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Who made America great, Socialists or Capitalists? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Since Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried--the answer to that question becomes rather obvious. If you need me to list the differences between the two as they apply to American history, then just ask.
ptsdkid said:
Since Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried--the answer to that question becomes rather obvious. If you need me to list the differences between the two as they apply to American history, then just ask.

Its unfair to say socialism has failed everywhere. Socialisms given me free healthcare, the right to be join a trade union once im 18, benefits that keep my family from being homeless, and a realativly cheap way to get an education for starters.
ptsdkid said:
Since Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried--the answer to that question becomes rather obvious. If you need me to list the differences between the two as they apply to American history, then just ask.

True... pure capitalism would fail too. its a combination of government intervention and free markets that has really worked in america nad around the world.
America is great if you got money. For everyone else it is no better then any other first world nation on this planet.

Savages gave America all its power, because they killed everyone for America, and enslaved everyone else.

Some of them were capitalists, some of them were racists, some of them were just idiots in persuit of happieness, and some of them were what you'd call a fascist but they never called themselves that.
The pursuit of happiness used in our Declaration of Independence does not mean what we think of today as happiness, but instead, this happiness was really financial success.
Red_Dave said:
Its unfair to say socialism has failed everywhere. Socialisms given me free healthcare, the right to be join a trade union once im 18, benefits that keep my family from being homeless, and a realativly cheap way to get an education for starters.

Your health care isn't "free." Nothing in this world is free. Others, along with yourself are also paying for that healthcare one way or another either through taxation or hidden costs. I personally think both the capitalists and the socialists have made America a great country. However, I myself have capitalist convictions even though I came from a lower middle class family. I believe that anybody has the ability to rise from poverty to riches with the right attitude in the American economic system. My aunt did that. She rose from rags to riches and it was tough at times for her, but she did it with the right attitude.

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