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Who is funding CAIR in America? Tides Foundation, George Soros... and ... ??? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 9, 2012
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New Mexico
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
At this juncture, there is little doubt that CAIR is a front group for Radical Islamic Terrorism and their agents in America.

So many of the top leadership of CAIR has been arrested and sentenced to lengthy prison sentences and/or deported for terrorism, that an entire new generation of Cair Leadership had to be recruited.

CAIR leader convicted on terror charges

New Ad: 'CAIR Leaders Convicted of Jihad Terror-Related Crimes' | Truth Revolt

CAIR and terrorism - Washington Times

THREATS AND RESPONSES: THE MONEY TRAIL; 5 Brothers Charged With Aiding Hamas - The New York Times

CAIR Pedophile Sentenced to Two Years in Prison | Frontpage Mag

CAIRbusted 071807.jpg gelashi.jpg C4geAAlVUAEKQ9-.jpg

But who in America is giving CAIR the funds to operate on such a large scale?

Well, It is familiar names in Leftie Actitivism: Tides Foundation, George Soros, Epstien, Clintons, “The Holy Land Foundation" HLF and the Kerry's.






And the money flows the other direction, as well, from CAIR, and Foreign Islamic Interests, in American Political Campaigns!




Talk about collusion with Foreign Hostile Groups! Forget the damn Russians! Look at who in American Politics is taking money from Ilsamic Terror Groups!

Questions for Debate:

Well, Isn't it illegal to fund Islamic Terrorism in America?

Why hasn't the DOJ/FBI, in all of its zeal to find Foreign Russian Collusion, at least looked at the open funding, by U.S. Leftie Organizations, and their illegal funding of CAIR?

Shouldn't we appoint several Special Prosecuters to address the issue of Islamic Terror Funds going to and from American Politicians?

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CAIR ought to be treated like any violent organization. They're a scourge on our society.
CAIR ought to be treated like any violent organization. They're a scourge on our society.

If they were treated like any other violent organization, like the neo-nazis who threaten and then commit violence... then they would be designated a Terrorist Organization, and those to donate to them, or accept funds from them, would also be charged with crimes.

But they're not be treated the same.

There is a wealth of strong evidence against Huma Abdine, Hillary, CAIR officials, and Foreign Saudi Oil-Money Interests, that significant pay for play and money for intel/info occured. Much, much more evidence, than anything linking Russia and Trump!

Yet... Nada.

NRA members commit crimes too.
That's the best counter argument you have.... I'm sorry... that's... rather... Pathetic.


It's the same argument you're making.

Some CAIR member was arrested for some pedophilia thing. This has also happened to catholic priests, NRA members, journalists, cops, janitors, etc. But nobody is coming up with some grand conspiracy involving those people.

Your argument here is some Jewish boogeyman is secretly funding Islamic terrorism to destroy the system that made him just stupidly rich, because that ****in makes sense?
Why hasn't the DOJ/FBI, in all of its zeal to find Foreign Russian Collusion, at least looked at the open funding, by U.S. Leftie Organizations, and their illegal funding of CAIR?

Shouldn't we appoint several Special Prosecuters to address the issue of Islamic Terror Funds going to and from American Politicians?


I've said it before. The two groups everyday normal Americans must watch are the left and terror groups. Both despise the US and want nothing more than to see it destroyed. They are allied in this goal and use each other to further their goals.
I've said it before. The two groups everyday normal Americans must watch are the left and terror groups. Both despise the US and want nothing more than to see it destroyed. They are allied in this goal and use each other to further their goals.

I feel very sorry for you. I'm sorry your right-wing media circles have spun you around so hard that you can't see straight any more, that you see fellow Americans with a different political philosophy as your enemy. But that's all you'll get from me. Some pity. Because you're beyond help. You've gotten so far from reality that you think comic books describe real motivations of real villains. Five year olds think this also.

Listen. Universal healthcare and a 3% hike on the top marginal tax bracket aren't going to destroy you, or this country. You'll never see that written on Breitbart, so you'll never believe it.
I feel very sorry for you. I'm sorry your right-wing media circles have spun you around so hard that you can't see straight any more, that you see fellow Americans with a different political philosophy as your enemy. But that's all you'll get from me. Some pity. Because you're beyond help. You've gotten so far from reality that you think comic books describe real motivations of real villains. Five year olds think this also.

Listen. Universal healthcare and a 3% hike on the top marginal tax bracket aren't going to destroy you, or this country. You'll never see that written on Breitbart, so you'll never believe it.


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