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Who destroyed businesses in the USA, it certainly was not liberals (1 Viewer)

privatization schemes, mostly. we can't afford to pay you your deferred income, so hang on while we let others skim off of the top.
And it's just Republicans doing this?
Not who...what? Greed...
The current state of business in America, the wealth disparity, income inequalities, manufacturing overseas, ect was not caused by the right or the left. It was caused by Americans. It was caused by consumers. It was caused by each and every American.

Businesses don't make decisions. Consumers do. Businesses do what consumers demand. McMillon/Waltons don't really make the decisions that drive Walmart. Steve Jobs and Tim Cook didn't/don't make the decisions for Apple. Consumers do. The CEO's and heads of companies simply react to consumer demands. Jobs move overseas because consumers demand that jobs move overseas. Manufacturing moves when consumers demand they move. The "1%ers" exist because consumers decided to make them exist.

This specific problem is not driven by a political party.
You make a lot of sense. Businesses are at the mercy of the consumers. Not matter how smart the CEO is or how demanding the shareholders are if a company doesn't put a product people want and are willing to pay for, the company fails.
And it's just Republicans doing this?

in my state, it's the Republican supermajority. they haven't completely succeeded so far.
Union dues won them unemployment.

Well played.

Corporate Greed and the Exaggerated Promotion of Degree of Respect for Labor... and if you understood the link, you'd have understanding if you'd gathered enough to research it for yourself.
Graduate came out of school and expected their 4 yrs campus party to given them top pay, they resented that Union Scale earned more than they did after the professors filled their head with delusions that they were more important than labor. You would have had to work in a industry with and around these degree riders to know it, and know how much they resented Union Labor earning more than they did on entry level jobs. Those same degree riders over time became executives and they were determined to change the paradigm.

Sad as it is to say, but white people, especially Right Wing Republicans have been groomed to buy into anything the wealthy tell them, because for 100's of years they have had a vain hope that the wealth would look out for them and one day help them. That's not going to happen. it was the wealthy who coined the phrase "poor whites", and they are not about to take that phrase back !!!!!! They plan to ensure the gap between poor whites and themselves is so wide that it can never be bridged or crossed. Sadly, many white people fail to understand that even after 100's of yrs... Black people knew that point and fact way back in the days of slavery, because they were in the house with the wealthy and hear and watched them plot and plan and construt the system of dominance and control and containment... Poor whites are the only ones that remain blind to it.

They will learn soon enough, when Trump cuts their food stamps and have dumb butt over HUD to cut program and housing assistance, and Republican Governors continue building systems that work against the working poor to ensure to serve the agenda of the wealthy.... Right this very day, white people rely on public services at a rate more than 7:1 in some areas of the country. Republican fought against public assistance for people during the crash that republican policy created, and they were willing to let people starve, and they had no concern to push for a stop to the foreclosure crisis. The next time they launch the all out attack, those who cater to them will have no choice but to see and know they were fleeced, and they can't blame minorities or immigrants.
Mainly the teachers unions
Corporate Greed and the Exaggerated Promotion of Degree of Respect for Labor... and if you understood the link, you'd have understanding if you'd gathered enough to research it for yourself.
Graduate came out of school and expected their 4 yrs campus party to given them top pay, they resented that Union Scale earned more than they did after the professors filled their head with delusions that they were more important than labor. You would have had to work in a industry with and around these degree riders to know it, and know how much they resented Union Labor earning more than they did on entry level jobs. Those same degree riders over time became executives and they were determined to change the paradigm.

Sad as it is to say, but white people, especially Right Wing Republicans have been groomed to buy into anything the wealthy tell them, because for 100's of years they have had a vain hope that the wealth would look out for them and one day help them. That's not going to happen. it was the wealthy who coined the phrase "poor whites", and they are not about to take that phrase back !!!!!! They plan to ensure the gap between poor whites and themselves is so wide that it can never be bridged or crossed. Sadly, many white people fail to understand that even after 100's of yrs... Black people knew that point and fact way back in the days of slavery, because they were in the house with the wealthy and hear and watched them plot and plan and construt the system of dominance and control and containment... Poor whites are the only ones that remain blind to it.

They will learn soon enough, when Trump cuts their food stamps and have dumb butt over HUD to cut program and housing assistance, and Republican Governors continue building systems that work against the working poor to ensure to serve the agenda of the wealthy.... Right this very day, white people rely on public services at a rate more than 7:1 in some areas of the country. Republican fought against public assistance for people during the crash that republican policy created, and they were willing to let people starve, and they had no concern to push for a stop to the foreclosure crisis. The next time they launch the all out attack, those who cater to them will have no choice but to see and know they were fleeced, and they can't blame minorities or immigrants.
Sorry but thats just crap. When the unions priced the American worker out of the market, the US maufactureres went elsewhere. Funny thing is...while US manufacturers were leaving BECAUSE of the unions, foreign manufacturers were bulding new plants empl,oying non union workers, paying them a fair wage, and thriving.

Funny how that works.

But for all your ranting about Corporations its still lost on you that none of the commie/socialist scumbags or Union organizations you worship have ever bothered to open Commie Socialist Motors and built factories and provided union jobs. You, like everyone else winge and whine and then bite the hand that feeds you and then whine again when they learn their lesson and pull up stakes and move. You only have yourself and the unions to blame for your misery.
Sorry but thats just crap. When the unions priced the American worker out of the market, the US maufactureres went elsewhere. Funny thing is...while US manufacturers were leaving BECAUSE of the unions, foreign manufacturers were bulding new plants empl,oying non union workers, paying them a fair wage, and thriving.

Funny how that works.

But for all your ranting about Corporations its still lost on you that none of the commie/socialist scumbags or Union organizations you worship have ever bothered to open Commie Socialist Motors and built factories and provided union jobs. You, like everyone else winge and whine and then bite the hand that feeds you and then whine again when they learn their lesson and pull up stakes and move. You only have yourself and the unions to blame for your misery.

This comment by you, tells more about you than anything...(commie/socialist scumbags)

It's a fact that you have no idea what the words and meaning of the Declaration of Independence and certainly a void of even a remote concept of what the purpose and why the values stated in The Preamble represent for a Democratic Nation to be the Democracy it is; and you definitely have no concept of what is the duties laid out in The Constitution.
You certainly don't ,know anything about what has built this nation and when it was damaged what has brought down so much of industry and damaged so many cities and states.

You evidently think its all about "you"... left to the mentality concepts that you spew... America would still be a vast wilderness and driven to create the serfdom that many peoples ancestry came from. We'd be a nations of savagery, with every one trying to hoard, covet and dominate over anything and everything to appease their vanity and self consumption.

Every society is built of a form of socialistic design, and every society has principles of communal development... but if one has any study in sociology, that would be common knowledge. Civics would also have taught one what the meaning of a Republic System of Representative Governance is, and one would have learned that in a Democracy governed by Representatives, Regulatory Governance is necessary and core to the advancement of the principles that support a Democracy.

You'd also know that Freedom within American Democracy is governed by a Republic form of Representative Governance, within which, one person gets One Vote, and Majority Rules.
That Majority represents a socialistic commonest among people, and supports the values in the communal design and systems of State, County, City and Communities.
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This comment by you, tells more about you than anything...(commie/socialist scumbags)

It's a fact that you have no idea what the words and meaning of the Declaration of Independence and certainly a void of even a remote concept of what the purpose and why the values stated in The Preamble represent for a Democratic Nation to be the Democracy it is; and you definitely have no concept of what is the duties laid out in The Constitution.
You certainly don't ,know anything about what has built this nation and when it was damaged what has brought down so much of industry and damaged so many cities and states.

You evidently think its all about "you"... left to the mentality concepts that you spew... America would still be a vast wilderness and driven to create the serfdom that many peoples ancestry came from. We'd be a nations of savagery, with every one trying to hoard, covet and dominate over anything and everything to appease their vanity and self consumption.

Every society is built of a form of socialistic design, and every society has principles of communal development... but if one has any study in sociology, that would be common knowledge. Civics would also have taught one what the meaning of a Republic System of Representative Governance is, and one would have learned that in a Democracy governed by Representatives, Regulatory Governance is necessary and core to the advancement of the principles that support a Democracy.

You'd also know that Freedom within American Democracy is governed by a Republic form of Representative Governance, within which, one person gets One Vote, and Majority Rules.
That Majority represents a socialistic commonest among people, and supports the values in the communal design and systems of State, County, City and Communities.

In 20 yrs...or so... mostly all those born within the segregationist era ideology will have passed on, and in 35-40 yrs, that first generation of their offsprings will have passed on.... and with them the Confederacy Ideology will be pushed further into oblivion. Also, in 20 yrs the Reagan Era babies will have reached their late 60 and early 70's, the younger generation will have gained power and position and they will promote the positive change to support and promote a multi cultural society. .... Trump is trying to breed a whole new generation, but knowledge, information and technology will over-ride the vile and malice he seeks to instill in the younger members who engage his belligerent fest.

Time, is an amazing fact..... it wipes away the old and makes way for the new.
Respectfully disagree.
The entire Walton family, especially their father, Sam Walton, are and always were lifelong Republicans and talked of conservative values ever since the first Walmart was opened in the 1950's. The difference is in the KIND of conservative then and now.
Sam believed domestic manufacturing was the key to his success.
The very second the old man was in the ground, his children reversed that belief and in the blink of an eye 85 to 90% of all goods in Walmarts were Chinese made.

The decision was made because it was what consumer demanded. The further you go back in time in America the more you will find people who demanded American made products. The more American made products that are in demand the more American manufacturing you'll find in America. Sam Walton lived in a different era. I don't know the man but I'd bet if he were alive today he would have made the same decision. Consumers demand overseas goods. If Walmart decided they were going to sell 90% American made goods, true American made goods, Walmart likely wouldn't be in business and if they were they certainly wouldn't be the powerhouse they are today.

A shirt made in America is going to cost more due to regulations and labor costs. It simply is. I'm not saying regulations and livable wages are wrong - I am saying it is reality. Places in Asia make them cheaper. So a company can sell a $20 shirt and make $10 in profit per shirt or they can sell a $40 shirt and make $5 in profit. (using round numbers for simplicity). You will sell 1,000,000 $20 shirts. The $40 shirt will sell 100,000. Half a million in profits vs 10 million. The purpose of the business is to make money. The choice there is easy. When consumers stop buying the $20 shirts - and demand the $40 shirts is when you'll see companies changing their position. Not before. Business will bend to consumer demand and by extension - consumers are in control.
Decades of complacency and greed, both parties.
This is incorrect, at least in my experience, which is considerable and relevant. Business managers and owners have learned ways to dictate what consumers do, at least statistically speaking.

For example, manufacturers began moving automobile manufacturing overseas at a non-negligible rate in the 1970s, and sold it as something that would be good for consumers, since it was (at the time) only a few jobs, and the lower labor costs would drive down the price of automobiles for all. But that's not what happened. When the lower labor costs were reaped, the big three actually raised the retail price of automobiles slightly, while taking the profits for themselves and the company owners. But, of course, in American cities, and thanks to lots of auto-industry lobbying, you need a car to get around, and so those economic elites could count on receiving slightly more of each American family's yearly budget, plus paying lower labor costs, all for the low-low price of having also weakened the U.S. economy.

Of course, the story is more complex still, as the decline of the U.S. auto industry was largely precipitated by moving jobs overseas and dismantling geographically concentrated chains of production (which model still obtains for Japanese and European automakers). But those decisions were taken by managers of the Big Three as a means of minimizing worker power in the face of increasing unionization.

I think you'll have a hard time explaining how consumers in the 1970s were demanding the same cars at slightly increased prices, while also demanding that jobs leaves these shores. Obviously, U.S. consumers demanded no such thing.

Liberals systematically all but obliterated the American automobile industry, destroying entire communities in the process. The same for steel manufacturing and most other heavy industry.
The current state of business in America, the wealth disparity, income inequalities, manufacturing overseas, ect was not caused by the right or the left. It was caused by Americans. It was caused by consumers. It was caused by each and every American.

Businesses don't make decisions. Consumers do. Businesses do what consumers demand. McMillon/Waltons don't really make the decisions that drive Walmart. Steve Jobs and Tim Cook didn't/don't make the decisions for Apple. Consumers do. The CEO's and heads of companies simply react to consumer demands. Jobs move overseas because consumers demand that jobs move overseas. Manufacturing moves when consumers demand they move. The "1%ers" exist because consumers decided to make them exist.

This specific problem is not driven by a political party.

No, sir. You don't get to blame that on the American consumer.

Yes, a consumer will pay what he believes is a fair price for a given good or service but there's also this thing called competition that can either balance the scales, tip a particular good or service in the consumer's favor depending on both availability, or push the price way up in the case of scarcity.

You don't get to blame the consumer for wanting to pay less for consumer goods or services especially in a "FREE MARKET" where volume buys tend to set acceptable price points despite retail price market-ups. Consumer demand did not force manufacturing jobs to relocate abroad. Corporations made that decision on their own first and foremost to avoid paying their employees higher competitive wages, then to avoid paying for employee benefits, i.e., insurance or retirement (pension) plans followed closely by not adhering to the traditional 40-hour work week. Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, the cost of labor not the cost of material good was the primary incentive (behind generous tax breaks) that allowed America jobs to be outsources abroad.
This comment by you, tells more about you than anything...(commie/socialist scumbags)

It's a fact that you have no idea what the words and meaning of the Declaration of Independence and certainly a void of even a remote concept of what the purpose and why the values stated in The Preamble represent for a Democratic Nation to be the Democracy it is; and you definitely have no concept of what is the duties laid out in The Constitution.
You certainly don't ,know anything about what has built this nation and when it was damaged what has brought down so much of industry and damaged so many cities and states.

You evidently think its all about "you"... left to the mentality concepts that you spew... America would still be a vast wilderness and driven to create the serfdom that many peoples ancestry came from. We'd be a nations of savagery, with every one trying to hoard, covet and dominate over anything and everything to appease their vanity and self consumption.

Every society is built of a form of socialistic design, and every society has principles of communal development... but if one has any study in sociology, that would be common knowledge. Civics would also have taught one what the meaning of a Republic System of Representative Governance is, and one would have learned that in a Democracy governed by Representatives, Regulatory Governance is necessary and core to the advancement of the principles that support a Democracy.

You'd also know that Freedom within American Democracy is governed by a Republic form of Representative Governance, within which, one person gets One Vote, and Majority Rules.
That Majority represents a socialistic commonest among people, and supports the values in the communal design and systems of State, County, City and Communities.
What that comment very rightly says is that there are and have always been in this country people committed to building...and there have also been people committed to sucking off the work of others. Im not talking about employees committed earning a fair wage...I'm talking about the unions that leech off the successful and suck them til they eventually shut down or leave. Its ALWAYS the same with people like you. you always bitch about those that build and you always join with those that suck and then you bitch when the well runs dry. At the same time...while you are bitching, NONE of you or the commie/socialist/union types you support are out there building. You just bitch about others that do and then wonder why the businesses leave.

And if you dont like the commie/socialist/union comparison, thats just too ****ing bad. Reality...she IS a bitch. They are all just triplet sons of the same mother.
In 20 yrs...or so... mostly all those born within the segregationist era ideology will have passed on, and in 35-40 yrs, that first generation of their offsprings will have passed on.... and with them the Confederacy Ideology will be pushed further into oblivion. Also, in 20 yrs the Reagan Era babies will have reached their late 60 and early 70's, the younger generation will have gained power and position and they will promote the positive change to support and promote a multi cultural society. .... Trump is trying to breed a whole new generation, but knowledge, information and technology will over-ride the vile and malice he seeks to instill in the younger members who engage his belligerent fest.

Time, is an amazing fact..... it wipes away the old and makes way for the new.
And THEN will you stand on your own two feet?

Better question...why is it that people like you always insist that everyone else (you know...the people that have already proven they are productive) must be eliminated BEFORE you or your ideas can become successful? Why do you suppose the ideas espoused by idiots like Bernie Sanders have not already been implemented in this country? Wouldn't you think that if they were at all viable, the people would already be embracing them and showing us all a better way, rather than just sitting back and bitching and saying "some day, boy, some day you guys will all be gone and THEN things will be better! Just you wait and see!"

There is LITERALLY nothing stopping you TODAY. That's the beauty of THIS country and THIS society and THIS economy. The only thing preventing you from being successful is YOU. Well...that...the ideas you espouse.
What's wrong with people in Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, India and Indonesia having jobs?

Our standards of living here in the US are higher because we're able to obtain lower-cost goods manufactured in those countries.
What that comment very rightly says is that there are and have always been in this country people committed to building...and there have also been people committed to sucking off the work of others. Im not talking about employees committed earning a fair wage...I'm talking about the unions that leech off the successful and suck them til they eventually shut down or leave. Its ALWAYS the same with people like you. you always bitch about those that build and you always join with those that suck and then you bitch when the well runs dry. At the same time...while you are bitching, NONE of you or the commie/socialist/union types you support are out there building. You just bitch about others that do and then wonder why the businesses leave.

And if you dont like the commie/socialist/union comparison, thats just too ****ing bad. Reality...she IS a bitch. They are all just triplet sons of the same mother.

Your logic as far as I'm concerned is "twisted"... and you have absolutely not information to back up your spin. I worked with management and with unions administration, and what you don't factor or understand is, Union and Company negotiate their terms...
You also don't grasp the fact that our tax system, before it was bastardized by Republican Ideals, was based on companies gaining tax credit for benefits paid to employees as a business expense write off, when Republican pushed for companies to get massive tax reduction without having to justify it by 'write off" is when companies began to intensify their fight against union, because they no longer cared about justifying write offs, because the tax rate had been reduced to a point, they saw no need to support employee paid benefits as a write off. Then cancelling benefits, means they could keep even more money to increase executive compensations and hide more money in offshore accounts, among the many other accounting schemes they have in place.

American companies prospered greater than ever in the history of industry, when they had to 'justify write off's to get tax credits"... but when the tax is reduced to a level, they no longer had concern or need or want for benefit related write off as a tax relief write off.

I personally detest the ignorance of the idiocy of right winger terms commie and socialist, to me it signify generalized and willful ignorance. It certainly indicates they don't know anything about history.

You can wallow in your hate, in the big picture of life, it simply does not matter. Society will modify and within the new methodology of workers rights and collective bargaining, the voices of people will have a say in the workplace.

The young are not so gullible to be so easily fed propaganda and swallow it and smile about the poisonous content of the propaganda. The Era of the uneducated and illiteracy that has sadly been large volumes within the Baby Boomer segment, and that % who never concerned themselves with being business or financially literate is exposed more and more when they speak. That % of segment was and is eager to suck up anything that reinforces the mentality and grooming of bias and bigotry that was taught to them in their youth. Psychologist have long known it to be difficult for people to overcome their child hood groomed in biases. It's why they start their session of therapy reviewing the childhood of their patients.
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The decision was made because it was what consumer demanded. The further you go back in time in America the more you will find people who demanded American made products. The more American made products that are in demand the more American manufacturing you'll find in America. Sam Walton lived in a different era.

Kreton, the switch to Chinese manufacturers was so fast it shocked millions of people, it felt like it was almost overnight.
You're attempting to paint a scenario of one era clicking off like a light switch.
And Walmart was NOT HURTING from lack of consumer demand, so the scenario of people abandoning Walmart because of some perceived lack of Chinese products does not ring true.
Sorry but this was NOT a consumer driven issue.
It was a GREED issue all the way.
And it is also about the time a lot of people, myself included, stopped GOING to Walmart.
I have never had a burning desire for cheap crap made in China.
Your logic as far as I'm concerned is "twisted"... and you have absolutely not information to back up your spin. I worked with management and with unions administration, and what you don't factor or understand is, Union and Company negotiate their terms...
You also don't grasp the fact that our tax system, before it was bastardized by Republican Ideals, was based on companies gaining tax credit for benefits paid to employees as a business expense write off, when Republican pushed for companies to get massive tax reduction without having to justify it by 'write off" is when companies began to intensify their fight against union, because they no longer cared about justifying write offs, because the tax rate had been reduced to a point, they saw no need to support employee paid benefits as a write off. Then cancelling benefits, means they could keep even more money to increase executive compensations and hide more money in offshore accounts, among the many other accounting schemes they have in place.

American companies prospered greater than ever in the history of industry, when they had to 'justify write off's to get tax credits"... but when the tax is reduced to a level, they no longer had concern or need or want for benefit related write off as a tax relief write off.

I personally detest the ignorance of the idiocy of right winger terms commie and socialist, to me it signify generalized and willful ignorance. It certainly indicates they don't know anything about history.

You can wallow in your hate, in the big picture of life, it simply does not matter. Society will modify and within the new methodology of workers rights and collective bargaining, the voices of people will have a say in the workplace.

The young are not so gullible to be so easily fed propaganda and swallow it and smile about the poisonous content of the propaganda. The Era of the uneducated and illiteracy that has sadly been large volumes within the Baby Boomer segment, and that % who never concerned themselves with being business or financially literate is exposed more and more when they speak. That % of segment was and is eager to suck up anything that reinforces the mentality and grooming of bias and bigotry that was taught to them in their youth. Psychologist have long known it to be difficult for people to overcome their child hood groomed in biases. It's why they start their session of therapy reviewing the childhood of their patients.
Of course my logic is twisted...as far as you are concerned. Your logic holds that the only people in the country that have been responsible for the success and investment in business and employment of US citizens is also responsible because the Unions priced them out of the jobs market. Its never your fault, just like it isnt your fault you fail at building such businesses and providing opportunities on your own.
Of course my logic is twisted...as far as you are concerned. Your logic holds that the only people in the country that have been responsible for the success and investment in business and employment of US citizens is also responsible because the Unions priced them out of the jobs market. Its never your fault, just like it isnt your fault you fail at building such businesses and providing opportunities on your own.

If that's all you got to say, you could have kept that to yourself.
If that's all you got to say, you could have kept that to yourself.
"The young" have been fed bull**** propaganda from university socialists that are the WORST ****ing hypocrites of the lot. The make money off the weak minded, driving them into debt, while advocating for failed systems that none of them have ever had any practical experiences working in.

Its no wonder so many of the young are lost or their ideas on workers and unions are so ****ed up.
"The young" have been fed bull**** propaganda from university socialists that are the WORST ****ing hypocrites of the lot. The make money off the weak minded, driving them into debt, while advocating for failed systems that none of them have ever had any practical experiences working in.

Its no wonder so many of the young are lost or their ideas on workers and unions are so ****ed up.

:spin: > :violin: > :beatdeadhorse ..... = full .. .... :eek:uch:

Therefore, ...
Did I mention that the future is progressive? Young Americans want a country that lives up to their values. They respect the freedom and dignity of their fellow Americans, regardless of race, sex, gender, color or religion.

Young Americans today are the most progressive generation yet. An overwhelming majority of them identify with the core values and beliefs of the progressive heart of the Democratic base. As they come into their own power as the largest eligible voting bloc, young Americans will demand much better than they’re getting under Republican rule.
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:spin: > :violin: > :beatdeadhorse ..... = :eek:uch:
Id say you perfectly summed up your entire contribution to both the argument and life.
No, sir. You don't get to blame that on the American consumer.

Yes, a consumer will pay what he believes is a fair price for a given good or service but there's also this thing called competition that can either balance the scales, tip a particular good or service in the consumer's favor depending on both availability, or push the price way up in the case of scarcity.

You don't get to blame the consumer for wanting to pay less for consumer goods or services especially in a "FREE MARKET" where volume buys tend to set acceptable price points despite retail price market-ups. Consumer demand did not force manufacturing jobs to relocate abroad. Corporations made that decision on their own first and foremost to avoid paying their employees higher competitive wages, then to avoid paying for employee benefits, i.e., insurance or retirement (pension) plans followed closely by not adhering to the traditional 40-hour work week. Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, the cost of labor not the cost of material good was the primary incentive (behind generous tax breaks) that allowed America jobs to be outsources abroad.

Yes sir I do.

Consumer demand of cheap goods forces business overseas. You can pretend that the reason was corporations didn't want to pay wages but it is the same cycle. Why not pay employees more? Because then they would have to raise prices thus losing sales to those who didn't. Hurting their business.

American consumers don't go to the store and see two products and buy the one that treats their employees the best. They buy the one that treats their employees the worst. You make not like it but it is reality. The less a company pays employees, the fewer benefits it offers the lower the cost of its good and the more consumers want it. If consumers demanded (with their buying power) that businesses pay their employees properly businesses would adapt and adapt quickly.

Consumers don't want employees to make more. They want cheap goods.
Kreton, the switch to Chinese manufacturers was so fast it shocked millions of people, it felt like it was almost overnight.
You're attempting to paint a scenario of one era clicking off like a light switch.
And Walmart was NOT HURTING from lack of consumer demand, so the scenario of people abandoning Walmart because of some perceived lack of Chinese products does not ring true.
Sorry but this was NOT a consumer driven issue.
It was a GREED issue all the way.
And it is also about the time a lot of people, myself included, stopped GOING to Walmart.
I have never had a burning desire for cheap crap made in China.

It was about greed. The greed of consumers who demand cheaper goods. You can point to a lot of people don't go to Walmart. Point to as many as you'd like. Start a petition. Take a survey of 100 million people who hate walmart and their chinese products. But walmarts profits disagrees with you. You know where a lot of people don't go? To the stores that carry true American made goods. To the stores that sell locally sourced products. The vast majority of those stores struggle and fail. Meanwhile Walmart can literally set up a store anywhere, anywhere in the United States and people line up.

You can pretend consumers don't drive business decisions because you don't like the reality. Many do. But the reality is consumers demand jobs go overseas. Consumers demand products produced under horrific conditions. I don't care what their mouths say or what your fingers type. Consumers demands made verbally and in writing are irrelevant. Consumers voice their demands with their spending choices. And you tell me what sells more - $5 shirts at walmart made in china or $50 shirts made right here in America? You know the answer and the stores succeeding with foreign goods while the stores with American made goods prove it.

If I am wrong prove it with sales statistics not just high moral ground. Show me the American made manufacturers and retailers that are beating the Chinese goods in sales. When it comes to money - good intentions don't mean much. Business will sell what sells.

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