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Who would do best against Obama in a debate? (1 Viewer)

Who would do best against Obama in a debate?

  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 12 30.0%
  • Mike Huckabee

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Sarah Palin

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Tim Palwenty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 10 25.0%
  • Haley Barbour

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charlie Crist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bobby Jindal

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Jeb Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 30.0%

  • Total voters
I think it would either be a similarly educated and experienced teleprompter or Mickey Mouse in spite of the fact he voted for him.
Where did I say Newt would? A negative statement as to one person is not an affirmative to all others.

For what it's worth, Newt might do fine in a debate, but he would be a terrible candidate because he's a pretty horrible person. But now that you mention it...

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh yeah, that makes him a holy roller. You just can't confess your total screw up including Newt as some rightwing christian loon. Reaching to prove yourself right. Just confess.
Oh yeah, that makes him a holy roller. You just can't confess your total screw up including Newt as some rightwing christian loon. Reaching to prove yourself right. Just confess.

RightinNYC said:
Where did I say Newt would? A negative statement as to one person is not an affirmative to all others.

Hope that clears things up for you.

And again, the dude wrote a goddamn book about "Rediscovering God in America" and has spoken at Falwell's school twice. That might not make him a "rightwing christian loon," but that means that he's far more involved in the religious culture wars than I like in my candidates.
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None of em could stand a chance against Obama. I do love Huckabee though. He is so sweet:)

Romney is much smarter than Obama. Of course the best debater against Obama is Obama given how many times he has contradicted his earlier promises
Romney is much smarter than Obama. Of course the best debater against Obama is Obama given how many times he has contradicted his earlier promises

Then why didn't Romney get the GOP nomination?
I think it would either be a similarly educated and experienced teleprompter or Mickey Mouse in spite of the fact he voted for him.

Hey, Obama beat McCain in all three debates without a teleprompter.
He's not a horrible person because of that, he's a horrible person because of the **** with his wife and his ethical issues. I was just citing that to rebut American's claim that Newt avoids the religious culture wars.

I don't think it makes him a horrible person. It just turns me off from him as a political candidate. I respect religious folk but if you make it part of your public image then I associate that with social conservatism, which is NOT something I really identify with as a matter of policy.

I want to support Newt and I think he would make a decent (not great) President but he needs to stick to economics, law, and foreign policy because I have no interest in his religious perspective or how it should inform upon government.

That's why I said "Bad Newt!".
That's because McCain really was quite a good candidate who had almost no shot of winning due to the political climate. If he had won the primary in 2000, I don't doubt that he would have tromped Gore worse than Bush did.

I agree. I regret not supporting him. Sure, he wasn't what I really wanted but he was a FAR superior candidate than Obama.
Why no "all of the above?"
Why no "all of the above?"

What makes you think Obama would be such a push-over? He handled himself pretty well last election cycle. And because the question was "who would do best". They can't all be best.
What makes you think Obama would be such a push-over? He handled himself pretty well last election cycle. And because the question was "who would do best". They can't all be best.

Don't care. He is an empty suit.
Then why didn't Romney get the GOP nomination?

so you think the best candidate gets the nomination? that hasn't happened in years. Bush wasn't the best in 2000 and McCain and Obama were not in 2008.

Other republicans didn't like Romney-he had everthing. HE is the best educated (valedictorian at BYU-he had a 4 point at Stanford and after his mission and marriage he transferred to BYU) top of his class at Harvard B school, cum laude at the law school. Hyper-successful businessman and well regarded Olympic games chairman. the less educated, uglier republicans thought he was arrogant and gang-banged him just as the dems did to Hillary.

But Romney dropped out when his own internal polling data showed that lots of the brain dead bible thumping morons who make up a sizeable slice of the GOP primary voters wouldn't vote for him because he is a Mormon

somehow people who believe that a guy who got the everloving tar beat out of him, was hung on a cross for three days and then skewered from side to side with a lance was able to rise from the dead found it UNBELIEVABLE that some angel gave some guy named joseph smith the goods concerning some golden tablets:doh
Mitt Romney never struck me as an especially effective debater. I lol'd when McCain agreed that he was the "candidate of change." :rofl
so you think the best candidate gets the nomination? that hasn't happened in years. Bush wasn't the best in 2000 and McCain and Obama were not in 2008.

Other republicans didn't like Romney-he had everthing. HE is the best educated (valedictorian at BYU-he had a 4 point at Stanford and after his mission and marriage he transferred to BYU) top of his class at Harvard B school, cum laude at the law school. Hyper-successful businessman and well regarded Olympic games chairman. the less educated, uglier republicans thought he was arrogant and gang-banged him just as the dems did to Hillary.

I don't think the best candidate gets the nomination. That's something the GOP needs to examine.

I don't think Hillary would have done anything different than Obama so far. Of course, the jury is still out on that one.
But Romney dropped out when his own internal polling data showed that lots of the brain dead bible thumping morons who make up a sizeable slice of the GOP primary voters wouldn't vote for him because he is a Mormon

somehow people who believe that a guy who got the everloving tar beat out of him, was hung on a cross for three days and then skewered from side to side with a lance was able to rise from the dead found it UNBELIEVABLE that some angel gave some guy named joseph smith the goods concerning some golden tablets:doh

So when did you become a liberal? :mrgreen:
so you think the best candidate gets the nomination? that hasn't happened in years. Bush wasn't the best in 2000 and McCain and Obama were not in 2008.

Other republicans didn't like Romney-he had everthing. HE is the best educated (valedictorian at BYU-he had a 4 point at Stanford and after his mission and marriage he transferred to BYU) top of his class at Harvard B school, cum laude at the law school. Hyper-successful businessman and well regarded Olympic games chairman. the less educated, uglier republicans thought he was arrogant and gang-banged him just as the dems did to Hillary.

But Romney dropped out when his own internal polling data showed that lots of the brain dead bible thumping morons who make up a sizeable slice of the GOP primary voters wouldn't vote for him because he is a Mormon

somehow people who believe that a guy who got the everloving tar beat out of him, was hung on a cross for three days and then skewered from side to side with a lance was able to rise from the dead found it UNBELIEVABLE that some angel gave some guy named joseph smith the goods concerning some golden tablets:doh

I find "he was too perfect a candidate" to be less than convincing.

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