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Who said this? (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2021
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No cheating. Put down your best guess as to who the speaker was and to whom he was speaking too;

“Mr. President,” I said, “the reason you are in this position is that, instead of having a crackerjack legal team that had its shit together from day one, you wheeled out a clown show, and no quality lawyers who would otherwise be willing to help will get anywhere near it.”
AG Barr I believe.
Didn't cheat either.....

Just a serious news junkie with a good memory This was all over the news just a while ago....
No cheating. Put down your best guess as to who the speaker was and to whom he was speaking too;

“Mr. President,” I said, “the reason you are in this position is that, instead of having a crackerjack legal team that had its shit together from day one, you wheeled out a clown show, and no quality lawyers who would otherwise be willing to help will get anywhere near it.”
Trump would have done well to take a little more legal advice from his AG. However, his bigger problem was in not being able to tune out the left media BS and leave it in the hands of a proper legal team to fight and he stay out of it. Same with the election, get great election lawyers and keep your mouth shut, come back to fight another day. I will say that the dirty tricks the democrats ran on him did disrupt any normalcy we might have expected in how Trump responded.
I still believe Trump will be the nominee in 2024 unless something big changes. Biden is not going to be a second term President, he has been a sh--show and he can deny being the one to blame but that's BS.
Trump would have done well to take a little more legal advice from his AG. However, his bigger problem was in not being able to tune out the left media BS and leave it in the hands of a proper legal team to fight and he stay out of it. Same with the election, get great election lawyers and keep your mouth shut, come back to fight another day. I will say that the dirty tricks the democrats ran on him did disrupt any normalcy we might have expected in how Trump responded.
I still believe Trump will be the nominee in 2024 unless something big changes. Biden is not going to be a second term President, he has been a sh--show and he can deny being the one to blame but that's BS.
We were fortunate, that Trump used clowns.

And that the Judiciary ruled for truth.

A test of the system, but I don't want to see any more tests, I want to see DeSantis-Biden.

No more time for tests, we'll be bankrupt and resources will begin to dwindle.

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