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Who killed JonBenet Ramsey? (1 Viewer)

They aren't supposed experts.

Dr. Henry Lee -- forensic scientist
Jim Fitzgerald - forensic linguist
James Kolar - investigator for Boulder D.A.
Stan Burke - statement analyst
Dr. Werner Spitz - forensic pathologist
Jim Clemente - retired FBI profiler
Laura Richards - former Scotland Yard behavior analyst

We'll never really know who did it, but they brought up some excellent points. There is no way that someone came through that basement window that night without disturbing the spiderwebs in the corner of the window. Someone in the house had to have done it.

They can make all the points they want but experts can and have been wrong. I didnt watch the show so did they explain why she was strangled in addition to the flashlight theory?
And right there is the reason so many think she's guilty. Right? Re THAT, I think people who do that are nut jobs. And the parent that stands back and watches it happen is negligent. Ought to be illegal child abuse, IMO.

It certainly makes me suspicious of her. And when I throw in the other weird stuff: like the letter and the evidence that Jonbennet had the midnight snack...I figure mom is the one who had the opportunity. Motive? Who the hell knows? Means? Oh yeah. She had that.
My money's on a pedophile who toured their home a few days before the murder on a Christmas walk and either hid in the house or broke in thru the basement window. What authorities put this family through ought to be a crime.

My opinion is based on unknown male DNA in her panties, the waistband of her longjohns and under her fingernails...all matching. WHICH!! the top cop said probably belonged to a factory worker in China. REALLY.??

Then why hasn't the DNA been matched to the pedophile?
They can make all the points they want but experts can and have been wrong. I didnt watch the show so did they explain why she was strangled in addition to the flashlight theory?

I missed some parts of it, but probably to make it look like a violent child-killer did it? Who knows. I just know that the basement window demonstration sold me --- NO ONE came in or out through that window. There's no way they could've and still left the spiderweb intact at the side.

I agree with you --- they can be wrong. When the investigation was botched from the beginning, you're not going to get your answer. I think they did an excellent job (although sensationalized a bit) going through all the evidence and coming to their conclusion.
We don't have everyone's DNA.

But we would have a pedophile's DNA. Also, didn't they try to find the DNA match among the Ramsey's acquaintances?
But we would have a pedophile's DNA. Also, didn't they try to find the DNA match among the Ramsey's acquaintances?

We would have a pedophile's DNA if he were arrested since the time we started collecting it.
We would have a pedophile's DNA if he were arrested since the time we started collecting it.

Who was he? Let's find out if they tried to match his DNA.
I agree. The parents had to know something whether one of them accidentally killed her or her brother killed her.

I always thought the mother accidentally killed her and then tried to make it look like a sex predator /break in. I never followed closely so I could be totally off base yet it was instinct.

It really seemed odd the entire pageant bs and putting pressures on little kids to be little corporate hyper consumerism beauty queens. I see they same thing with sports - I heard fathers berating little boys as young as 7 for having a good "game".

What some parents do to their kids!

Oh … The mother seemed off the rails. The father seemed somewhat normal yet distant - probably thought since it was accidental he did not want to see his wife in prison as she already had a poor prognosis with her cancer.
It certainly makes me suspicious of her. And when I throw in the other weird stuff: like the letter and the evidence that Jonbennet had the midnight snack...I figure mom is the one who had the opportunity. Motive? Who the hell knows? Means? Oh yeah. She had that.

Wasn't the mom a failed beauty queen and here is her beautiful daughter succeeding? Not all moms feel pride when living their dreams through their children. I can't be for sure who did it but there's an awful lot of suspicious circumstances, the way the family acted, and of course the strange ransom note.
Wasn't the mom a failed beauty queen and here is her beautiful daughter succeeding? Not all moms feel pride when living their dreams through their children. I can't be for sure who did it but there's an awful lot of suspicious circumstances, the way the family acted, and of course the strange ransom note.

This entire case makes my brain hurt.
I actually think we should...

I'm waiting for DNA profiling to become more widespread and accurate: read someone's code and know race, height, eye and hair color, body features, etc...heh, we may even narrow it down to if they are bald or not.
I always thought the mother accidentally killed her and then tried to make it look like a sex predator /break in. I never followed closely so I could be totally off base yet it was instinct.

It really seemed odd the entire pageant bs and putting pressures on little kids to be little corporate hyper consumerism beauty queens. I see they same thing with sports - I heard fathers berating little boys as young as 7 for having a good "game".

What some parents do to their kids!

I do not think mom did it,, but if she did.. she got hers

Can't really see dad doing it..

The son,, could have been majorly jealous of his sister, Probably pushed aside by parents on occasion, could he have done it.. possible a motive.. but only 9 at the time.. seemed like a mature person performed this murder( the style and way it was done)

Now could the parents have covered it up?

I do not think mom did it,, but if she did.. she got hers

Can't really see dad doing it..

The son,, could have been majorly jealous of his sister, Probably pushed aside by parents on occasion, could he have done it.. possible a motive.. but only 9 at the time.. seemed like a mature person performed this murder( the style and way it was done)

Now could the parents have covered it up?


I guess I missed the part in the documentary about them finding Burke's feces spread on the walls of JonBenet's bedroom and on her Christmas presents. That's....................... disturbing.
I guess I missed the part in the documentary about them finding Burke's feces spread on the walls of JonBenet's bedroom and on her Christmas presents. That's....................... disturbing.


Now that totally is something I never heard before.

Now that totally is something I never heard before.

It was part of the CBS documentary -- I missed parts of it, so that's one part I missed.

Now that totally is something I never heard before.

Feces on a box of chocolates, if memory serves.

I watched only part of the first night of the "48 Hours" style "documentary" but didn't hear that on the program.
Feces on a box of chocolates, if memory serves.

I watched only part of the first night of the "48 Hours" style "documentary" but didn't hear that on the program.

Given the bold, I'm glad I missed it.
Haven't read the thread so I apologize if I repeat anything.

My first impression when the story first aired was that it was an accidental death within the family. The first public interviews with the parents looked really torn. Normally when someone is guilty they come across as being one way, or if they're innocent it's the other. They were giving mixed messages.

Then I found out she had a brother, and thought "Aha". How messed up must that be, when the parents have to cover up the accidental homicide of one child by another.

What I don't get is how the parents could lie or fabricate an entire crime scene without the police figuring it out. To me that whole part reeks of conspiracy, not incompetence. Somebody got paid off.
Well... the mystery of Jacob Wetterling was recently solved and maybe there are a few lessons from that which may be applicable here.

After the Wetterling investigation went "cold" the rumor mill started churning. Theories began to float about how it was the father. Then it was a pedophile priest from a nearby Catholic University. Then it was the occupant of the property in which he was abducted from. The stories flew and the conspiracy theories grew for 25 years... until about a year ago when investigators armed with a search warrant entered the home of Danny Heinrich. A man who they had questioned about the abduction 3 months after it happened but could not arrest due to lack of evidence. Evidence which would not surface for another 25 years.

What happened to JonBenet Ramsey? Don't know but a lot of people are going to be owed an apology if we ever find out.
I think that the way Burke Ramsey is being tried in the court of public opinion is awful. And I don't think CBS gives a damn about justice for JonBenet, only about ratings.
Well... the mystery of Jacob Wetterling was recently solved and maybe there are a few lessons from that which may be applicable here.

After the Wetterling investigation went "cold" the rumor mill started churning. Theories began to float about how it was the father. Then it was a pedophile priest from a nearby Catholic University. Then it was the occupant of the property in which he was abducted from. The stories flew and the conspiracy theories grew for 25 years... until about a year ago when investigators armed with a search warrant entered the home of Danny Heinrich. A man who they had questioned about the abduction 3 months after it happened but could not arrest due to lack of evidence. Evidence which would not surface for another 25 years.

What happened to JonBenet Ramsey? Don't know but a lot of people are going to be owed an apology if we ever find out.

It does get ugly. And, it's made worse when the information available to the public targets certain people while ignoring other suspects. Not sure what we can do about that though.

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