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Which party will win the House? (1 Viewer)

Which party will win the House?

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Truth will set you free
DP Veteran
May 13, 2009
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Which political party do you think will win a majority of seats in the House in a few days?

Another question I would like to ask is what do you think it will mean for the country? Do you think Obama will work with Republicans (and visa versa)? Do you think if the Democrats win the House that they will continue supporting Obama's vision for America? If Democrats win will Speaker Pelosi still be the speaker?
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I think the republicans will win the house, but the dems keep the senate.
Republicans will have a small majority in the House. Democrats will keep the Senate with a small majority.
Libertarians. Hehehe...but probably the Republicans. The teeter-totter has to flip directions every once in awhile.
I hope the Republicans take a slight majority simply because I think it bad for our country for when the Presidency and both houses are dominated by one party.
Which political party do you think will win a majority of seats in the House in a few days?

The evidence points to the Republicans winning. As Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight says, it's possible that the Democrats could still retain the House if they win nearly every tossup race...but they're getting close to the point where they need to rely on either a last-minute shift in momentum or a systemic error in the polls. Neither of those are impossible, but they are unlikely IMO.

digsbe said:
Another question I would like to ask is what do you think it will mean for the country? Do you think Obama will work with Republicans (and visa versa)?

Yes, of course Obama will work with the Republicans. If they win the House, he won't have a choice. Whether or not they will work with him...I'm more skeptical. I guess it depends whether the good-governance Republicans (e.g. Paul Ryan) are able to persuade the all-partisan Republicans (e.g. John Boehner) that good policies are more important than posturing for 2012. I see a number of areas where the Obama Administration and a Republican House could theoretically reach some common ground (e.g. education reform, free trade agreements, tax code simplification).

digsbe said:
Do you think if the Democrats win the House that they will continue supporting Obama's vision for America?

I can't really answer this without knowing specifically what you mean by Obama's vision for America.

digsbe said:
If Democrats win will Speaker Pelosi still be the speaker?


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