried their pets in a corner of their property. Some put up little tombstones and such. I buried my granddaughters cat in her backyard, after its final ride to the vet. On top the site, she made a little memorial display with brightly colored stones. She was about 8.

I also buried lots of fish carcasses in my wife's garden plot. :)
I get it. We gotta' do what we've gotta' do. It's an act of love, quite honestly.

I'm glad I have the option of my vet. The pet actually dies in your arms if that's the choice (it's mine). And crazy as it sounds, when they're wracked in pain and have been for a long time - they actually appear peaceful when life leaves them, and it's hard to believe they're gone because they look like they're peacefully sleeping and you're relieved they're finally at peace.

I think I'd find it hard to have to remember the physical trauma inflicted due to a gunshot death. Nope. I'll take euthanasia, thank you.

I'm of the opinion that if a dog has been wracked in pain for a long time, something needed done sooner. Whether doing it yourself, asking someone to do it for you, or paying someone to do it for you. But whichever you choose, I believe it's an esthetic choice, and not a moral one.
Is it also "tradition" to pay someone to kill your pet?

Hey, let's not get to excited here. My use of "tradition" wasn't intended as derogatory or incendiary.

It was used in the same manner as "usual" or "customary".

Like I said, I'm sure that's been the customary form of mercy killing for a long time, has it not?

I was thinking more of the discharging of a firearm in city limits.

That's also a good point.

The burying would depend on local ordinance. The small town I used to live in, lots of people buried their pets in a corner of their property. Some put up little tombstones and such. I buried my granddaughters cat in her backyard, after its final ride to the vet. On top the site, she made a little memorial display with brightly colored stones. She was about 8.

I also buried lots of fish carcasses in my wife's garden plot. :)

Hah! My European Grandmother used to do the same in her little city garden here in America! She swore by it! Sardines!

I'm of the opinion that if a dog has been wracked in pain for a long time, something needed done sooner. Whether doing it yourself, asking someone to do it for you, or paying someone to do it for you.

Absolutely. It's an act of love. And, a difficult one at that.

But whichever you choose, I believe it's an esthetic choice, and not a moral one.

Fair enough.
Is it weird that we're having a discussion about the best way to put a suffering animal to sleep/down in this of all threads?

Once a thread starts, no one ever knows where it will go. But, yeah.
Hey, let's not get to excited here. My use of "tradition" wasn't intended as derogatory or incendiary.

It was used in the same manner as "usual" or "customary".

Like I said, I'm sure that's been the customary form of mercy killing for a long time, has it not?

I'm not excited about it. It might be a usual thing in some cases, but then so is paying someone.

I've used both methods. Never shot one of our own dogs though. I would have a great deal of trouble shooting a dog I've grown attached to. Probably to the point of damn near impossibility outside some extreme circumstances. Now, if the neighbors came over and asked if I would put down their dog because they couldn't do it themselves and it needed done immediately? I probably would. In that case, not much different than shooting a deer.
That's also a good point.

Hah! My European Grandmother used to do the same in her little city garden here in America! She swore by it! Sardines!

Absolutely. It's an act of love. And, a difficult one at that.

Fair enough.
Come on' now looking up thread

Why can't we have a thread every now and then where we leave our carnal tribal bullcrap at the door?

Can we just have some fun every once in a while with tongue and cheek?

Lighten up Francis.

Something a typical MAGA incel (local examples abound, evidently) will never comprehend:

WE know when it's okay to sexualize someone, because they generally feel much more comfortable around people like us.
That's why early humor mags like National Lampoon and all those underground comix were of a decidedly liberal bent.

Most body shaming comes most often from the right.
They are insecure about their own looks and feel the need to push it over onto someone else, typical bully behavior.

When we perv or horndog, we're open about it. There's even a term for it: SEX POSITIVE...which is also something MAGA's will never witness firsthand.
So what's best about @Opossum is his cluelessness because in reality he is attacking his own.
Oh, the pious, virtuous, sanctimonious left has spoken. Whats it like having achieved such moral perfection?
Sorry to hear of your loss. Ten years is a long time, but three of mine have made it to that age, including one that went quite a bit further!

Having put quite a few dogs down myself, just wondering - did you consider euthanasia? That's been mine and my family's method (at the vet).
Annie had free run on 21 acres here and she didn't like being in the truck, never mind going to town. I have to drive for half an hour, wait in the ferry line-up and take a half-hour ferry ride to get to the vet.
I just thought it was better for her if I flipped the switch in our yard than if I took her to town and put her on a stainless steel table at the vets.
Interesting. Not wanting to pry, but what was the issue with burial?
I don't know. My wife just didn't like the idea. She's under a giant heap of branches- if we're going by we toss another one or two on the pile.
My last two's remains are still in urns, another in private burial grounds, and yet another still buried on a family plot.
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans thought social media was beneath Presidents, that politicans shouldn't have affairs and that SUBSTANCE was better than that flashy Hollywood like crap.
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans thought social media was beneath Presidents, that politicans shouldn't have affairs and that SUBSTANCE was better than that flashy Hollywood like crap.
I'd purely love to hear William F. Buckley, Jr soliloquize on the GOP today. He could do a half-hour easy, unscripted, without repeating himself.
I'm old enough to remember when Republicans thought social media was beneath Presidents, that politicans shouldn't have affairs and that SUBSTANCE was better than that flashy Hollywood like crap.
It’s the caked on makeup that doesn’t match his skin tone.

The “stuck my face in a bag of Cheetos” look is hot 😂
The pink ears are a dead giveaway. He seems to be using L'Oreal LBO2 hair color.

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