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Who are happier, Conservatives or Liberals? (1 Viewer)

Who are happiest, Conservatives or Liberals?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • Liberals

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
ptsdkid said:
While we all knew that Conservatives have been happier than liberals for a long time, and because of reasons including their dedication to religion and intact two-parent families--it would nonetheless be refreshing to get the facts by reading the enclosed link.


Let me be the first to register my surprise at the fact that this was actually a pretty decent post, with a good link. I think that's a very interesting study, and seems to support what I would have previously just called a perception. And I agree, I think as a whole the conservatives I know are happier.

Good post ptsd.:2wave:
I am well aware this post will be taken negatively by some....but it is nonetheless true in my experience. Conservative people do tend to be happier in life, partially because they tend to look less deeply into the problems of the world. Whether this is due to religion, political following, or general lack of interest in world affairs is up for debate, but if you ignore those things negative, they will not effect your personal happiness.
I don't doubt that this is true. We all know that Republicans tend to be more religious than Democrats and that religion tends to make people happier...but that certainly doesn't mean I'm going to start believing in something outlandish just because it makes people feel good.

What makes you so sure that Republicans are more dedicated to "in-tact two parent families" than Democrats?
Of course conservatives are happier, then liberals. When you go through your life with out questioning a thing about the world or god.

;) Ignorance is bliss
quietrage said:
Of course conservatives are happier, then liberals. When you go through your life with out questioning a thing about the world or god.

;) Ignorance is bliss

...so is functional illiteracy, apparently...

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