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Which party am I? (1 Viewer)


Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I don't really claim any political party. I put myself down for democrat because I support some of the issues that democrats support, but I don't consider myself a democrat or any party that I know of. Here's why:

I'm going entirely off speculation, but I believe, and can see, that the reason most politicians lie to the people is because they have to respond to party members first. By "party members," I mean not the people who merely go to the polling places and vote, but by the people who attend party meetings and choose the candidates to run for office. When politicians want to run for reelection, they first have to be renominated. If he's not nominated by his party, he can't get reelected, no matter how popular he was with the people of his district. As such, he's more worried about what party members want out of him than constituents do.

I guess I am choosing this non-party because I am currently studying law, and want to eventually run for city council and make my way up to Congress, and I want to be a politician that answers directly to the people, who finances his campaign, not by party-donations, but by my own personal fortune which I make as a lawyer. When my minority partisanships comes up, I'll just say "Why is it that the people have it in their minds that if they don't vote either republican or democrat, their vote won't win? Democrats and Republicans have brainwashed it into the people's minds that they are the only ones with a slim chance of winning, and it is not right. If enough people were to vote for a third party, he could very well win. If you want someone who will answer to the people and will not put the interests of interest groups ahead of popular interest, I am your man."

For a while, I thought I didn't have a party, but I thought for a minute while posting this. Maybe there is a third party which I belong to. Does anyone know what it is?
Take a couple of online political tests. They majority of the time they show what a person's political beliefs are, and can be used in the forum against flamers!

Here are few, and feel free to post your results!:



That's how I found out I was a Centrist, or not belonging to a particular party, but can favor a party from time to time though.
stsburns said:
Take a couple of online political tests. They majority of the time they show what a person's political beliefs are, and can be used in the forum against flamers!

Here are few, and feel free to post your results!:



That's how I found out I was a Centrist, or not belonging to a particular party, but can favor a party from time to time though.
Sorry, but that doesn't help me much. They ask me questions about what I think the government should do. Did you read my thread at all, or did you just read the title and make assumptions as to what you think I said?

I think the government should do what A) The majority of the people want them to do and B) What doesn't go against common sense. In other words, as long as the petition presented to the government doesn't demand something like increasing the speed limit in a school zone to 70mph, I think the government should do what the people want, as that is what the Founding Fathers intended, to set up a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

I'm willing to sway my personal interests to represent the interests of the people I represent for fear of reelection. I don't want to be tied down to public interest groups or party members. I want to answer directly to the people.
dstebbins said:
For a while, I thought I didn't have a party, but I thought for a minute while posting this. Maybe there is a third party which I belong to. Does anyone know what it is?

Go to this site:http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm

it should help hopefully, and it is always on the Political Platforms Forum.

See which one best suits you, or go independent.
Comrade Brian said:
A rather intresting quiz, as I thought, I got socialist.

I got socialism aswell and I was pleased that I did not match any US parties in the moral politics quiz!
Androvski said:
I got socialism aswell and I was pleased that I did not match any US parties in the moral politics quiz!

I didn't match with any parties either.

I also got Libertarian type Socialist.
Comrade Brian said:
I didn't match with any parties either.

I also got Libertarian type Socialist.

The term Libertarian-Socialist is an oxymoron. Most Libertarians tend towards Anarcho-Capitalism to one degree or another. They want LESS government, not more.
danarhea said:
The term Libertarian-Socialist is an oxymoron. Most Libertarians tend towards Anarcho-Capitalism to one degree or another. They want LESS government, not more.

radical attorney and talk show host Ron Kuby went to law school with me and that was his term for us libertarian types

ANARCHO CAPITALIST :mrgreen: :lol:
danarhea said:
The term Libertarian-Socialist is an oxymoron. Most Libertarians tend towards Anarcho-Capitalism to one degree or another. They want LESS government, not more.

It's not really an oxymoron, it depends on what form of socialism it is, the form of socialism I find myself supporting is anarchaic, I happen to be a communist.

But anyways, thats just what it told me.
I guess I don't have a political party. Every party I read about has their own agenda, and I do what popular opinion wants and the Constitution allows, regardless of my own interests.
dstebbins said:
I guess I don't have a political party. Every party I read about has their own agenda, and I do what popular opinion wants and the Constitution allows, regardless of my own interests.

Try independant.
Comrade Brian said:
But anyways, thats just what it told me.

Here's what I got:

Your Score

Your scored -7 on the Moral Order axis and 3.5 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

System: Socialism
Variation: Moral Socialism
Ideologies: Activism, Libertarian Socialism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (79.63%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (88.10%), John Kerry (69.94%), George W. Bush (35.01%)

Of the 126447 people who took the test:

0.3% had the same score as you.
9.6% were above you on the chart.
85.9% were below you on the chart.
97.8% were to your right on the chart.
0.6% were to your left on the chart.
dstebbins said:
I guess I don't have a political party. Every party I read about has their own agenda, and I do what popular opinion wants and the Constitution allows, regardless of my own interests.
Maybe you are a libretarian? You want to protect the people and their individual rights, yet you do not trust the government and want it to have as little power as possible.
Dstebbins... You wanna run for Congress... without partisan support??? Hate to burst your bubble but thats not really how it works... Sure, its legal and all to run without a party... but look at how many have tried and lost. The "little guy," Congressman sounds all fine 'n dandy, but it takes more than just a little guy to be a Congressman. Our country's political system is, and always has been, set up to make sure we have experienced, educated, born-to-be-leaders leading our nation. Then again, Congress was meant to be the House more able to represent the whim of the real people... but its way too hard to win without the resources, support and money from a party, either Democratic or Republican. And I always saw those people who say that they truly stand up for the little guy to be to good to be true... phonies. Just pick a party.

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