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Who does this represent best? (1 Viewer)

Who does this best represent?

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Who does this represent best?

Now that's a presidential candidate I can get behind.

Candidate for President!!!
Now that's a presidential candidate I can get behind.

Candidate for President!!!

I was laughing my ass off as it is so damned accurate.
That's awesome! :lamo
Honestly? Just about every candidate who has run for office in the last 50 years, except maybe Trump. And that's because he hasn't spent any money on them...yet.
Was there supposed to be a video, image or gif in the OP?
Whoever it is lots of Americans would support that person.
Whoever it is lots of Americans would support that person.

I wouldn't. He didn't use stock footage of a guy holding a paint brush, so screw that guy.
Jeb Bush, hands down.

Also, Kudos for TC - hilarious video.
Absolutely brilliant. All we have left to do is plugging in our preferred horse and the race is on, cycle after cycle.
I would have liked to see a rendition of dodging sniper fire, but the thunderstorm was a good alternative
That was hilarious!

It was indeed. Had to post a poll with it just to see who people thought it reflects best. HRC in my opinion wins hands down.
Hard Choice between Kasich and Clinton.
Hard Choice between Kasich and Clinton.

Actually, I think the only candidate that didn't follow the predictable set pf parameters in the video is Sanders.

I don't like the ideas of socialism he has, but I will vote for Trump if it's Hillary vs. Trump. However, I will have a hard choice if it's Sanders vs. Trump. Even though I disagree with the man, I have respect for him more than any other viable candidate. If it comes to Trump vs. Sanders, I will pay close attention to the elections, and will probably vote for Sanders, which is outside my normal right leaning... Unless things change.
Hard Choice between Kasich and Clinton.
How can that be hard?

Hillary has no executive experience, and totally F'd up with Libya.

If that is your choices, may i suggest Kasich?
How can that be hard?

Hillary has no executive experience, and totally F'd up with Libya.

If that is your choices, may i suggest Kasich?

I mean as far as "who best represents the video". Both are running "Let's Run to Run because America" campaigns.
I mean as far as "who best represents the video". Both are running "Let's Run to Run because America" campaigns.

The video shows what all candidates do. We all have a bias as to who pulls what heartstrings more, but they all follow what the video has portrayed, except maybe Sanders.

Yer after year, same 'ol horse pucky by all the candidates. A wise voter sees through all that BS.
The video shows what all candidates do. We all have a bias as to who pulls what heartstrings more, but they all follow what the video has portrayed, except maybe Sanders.

Yer after year, same 'ol horse pucky by all the candidates. A wise voter sees through all that BS.
that said something about the percentage of voters who are wise, doesn't it?

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