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Who's done Christmas shopping? (1 Viewer)


Oct 17, 2005
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Political Leaning
As I try to avoid any argument about whether I should have titled the thread with the word "Christmas" or "Holiday", please, tell me, are you done with your shopping?

I'm pretty much done, but I'm tinkering with the idea of hooking my parents up with a wireless network kit, or SunRocket voip for the year. Any one you think is better over the other?
Done, but one gift hasn't arrived via UPS yet...I'm crossing my fingers it'll be here by Saturday...

Last year one gift got tied up because O'Hare in Chicago was shut down due to weather...It showed up late...

I'm praying that won't happen again...
cnredd said:
Done, but one gift hasn't arrived via UPS yet...I'm crossing my fingers it'll be here by Saturday...

Last year one gift got tied up because O'Hare in Chicago was shut down due to weather...It showed up late...

I'm praying that won't happen again...
I take it all back!...

Just checked and it was right at my front door...A Phillies jacket for my brother...

So I rephrase...I'm done!...:2wave:
I remember hearing about the delays last year. That sucks. Good luck this year that it doesn't happen.

I'm going to try to enjoy these days off and fortunately I got most of my shopping done. Oh yeah, and I ordered the sunrocket voip service, but it probably will arrive after Christmas. Oh well.

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