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Which of these stories should be a bigger priority for the media? (1 Viewer)

What story is more important for the media to reoprt

  • What Al Gore said at a conferance over seas.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Mexican army invading US to smuggle drugs.

    Votes: 13 81.3%
  • Old farts getting into a hunting accident.

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
I wonder what you all view should be a bigger priority for the media to worry about.

1.What Al Gore said at a conferance over seas.
Gore told the largely Saudi audience, many of them educated at U.S. universities, that Arabs in the United States had been "indiscriminately rounded up, often on minor charges of overstaying a visa or not having a green card in proper order, and held in conditions that were just unforgivable."

2.Mexican army invading our border to smuggle drugs.
Armed men in Mexican military uniforms have illegally crossed into the United States to provide cover for drug smugglers, and have fired upon U.S. Border Patrol agents on several occasions, a congressional panel was told Tuesday

3.Old geezers getting into a hunting accident.
CBS/AP) Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, spraying the fellow hunter in the face and chest with shotgun pellets.

I picked these three strories because they happen around the same time or within a week or two of each other.
I think the media should hire reporters who actually get off their ass and snoop around researching stuff vs the inane crap they pull off the AP wire. My favorite news stories are the ones that start out.....did such and such happen??? Well this guy says it did and these guys say it didn't. Lets bring in some pundits to argue about it. It makes me so mad I feel like screaming. You're not supposed to offer up a billion possibilities of what's going on in the world to me. You're supposed to actually find out and then report that ****!!!! Blah! None of those stories is a "big" priority. Get off your ass reporters!
galenrox said:
How about none of them? They're all complete crap stories.

So what if Mexicans are bringing drugs in, God be with them in my opinion, we could use some more!
So what if Al Gore criticized America? Frank Sinatra criticized America, no one ever questioned his patriotism.
So what if Cheney shot a dude in the face, it was an accident, and the dude'll be fine, it's a little funny, but that's it.

You call the government not doing it's job to protect our borders not a big deal?
You call being a terrorist cheerleader not a big deal?

Old fogeys getting into a hunting accident is a pretty stupid story.
I'll go with option (D) A & B!
jamesrage said:
You call the government not doing it's job to protect our borders not a big deal?
You call being a terrorist cheerleader not a big deal?

Old fogeys getting into a hunting accident is a pretty stupid story.

Not if the old "fogey" is the VP of the US. I wasn't there, so I don't know, but the golden rule of hunting is don't discharge your weapon unless you're absolutely sure of what's in your line of fire. Obviously Cheney violated that rule or the guy wouldn't have been shot. We had a local guy shoot his son in a hunting accident two years. He was charged with unlawful discharge of a firearm. For whatever reason the press covered it at length, I think in part due to the fact he shot his own son.

I firmly believe it matters not that the current VP is a GOP. Had any VP shot someone it would be a big story. Now it turns out he didn't even have a bird stamp. That's illegal hunting and a crime. How much of a crime I don't know, depends on the state. I think when the VP commits a crime it's a pretty big story. The VP of the US isn't just any old "fogey."
Pacridge said:
I firmly believe it matters not that the current VP is a GOP. Had any VP shot someone it would be a big story.."
I would think mexican army helping to smuggling drugs would be a much bigger deal.

Now it turns out he didn't even have a bird stamp. That's illegal hunting and a crime.How much of a crime I don't know, depends on the state. I think when the VP commits a crime it's a pretty big story. The VP of the US isn't just any old "fogey

WOW he did not have $7 bird stamp,Oh man that is so huge.Holy **** everyone in the world has to know about this,**** the mexican army invading our border to help smuggle drugs into our county and our government trying to cover it up story,Cheney accidently shooting another man and hunting with out a $7 dollar bird stamp is a much bigger story.

Maybe Bush will throw a blank piece of paper out of his limo and that story can be covered instead of a really important story like a terrorist attack heppening or terrorist attacked being thwarted or mexican army helping to smuggle drugs.
jamesrage said:
I would think mexican army helping to smuggling drugs would be a much bigger deal.

WOW he did not have $7 bird stamp,Oh man that is so huge.Holy **** everyone in the world has to know about this,**** the mexican army invading our border to help smuggle drugs into our county and our government trying to cover it up story,Cheney accidently shooting another man and hunting with out a $7 dollar bird stamp is a much bigger story.

Maybe Bush will throw a blank piece of paper out of his limo and that story can be covered instead of a really important story like a terrorist attack heppening or terrorist attacked being thwarted or mexican army helping to smuggle drugs.

That Mexican Army story has been debunked for sometime now:


Yes some guys dressed in military garb did have a stand off with US officers, no they weren't members of the Mexican Army. But feel free to keep repeating it as if it's fact. Just don't be surprised if you loose credibility when doing so.

You want to dismiss the fact that the US VP shot somebody as a non-story, knock yourself out. But don't be surprised if others see it as a serious concern. Last I heard the poor guy was having problems due to the shotgun pellets near his heart.

What's the price of the stamp have to do with anything? Here in Oregon the cost of an elk tag is about $40. Poaching (not having it) is a serious crime and can result, often does in repeat cases, in jail time and large fines. At a min. poaching here in Oregon will cost you your right to hunt for 2 yrs. and the loss of your weapon.

But, and this may surprise you, I don't hold the VP completely responsible for not having the stamp. My reasoning being he's not exactly just any hunter. He's the VP of the US. As such he probably doesn't take care of logistical matter such as purchasing the stamp. I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt and say he probably thought he was hunting legally. It was after all a canned hunt, most of these hunts are set up by the so called guide and the tags and stamps are arranged by them. If the stamp wasn't provided by the canned hunt service, why didn't whom ever makes travel arrangements for the VP take care of this matter? I seriously doubt he ever involves himself in such matters.

What I'm not willing to give him a pass on is shooting someone. I also think anyone who engages in canned hunting should be ashamed of themselves. But unlike shooting someone, that's legal.
Pacridge said:
That Mexican Army story has been debunked for sometime now:


Yes some guys dressed in military garb did have a stand off with US officers, no they weren't members of the Mexican Army. But feel free to keep repeating it as if it's fact. Just don't be surprised if you loose credibility when doing so.

You want to dismiss the fact that the US VP shot somebody as a non-story, knock yourself out. But don't be surprised if others see it as a serious concern. Last I heard the poor guy was having problems due to the shotgun pellets near his heart.

What's the price of the stamp have to do with anything? Here in Oregon the cost of an elk tag is about $40. Poaching (not having it) is a serious crime and can result, often does in repeat cases, in jail time and large fines. At a min. poaching here in Oregon will cost you your right to hunt for 2 yrs. and the loss of your weapon.

But, and this may surprise you, I don't hold the VP completely responsible for not having the stamp. My reasoning being he's not exactly just any hunter. He's the VP of the US. As such he probably doesn't take care of logistical matter such as purchasing the stamp. I'm willing to give him the benefit of doubt and say he probably thought he was hunting legally. It was after all a canned hunt, most of these hunts are set up by the so called guide and the tags and stamps are arranged by them. If the stamp wasn't provided by the canned hunt service, why didn't whom ever makes travel arrangements for the VP take care of this matter? I seriously doubt he ever involves himself in such matters.

What I'm not willing to give him a pass on is shooting someone. I also think anyone who engages in canned hunting should be ashamed of themselves. But unlike shooting someone, that's legal.

I have heard more then a few people tell a much different tale about these incursions, so it's far from being "debunked" I heard on one news program, a Sheriff from Arizona I believe, describing more then 120 incidents like this one. So I would not be so quick to dismiss this as nothing more then a bunch of Mexicans dressed as soldiers. We all know that the police, and some government officials have been tied to the drug trade, i would not be surprised to hear the military is as well.
Pacridge said:
That Mexican Army story has been debunked for sometime now:


Yes some guys dressed in military garb did have a stand off with US officers, no they weren't members of the Mexican Army. But feel free to keep repeating it as if it's fact. Just don't be surprised if you loose credibility when doing so.

So you feel much better it is just a drug cartel instead of the Mexican Amry and Uncle Sam is not securing our borders?Reguardless of whic hstory you beleave to be true you still confortable that UNcle Sam is not securing the border since drug Cartels or mexican military is sneaking across the border

You want to dismiss the fact that the US VP shot somebody as a non-story, knock yourself out. But don't be surprised if others see it as a serious concern. Last I heard the poor guy was having problems due to the shotgun pellets near his heart.

This is about how ridiculous the media is getting with their priorities and stories.
Deegan said:
I have heard more then a few people tell a much different tale about these incursions, so it's far from being "debunked" I heard on one news program, a Sheriff from Arizona I believe, describing more then 120 incidents like this one. So I would not be so quick to dismiss this as nothing more then a bunch of Mexicans dressed as soldiers. We all know that the police, and some government officials have been tied to the drug trade, i would not be surprised to hear the military is as well.

It's completely possible I suppose. I'm simply going by what your state dept. said about it and what the Mexican Government said. Mexican officials, law enforcement and military are not known for their honesty.

Do you have a link or source concerning these 120 "incidents?"
jamesrage said:
So you feel much better it is just a drug cartel instead of the Mexican Amry and Uncle Sam is not securing our borders?Reguardless of whic hstory you beleave to be true you still confortable that UNcle Sam is not securing the border since drug Cartels or mexican military is sneaking across the border

This is about how ridiculous the media is getting with their priorities and stories.

When did I say I didn't care whether or not our boarders are safe or secure?

I'm simply stating that the fact the VP of the US shooting someone is always going to be a story.

Let's say you're correct and I'm wrong. It was the Mexican military engaging in drug smuggling across our southern boarder. As Deegan's pointed out, it's completely possible the story may not be as debunked as I believed it to be. If it is true does that somehow make Cheney shooting someone a non-story?
So where's the option for whichever story sells the most? Maybe your question should be why that answer seems to be "C". Not really the media's fault.
Pacridge said:
If it is true does that somehow make Cheney shooting someone a non-story?

Yes it is a non-story when there are real stories out there ,old farts getting into a non-fatal hunting accident with bird shot pellets is hardly a priority.

If Cheney shot someone on porpuse it would be a story,If cheney shot a burgler in the middle of the night it would be a story,or if Cheney put a contract out on someone it would be a story.

The Mexican drug cartel or Mexican army sneaking across to help drug smugglers is a huge story.Al Gore playing terrorist cheerleader is a bigger story than old farts getting into a non-fatal hunting accident.
Kelzie said:
So where's the option for whichever story sells the most? Maybe your question should be why that answer seems to be "C". Not really the media's fault.

Everyone knows full well the media had a huge liberal slant.The liberal media hates Cheney.That is why Cheney and his old geezar buddies getting into a non-fatal accident is a much bigger story than Al Gore taking Foreign money to smear the US in Suadia Arabia this week and bigger story than Mexican Cartel or Mexican Army sneaking accross the border to smuggle drugs.

The liberal media realizes this will damage Cheney's reputation or at least make him the butt of everyone's jokes including hunters.They will proably start to refer to non-fatal hunting accidents as "a Cheney".
jamesrage said:
Everyone knows full well the media had a huge liberal slant.The liberal media hates Cheney.That is why Cheney and his old geezar buddies getting into a non-fatal accident is a much bigger story than Al Gore taking Foreign money to smear the US in Suadia Arabia this week and bigger story than Mexican Cartel or Mexican Army sneaking accross the border to smuggle drugs.

The liberal media realizes this will damage Cheney's reputation or at least make him the butt of everyone's jokes including hunters.They will proably start to refer to non-fatal hunting accidents as "a Cheney".

The media has a business slant. They will run the story that sells the most. If Cheney's "hunting uh-oh" sells more, they will run it. If you have a problem with it, blame the people that buy the newspaper.
jamesrage said:
Everyone knows full well the media had a huge liberal slant.The liberal media hates Cheney.That is why Cheney and his old geezar buddies getting into a non-fatal accident is a much bigger story

Are you kidding? This has nothing to do with trying to smear Cheney; it's a big story because the Vice President of the United States shot someone. Are you telling me if a Democratic VP shot someone, that it wouldn't be an equally big story? This Whittington guy is the first person to be shot by a sitting VP since Alexander Hamilton.

I haven't heard any serious voices claiming that Cheney did it on purpose; I haven't even heard any serious voices using this as a reason for gun control (although I'm sure someone probably has). It has nothing to do with partisan politics, it's simply an interesting story. Quit your bitching.
How about the story on how Republicans are slamming Bush's response to Katrina and why so little is being done to rebulid down there? Why New Orleans has to ask for foreign assistance?
Al Gore is a non-story unless the writers remember to remind everyone that Al was Hillary Clinton's VP.

The Mexican Army invading the US, and all stories related to the Invasion, are extremely important issues.

The VP shooting someone accidentally is good for a laugh, not important at all. But the reaction of the White House and the Blair House to the incident and the aftermath are instructive. It appears that the Bushies haven't learned from Katrina that the thing to do is get out in front of the story. They're hiding again and thus feeding the frenzy.
Kandahar said:
Are you kidding? This has nothing to do with trying to smear Cheney; it's a big story because the Vice President of the United States shot someone. Are you telling me if a Democratic VP shot someone, that it wouldn't be an equally big story? This Whittington guy is the first person to be shot by a sitting VP since Alexander Hamilton.

I haven't heard any serious voices claiming that Cheney did it on purpose; I haven't even heard any serious voices using this as a reason for gun control (although I'm sure someone probably has). It has nothing to do with partisan politics, it's simply an interesting story. Quit your bitching.

Sadly, no I don't think he's kidding. And yes, I firmly believe if this were a Dem VP Jamesrage would be enraged. But it's a GOP VP so we get- VP shot somebody?That's not a story. Look over here, here's a story, no, wait, over here, here's a story.

Seems to me the Dems tried, to some extent, the same tactic when Clinton got caught with a mistress. The President has a mistress? That's not a story. Look over here. No, wait, look...

I don't think the story has anything to do with politics either, but that's not going to stop some from trying to make it political.
Kelzie said:
So where's the option for whichever story sells the most? Maybe your question should be why that answer seems to be "C". Not really the media's fault.

The scary part of what you say is that stories like that dumb drunk broad down in Aruba still get air time. That's pretty frightening.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
The scary part of what you say is that stories like that dumb drunk broad down in Aruba still get air time. That's pretty frightening.

That's not only true but sad as well. I feel for her family, I really do. But national news for months on end?

Do you think it would still be getting coverage if she weren't young, cute and blond?
Pacridge said:
Sadly, no I don't think he's kidding. And yes, I firmly believe if this were a Dem VP Jamesrage would be enraged. But it's a GOP VP so we get- VP shot somebody?That's not a story. Look over here, here's a story, no, wait, over here, here's a story.

Seems to me the Dems tried, to some extent, the same tactic when Clinton got caught with a mistress. The President has a mistress? That's not a story. Look over here. No, wait, look...

I don't think the story has anything to do with politics either, but that's not going to stop some from trying to make it political.

Actually, if it was just a couple of bubbas, it wouldn't be in the news, it would be a Jeff Foxworthy skit.

The Dems are making a big issue of a nothing story.

The Republicans are letting them make a big issue of a nothing story by saying nothing.

How stupid.
Pacridge said:
That's not only true but sad as well. I feel for her family, I really do. But national news for months on end?

Do you think it would still be getting coverage if she weren't young, cute and blond?

No. If she looked like Chelsea Clinton, it never would have gotten a second of air time.
Pacridge said:
That's not only true but sad as well. I feel for her family, I really do. But national news for months on end?

Do you think it would still be getting coverage if she weren't young, cute and blond?
There are a lot of missing kids that have not garnered the same amount of attention that girl has. They just now might have found the body of a local missing boy, but you're not going to hear about it on national news. It just seems like a distraction or attempt to avoid reporting real news.

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