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White liberal says white people have no culture (1 Viewer)

World Champs

DP Veteran
Apr 21, 2022
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Political Leaning
Do you agree with prominent Oklahoma activist Jason Musgrove?

He's a prominent Oklahoma liberal activist. He is seen as the future of the Democratic Party.

Since you're new here, I'm going to give you a helpful hint: If you want people to start liking your posts, stop posting shit like this.

Even our resident trolls aren't going to help you out here.
He's a prominent Oklahoma liberal activist. He is seen as the future of the Democratic Party.

You happen to be the only one saying this, so I'll ask what others have... why does this matter?
Since you're new here, I'm going to give you a helpful hint: If you want people to start liking your posts, stop posting shit like this.

Even our resident trolls aren't going to help you out here.
I am not a troll. I like to have honest discussions. Can we have that here, please? Please?
You happen to be the only one saying this, so I'll ask what others have... why does this matter?

We are still in the racial reckoning and white allies like Musgrove want to ask fellow white people to look at the advantages they have and try to help people of color build a better life in America.
We are still in the racial reckoning and white allies like Musgrove want to ask fellow white people to look at the advantages they have and try to help people of color build a better life in America.

So one guy out there has an opinion, that you have in no way offered is an opinion speaking for vast others, and we are to care about this?
Who the hell is Jason Musgrove?
So one guy out there has an opinion, that you have in no way offered is an opinion speaking for vast others, and we are to care about this?
He is a activist that is popular in progressive circles, he is popular with a lot of young people. That's why you should care because he is your future.
He is a activist that is popular in progressive circles, he is popular with a lot of young people. That's why you should care because he is your future.

So far, your threads are stupid and boring.
Wendell Berry nails white culture in Hidden Wound.

"The general aim was to go where the money was to be made; the resources of…the established community were abandoned without a thought.

The main social movement being migration in the direction of money, society was conceived as a pyramid on which the only desirable or honorable or happy position is at the top. People not at the top envied those above them, despised those below them, and apologized for themselves.

Happiness was conceived as success. The…feeling was…If it won’t get you ahead, if you can’t sell it, forget it, cover it up, speak as if it did not exist. Such humanizing emotions as pleasure in small, profitless things, joy, wonder, ecstasy were removed as by an operation on the brain.

We knew and took for granted: marriage without love; sex without joy, drink without conviviality; faith without doubt; belief without deeds; manners without generosity; “good English” without exact speech, without honesty, without literacy.

This was and is a society artificial in the extreme…shallow, fashion ridden, diseased by the sense of its own transience. It is always feverishly changing its appearances and its affections, and yet at its heart it always has the same fear, the same boredom asking to be diverted by such changes. It is stifling. Nothing true can be said in its terms. From it one American writer after another has had to detach himself in order to speak

He is a activist that is popular in progressive circles, he is popular with a lot of young people. That's why you should care because he is your future.

You are the one saying that, unsure anyone else buys it.

What evidence do you have that this person is popular in progressive circles? You just saying so does not make it so.
He's a prominent Oklahoma liberal activist. He is seen as the future of the Democratic Party.
Uhhh, no he isn't. I've never heard of him either.
He's a prominent Oklahoma liberal activist. He is seen as the future of the Democratic Party.
Is this the same guy as that other video you posted? The "we need to apologize" guy?

If he's the future of the Democratic Party, then that party is in BIG trouble.
A new member who posts stuff from unknown people on the internet calling them prominent. Just what this board needs.

He wants to showcase “liberal activists” and share their social media posts. IMHO, it is getting old very fast - earning a ‘reaction score’ of zero.
A new member who posts stuff from unknown people on the internet calling them prominent. Just what this board needs.
I should start citing myself as a prominent white liberal

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