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Which would you rather have? (2 Viewers)

Which would you rather have?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No, you did not put that in the question.

So the poll question was interpreted as it was written.

Next time, do a better job writing the question.

Sometimes using a brain is necessary. I don't think this would change the outcome of the poll. Do you? I think people would still choose the $250,000 income even if they had to work harder.
Sometimes using a brain is necessary. I don't think this would change the outcome of the poll. Do you? I think people would still choose the $250,000 income even if they had to work harder.

I don't really care...I have already spent way more time on this then I care to.

You typed a poll question, I answered it.

The end...good day.
I'd rather make 30k with no tax burden. I took the assumption that markets would be free also causing prices to drop.

Edit: Of course I see no actual value to my life in money so that has an effect on my answer.
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Most people would rather take home 125K rather then 30K...the poll proves it.

Last time I counted there was about 12 people that have been posting in this thread that hasn't voted. Those 12 are the people who think that it is unfair to be taxed disproportionately in relation to people in the low income bracket.

If these 12 people are honest there will be 12 more votes for Option A. If these 12 people are complete liars then they will be voting Option B or they will refuse to vote at all.

Have you ever heard of a Libertarian? They think the income tax should be eliminated completely on grounds that it is morally wrong. A true Libertarian will be voting Option A.

The poll still has several days left.
Last time I counted there was about 12 people that have been posting in this thread that hasn't voted. Those 12 are the people who think that it is unfair to be taxed disproportionately in relation to people in the low income bracket.

If these 12 people are honest there will be 12 more votes for Option A. If these 12 people are complete liars then they will be voting Option B or they will refuse to vote at all.

Have you ever heard of a Libertarian? They think the income tax should be eliminated completely on grounds that it is morally wrong. A true Libertarian will be voting Option A.

The poll still has several days left.

You have no way of knowing what those people think...none.

You can guess, hope, prey...but you cannot know.

We are done here.

Good day.
I know. That is what I said.

There is no "moderator approval", as you claim in your sig. If someone objects to a use of their quote in a sig, it must be removed. Go ahead and put your old sig back, or make a new one. You lose.
There is no "moderator approval", as you claim in your sig. If someone objects to a use of their quote in a sig, it must be removed. Go ahead and put your old sig back, or make a new one. You lose.

It's just safer this way.
You're ignoring the work required. Everyone making 30k is capable of making six figures, but they have chosen otherwise. For me, it's simply not worth it. I'm ok with 30k, I'm not ok with the high-speed no-drag 60+ hours a week, life poured into work lifestyle needed to make six figures.

Why can't people be honest and admit that their income is a result of choices they've made? Anyone making 30k and claiming they'd rather make six figures is lying. They could, they've chosen not to.
I'd rather make six figures.

But I'm not at all sure how much more work I would be willing to do in order to reach that point. Some?
I'd rather make six figures.

But I'm not at all sure how much more work I would be willing to do in order to reach that point. Some?

Six figures means 60+ hours a week, always on call (no free evenings), pouring oneself entirely into work. Anyone who can make 30k (around 3k/month), can make 100k. All it takes is extreme discipline and dedication.
Six figures means 60+ hours a week, always on call (no free evenings), pouring oneself entirely into work. Anyone who can make 30k (around 3k/month), can make 100k. All it takes is extreme discipline and dedication.
Neither of which I posses at this time.
:bs Nope. It doesn't.

Expand upon this please because even in the quote alone there are a couple of subjects and your response does not clearly show which one it is addressing.

So you would rather make 30K rather then 125K.


Did you even read what he said? He noted that the 125K job looked to be too much work for him. There is nothing wrong with saying that you'll take a lower paying job because the higher paying one would put you in a early grave.

Pretty selfish too, if you have a family.

Hmmm...I could work 40 hours a week making my 30K and see my family a lot, or I can work 100+ hours a week for 125K and barely see my family. So tell me again which is the more selfish towards their family?

Prove your claim. Offer someone who makes $30,000 a job making $250,000. Then let us know what happens.

Ok...Hey Joe! Quit that 30K/yr job and come work for me as a professional rapist. I'll pay you 250K/yr!

Or drug runner or abortion clinic technician (for an anti-abortionist). It doesn't really matter, there are simply some jobs that some people won't do no matter how much you pay them. Simply throwing out two numbers does nothing to reveal the true answer.

Taxes are irrelevant.

The question is would you rather live well on 125K take home or barely scrape by on 30K.

To want to barely scrape by is weird.

Pay attention. This whole thread has been about graduated income tax. Well income taxes anyway. Although poorly presented it's right there in the OP.

No, that was not the question....that is how you interpreted the question.

And considering over 90% voted 2), I would say you interpreted it incorrectly or, at least, in a weird way.

I am not going around and around on this with you.

Most people would rather take home 125K rather then 30K...the poll proves it.

You disagree...fine.

Good day.

As a general rule, yeah I would rather take home 125K over 30K, but not under all circumstances. It's one of the reasons so many questions were asked. I'd rather start at 30K and no income tax and keep the no income tax status as I work my way up to 125K, than start straight at the 125K after a 50% tax burden. If the hours are too long, I wouldn't take the 125K because what you be the point of making all that money for my family if I wasn't there to enjoy it with them?

You have no way of knowing what those people think...none.
You can guess, hope, prey...but you cannot know.
We are done here.
Good day.

Is this the 3rd time you said that or the 4th?
I was kind of wondering that as well. Some people are just masochists I guess.
Expand upon this please because even in the quote alone there are a couple of subjects and your response does not clearly show which one it is addressing.

Did you even read what he said? He noted that the 125K job looked to be too much work for him. There is nothing wrong with saying that you'll take a lower paying job because the higher paying one would put you in a early grave.

Hmmm...I could work 40 hours a week making my 30K and see my family a lot, or I can work 100+ hours a week for 125K and barely see my family. So tell me again which is the more selfish towards their family?

Ok...Hey Joe! Quit that 30K/yr job and come work for me as a professional rapist. I'll pay you 250K/yr!

Or drug runner or abortion clinic technician (for an anti-abortionist). It doesn't really matter, there are simply some jobs that some people won't do no matter how much you pay them. Simply throwing out two numbers does nothing to reveal the true answer.

Pay attention. This whole thread has been about graduated income tax. Well income taxes anyway. Although poorly presented it's right there in the OP.

As a general rule, yeah I would rather take home 125K over 30K, but not under all circumstances. It's one of the reasons so many questions were asked. I'd rather start at 30K and no income tax and keep the no income tax status as I work my way up to 125K, than start straight at the 125K after a 50% tax burden. If the hours are too long, I wouldn't take the 125K because what you be the point of making all that money for my family if I wasn't there to enjoy it with them?

I was kind of wondering that as well. Some people are just masochists I guess.

I don't do large multi-quote post replies...especially on subjects I really don't care that much about.

I stand by what I typed...you don't like it; (as Sebastian Vettel said in China yesterday) tough...no offense intended.

Good day.
I don't do large multi-quote post replies...especially on subjects I really don't care that much about.

I stand by what I typed...you don't like it; (as Sebastian Vettel said in China yesterday) tough...no offense intended.

Good day.

:confused: You just did.

He just doesn't want to take the time to weed through to figure out which responses are to him and defend them. He didn't pay attention to parts of the thread, or doesn't want to admit to not having actually read some posts and is now covering up.
A person satisfied with 30,000 is a person with no ambition. And usually those with no ambition are more than willing to make the other guy pick up the tab for the things he benefits from.

I get by on less than 30K, and work damned hard doing it. If by 'ambition' you mean determination to aquire, you're right but my ambition has always been self-sufficiency and I'm close, very close.
Expand upon this please because even in the quote alone there are a couple of subjects and your response does not clearly show which one it is addressing.

You were saying that the income tax system disincentivizes people to work. You were saying that social safety nets discourage people from working. It's a nice to listen to Rush Limbaugh every once in a while but you still have to use your brain.

People aren't turning down good paying jobs to stay on food stamps. That's ridiculous. People aren't refusing to work because AFDC checks are extremely lucrative.

The income tax system that we currently use in 2014 was built while considering that very thing. It has been fixed. There is no longer people with higher gross pay earning lower net pay. Those problems have been fixed but if you enjoy living in the past because it is fun to complain about imaginary things, then carry on. I'll try not to stop you but I will make fun of you.
You were saying that the income tax system disincentivizes people to work. You were saying that social safety nets discourage people from working. It's a nice to listen to Rush Limbaugh every once in a while but you still have to use your brain.

People aren't turning down good paying jobs to stay on food stamps. That's ridiculous. People aren't refusing to work because AFDC checks are extremely lucrative.

The income tax system that we currently use in 2014 was built while considering that very thing. It has been fixed. There is no longer people with higher gross pay earning lower net pay. Those problems have been fixed but if you enjoy living in the past because it is fun to complain about imaginary things, then carry on. I'll try not to stop you but I will make fun of you.

Don't particularly like Rush, but please keep your delusions that everyone who disagree with a progressive income tax system and a broken social safety net system is a Rush thrall.

No I don't remember specifically saying anything about the income tax system being a disincentive towards people working. I believe I mentioned that it takes money away from being used in the economy to better effect than the government can use it for. I also note that we do need a tax system of some sort as we do have to provide for infrastructure. Any debate as to what is legitimate infrastructure and such is the subject of another thread. I know I have mentioned that I believe that the Fair Tax bill is the better tax system than a progressive tax system.

As to our social net systems, I have never said that people turn down good jobs to stay on these programs, but when getting an entry level job can cost you your welfare or SNAP benifits, leaving you at less overall income than remaining unemployed, then the system is broken. My sister is on disability. She's working hard on getting a Masters so that she can get off and get a job that pays enough to be over what she gets for disability. But she has to watch what income she gets because if she gets so much then they take away the disability and she will actually be at less than the disability itself. I don't disagree with the intended purpose of the programs in and of themselves, although I do contend that private charities could do the job more efficiently and better weed out those who just want to skate on other people's dime. I object to the way that the programs are run that end up leaving people trapped in these programs for multiple generations.
when getting an entry level job can cost you your welfare or SNAP benifits, leaving you at less overall income than remaining unemployed, then the system is broken.

Is this your favorite fairy tale?

I agree with your statement 100% but that isn't how it works at all.
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I have read people claim that poor people have it made because of all of the government benefits that they receive.

This thread proves that claim to be an extreme exaggeration.

And you cannot see the difference between $30,000 and $125,000?
If I can have 125k to myself and pay 125k to help fund stuff like schools, roads, and other infrastructure then I'd be happy to do it. 30k income isn't very much these days.

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