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White House beefs up legal team with 17 new attorneys to battle Democrats, Mueller (1 Viewer)

Atomic Kid

DP Veteran
Apr 17, 2018
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Slightly Liberal

"White House beefs up legal team with 17 new attorneys to battle Democrats, Mueller"

"Such a strategy could quickly inflame tensions between Trump and congressional Democrats and could lead to lengthy legal battles."

The White House has beefed up its legal team in recent weeks, hiring 17 additional lawyers to help prevent President Donald Trump's discussions with top advisers from being obtained House Democrats or revealed to special counsel Robert Mueller, The Washington Post reported.

The White House plan is to assert Trump's executive privilege on both fronts. That strategy is being led by new White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, and aides said the goal is to preserve a legal protection that past presidents have invoked.

But with Democrats planning to go as far as subpoenaing the administration for information, such a strategy could quickly inflame tensions between the two sides and may lead to lengthy legal battles.

Some Democrats have already pledged to subpoena a copy of Mueller's full report should the White House seek to to block any portions of it from being made public.

If the White House moves to use executive privilege to keep parts of the report private, the special counsel's rules allow for the attorney general to make a final determination on what can be shared with Congress and the public.

Next week, the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing for Trump's attorney general nominee, William Barr, gets underway. Barr had been critical of the Mueller probe — which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials — in a memo he authored and provided to the Justice Department last year.

Looks like they're bracing in the West Wing for a ****storm of epic proportions. This year is shaping up to be probably the most contentious year Washington has seen in a long time.
Innocent behavior abounds.
Innocent behavior abounds.

This must be a wonderful time to be a lawyer in Washington between all the scandals and lawsuits that are plaguing this administration there is no shortage legal work. Maybe Trump can hire some of those furloughed federal workers who won't be a getting a paycheck tomorrow to do some legal aid or page work for him. They're going to need all the help they can get.
Who will get stuck with the legal fees for defending Trump's shenanigans?

Speaking of campaign donations. Wonder when the Trump Reelection Campaign people will announce how much money they raised with their promise to air a livestream of the names of the donors during the Trump's State of the Union Address if they make their donations the day before the Address. How that guy, huh? He even found a way to monetize the Constitutionally required duty of President time to time to "give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." I don't there exists any American government institution, tradition or norm he would not be above trying to corrupt or personally profit or benefit from. What a guy!

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