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White House asks Congress for $10B in Ukraine aid as Putin's brutal war ratchets up (1 Viewer)


Trump Grump Whisperer
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Joe will go down in history of being the bribery POTUS. He already holds the title when he was VP, but this will be a bigger prize for him.
Prove it, or don't---No proof= 'personal' speculation. Your call. Your burden of proof to meet. The floor is yours.

Once they scrub Hunter's name from everything, they can have it. ;)
Since money is power, in effect, this is the WH asking for taxpayer money to exercise power over Ukraine...kind of like what Joe did to get Hunter out of trouble.

The Congressional Elites will be eager to give it to him.
Translation: I've got no 'proof' for my positive claim about POTUS Biden. I'm presenting 'personal opinion' only, as usual, and walking it backwards.
"Whatever" =/= meeting your burden of proof for the positive claim you are now running away from at a rapid clip.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Well, we're buying the the neighborhood of 800,000 barrels of petroleum products a day from Russia. No need to ask for more money, we can move it and help Ukraine while hurting Russia at the same time. But that would make too much sense.
Always the partisan shill.

Well, we're buying the the neighborhood of 800,000 barrels of petroleum products a day from Russia. No need to ask for more money, we can move it and help Ukraine while hurting Russia at the same time. But that would make too much sense.
Except there's no guarantee any of that money for Ukraine will hurt Russia.
Well, we're buying the the neighborhood of 800,000 barrels of petroleum products a day from Russia. No need to ask for more money, we can move it and help Ukraine while hurting Russia at the same time. But that would make too much sense.

Folks tend to get mad when the pump price of gas goes up, but they don’t much care if the national debt gets increased.
Except there's no guarantee any of that money for Ukraine will hurt Russia.
Defunding Russia by not buying their oil will not help them. China would have to pick up more of the tab than currently agreed upon which may be unlikely given the world's response. Invading a country is expensive, the better funded Ukraine is only makes it tougher.

Once they scrub Hunter's name from everything, they can have it. ;)
We are coming out of the COVID pandemic, probably over already, into the endemic stage, where everyone is just going to have to 'deal with it', why yet more COVID relief money? Which partisan slush fund is this going to end up being?

The nation of Ukraine is being subjugated as we speak. Within a week it'll cease to exist in any independent of Russia sense, before this $10B is even available to be spent. Where is this spending intended to go? And to what effect?
Folks tend to get mad when the pump price of gas goes up, but they don’t much care if the national debt gets increased.
Absolutely. Someone would be required a spine to supplement out of our reserves.
Yep, why not? After all, spending another $32.5B is adding less than $100 per US citizen to the national debt.
I'd rather we sent materiel over, instead of money. And what about training? Also a limited supply that will be used, because we don't need Russia capturing our technology.
The money will be converted to (used to pay for) material - greasing all the right palms in the process, as usual.
How do we know the materiel will be delivered. I don't trust money, because it's like giving a beggar money; then they go for drugs instead of essentials.

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