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Where's the pole for Dean's head? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Feb 13, 2005
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Fulton, KY
Political Leaning
From Washington Post: He surveys the crowd of 150 crammed into the room. "You think the RNC could get this many people of color into a single room?" he marvels. "Maybe if they got the hotel staff in there." - Howard Dean 2/13/05

I know it's pointless to ask why the media isn't demanding Dean's head on a pole for this comment - but anyone who follows the mainstream press knows that this comment would be played over and over to the point of exhaustion if it were a republican that made it. :eek:
Does anyone else think this is a clear double standard?
Oh yeah, thank you Dem's for making Dean DNC Chairman. :boom
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Right, and some Republican would loose thier minority lead seat in the house for less.
I think it's easy to see why Dean made this comment. Once again, over 80% of blacks voted for the Democratic candidate for president. Whether Republicans want to admit it or not, blacks traditionally vote Democratic. And why shouldn't they? Democrats have always been more pro-labor, pro-poor than Republicans, and blacks have a much higher percent of people unemployed and a much higher percent in poverty. If a Republican made this statement about Democrats, it would be an outright lie. Besides, it was just a joke. And as regards to the hotel staff,it seems the people in the room were people of color, so obviously this statement didn't anger them much.

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