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Where are the Conservative Women? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I'm still seeing these liberal women from the personal ads. Problem is, they do not seem to take too kindly to my helping them escape a socialistic mindset. Therefore, its back to my bread and butter Conservative women. Conservative women are a bit more timid in the sack; probably because they've learned not to give in to their sexual desires until they felt total comfort and commitment from their partner. Unlike liberal women who have parents still trying to relive the sixties mentality that lacked mores, were irresponsible, believed in free love, burned their oversized bras, and enjoyed group sex despite getting herpes for life.

Are there any Conservative women on this forum? You gotta agree--we need a breath of fresh air around here. Perhaps I can get one of these cutie pie liberal women to learn the mentally/sexually stimulating art of Conservatism.
What a friggin wanker with yet another stupid thread. Listen ptsdkid. No one here believes you're ever been laid. The fact that you talk about such things so often proves it. The fact the you think there is a difference between libs and cons in the sack proves it. Now I know you're just a troll, but your thing is weak. Billo, now there's a troll. If you're gonna be stupid you need to work on your delivery. I'd rather laugh with you then at you. And to answer your question. There aren't many conservative women on this site. They're too busy getting laid.
Conservative women are at home in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.
steen said:
Conservative women are at home in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.

Please I'm not PREGNANT all the time! But I do spend lots of time in the kitchen cooking REAL family dinners for my family vs processed quick crap from the food store. Nothing wrong with taking your parenting seriously.

Are you saying all the liberal women are having abortions and eating take out?
talloulou said:
Please I'm not PREGNANT all the time! But I do spend lots of time in the kitchen cooking REAL family dinners for my family vs processed quick crap from the food store. Nothing wrong with taking your parenting seriously.

Are you saying all the liberal women are having abortions and eating take out?

***All liberal women do indeed enjoy having the power to get an abortion on demand. I thought it was on the liberal agenda to practice safe sex and teach sex in the classroom. How did they get pregnant in the first place; did the condom break?
ptsdkid said:
I'm still seeing these liberal women from the personal ads. Problem is, they do not seem to take too kindly to my helping them escape a socialistic mindset. Therefore, its back to my bread and butter Conservative women. Conservative women are a bit more timid in the sack; probably because they've learned not to give in to their sexual desires until they felt total comfort and commitment from their partner. Unlike liberal women who have parents still trying to relive the sixties mentality that lacked mores, were irresponsible, believed in free love, burned their oversized bras, and enjoyed group sex despite getting herpes for life.

Are there any Conservative women on this forum? You gotta agree--we need a breath of fresh air around here. Perhaps I can get one of these cutie pie liberal women to learn the mentally/sexually stimulating art of Conservatism.
It’s actually quite simple. There are more liberal women, especially the hot ones, than conservative women because conservative men have a higher tendency to have a smaller than average penis and liberal men have a higher tendency to have a larger than average penis.

The higher propensity of smaller than averaged penis explains why conservative men generally get so angry when confronted with any opinion that they disagree with or any lifestyle that they feel threatened by. This is due to an underling insecurity related to their being predisposed to having smaller than average penises.

The exact opposite of course is true with liberal men as they are much less apt to be intolerant of alternate opinions and lifestyles because of the of underlining confidence that is rooted in their tendency to have larger than average penises.

The question science has not answered yet is whether or not is if the genetics that result in a conservative / intolerant personality also have a tendency to result in small penises, or whether having a small penis predisposes an individual to having conservative / intolerant personality traits.

However, scientific research has found that libertarians who are social as well as fiscal libertarians tend to share the same tendency of liberal men of having a larger than average penis.

So really, the problem for guys on the social and religious right is that by and large, chicks think bigger is better and thus gravitate towards the left. :lol:
SouthernDemocrat said:
It’s actually quite simple. There are more liberal women, especially the hot ones, than conservative women because conservative men have a higher tendency to have a smaller than average penis and liberal men have a higher tendency to have a larger than average penis.

The higher propensity of smaller than averaged penis explains why conservative men generally get so angry when confronted with any opinion that they disagree with or any lifestyle that they feel threatened by. This is due to an underling insecurity related to their being predisposed to having smaller than average penises.

The exact opposite of course is true with liberal men as they are much less apt to be intolerant of alternate opinions and lifestyles because of the of underlining confidence that is rooted in their tendency to have larger than average penises.

The question science has not answered yet is whether or not is if the genetics that result in a conservative / intolerant personality also have a tendency to result in small penises, or whether having a small penis predisposes an individual to having conservative / intolerant personality traits.

However, scientific research has found that libertarians who are social as well as fiscal libertarians tend to share the same tendency of liberal men of having a larger than average penis.

So really, the problem for guys on the social and religious right is that by and large, chicks think bigger is better and thus gravitate towards the left. :lol:

Hmmmmm then why is it the liberal men seem so emasculated? I thought it was 'cause the feminists owned their balls.....yet you're telling me they have big dicks???
talloulou said:
Hmmmmm then why is it the liberal men seem so emasculated? I thought it was 'cause the feminists owned their balls.....yet you're telling me they have big dicks???
In case you did not pick up on it, I was being tongue in cheek. I have no idea whether or not liberals or conservatives are bigger. I would suspect its about the same. However, then again having a small penis would explain the anger and insecurity exibited by some on the far right so who knows...

Plus, no doubt about it. Liberals get more.:lol:
steen said:
Conservative women are at home in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant.


As they should be.

One of my more conservative female friends and I did a photo shoot. We stuffed pillows under our shirts and took pictures of us barefoot, pregnant, washing dishes in the kitchen while smoking camel lights.:lol:

And PTSD, ive got one but im not sharing:2razz:
talloulou said:
More what? Venereal diseases?:rofl

Doubt that. I dont recall ever reading or hearing any Liberals talk about how unsafe it is to rely on condoms...
I am sure that a woman is a woman, no matter what their political leaning!;)

This is silly, let's not go there, this comparison is just ridiculous.................but this is the basement,, never mind ;)
RightatNYU said:

As they should be.

One of my more conservative female friends and I did a photo shoot. We stuffed pillows under our shirts and took pictures of us barefoot, pregnant, washing dishes in the kitchen while smoking camel lights.:lol:

And PTSD, ive got one but im not sharing:2razz:

***You've got one what...a dick, or a dickhead? You are right, I do not want to share.
teacher said:
What a friggin wanker with yet another stupid thread. Listen ptsdkid. No one here believes you're ever been laid.

***My son disagrees with you, teach.
ptsdkid said:
***All liberal women do indeed enjoy having the power to get an abortion on demand. I thought it was on the liberal agenda to practice safe sex and teach sex in the classroom. How did they get pregnant in the first place; did the condom break?

Truly Kid....you have a staggering ability to play the fool, as if years have been spent honing the ability to turn off portions of the brain. I would point out that had you ever managed to develop a relationship with anything other than your own appendage, you would likely have a somewhat more enlightened understanding of the intricacies women bring to the perverbial table. As it is, based on your tendency to post blatant falsehood, and project an image of retarded development in social, personal, and cultural realms, I can only assume you continue to post in these forums as a means to get some form of attention.
That the attention you DO manage to get is always negative, and to any self respecting human would be embarassing, only proves in my mind that you live in the basement. No, not this one....your parents.It has become clear that you are not well, and in fact could benefit from one of the many Neural Pathway Alteration drugs currently availible from a good Psyciatrist. Get some help there Buckaroo....the sickness is nothing to be ashamed of, but I must say the Symptoms you show most certainly are.
I doubt you will even read this comment, or react to it as it has become clear you do not like confrontation from someone who speaks the truth to you about your mental imbalance, that is fine. But please seek some form of therapy, it will help in the long run.
tecoyah said:
Truly Kid....you have a staggering ability to play the fool, as if years have been spent honing the ability to turn off portions of the brain. I would point out that had you ever managed to develop a relationship with anything other than your own appendage, you would likely have a somewhat more enlightened understanding of the intricacies women bring to the perverbial table. As it is, based on your tendency to post blatant falsehood, and project an image of retarded development in social, personal, and cultural realms, I can only assume you continue to post in these forums as a means to get some form of attention.
That the attention you DO manage to get is always negative, and to any self respecting human would be embarassing, only proves in my mind that you live in the basement. No, not this one....your parents.It has become clear that you are not well, and in fact could benefit from one of the many Neural Pathway Alteration drugs currently availible from a good Psyciatrist. Get some help there Buckaroo....the sickness is nothing to be ashamed of, but I must say the Symptoms you show most certainly are.

***Thanks for being the first person who actually brought some deep thinking to the table. Problem is, I don't know whether you're offering me medical advice for being factually correct with my take on women in general, or medical advice for my clear and unwavering take on the faults of liberal women. Either way, I have said before that prescription psychothropic drugs are dangerous. Don't you wish that there was more interest in the creation of the 'Psycho 101' sub topic?
I do know a pretty smart conservative woman who is also very pretty in real life, who is also Catholic and is at the local University majoring in biology. There are many intelligent women who are conservative, you just have to look around.
Really? You could only come up with one.
Yup, I sure do love that abortion demand. That's why I've still got a fetus firmly implanted in my uterus. Oh, that's right, I'm just waiting to get that abortion in another 10 weeks or so......:roll:
Stace said:
Yup, I sure do love that abortion demand. That's why I've still got a fetus firmly implanted in my uterus. Oh, that's right, I'm just waiting to get that abortion in another 10 weeks or so......:roll:

***Funny, I thought that you would have been seeking counsel from some planned parenthood counselor, as to how you could abort the fetus when the time was right, or when it would be less emotionally traumatic during your delicate pregnancy.
ptsdkid said:
***Funny, I thought that you would have been seeking counsel from some planned parenthood counselor, as to how you could abort the fetus when the time was right, or when it would be less emotionally traumatic during your delicate pregnancy.

And why the f.uck would I do that? Liberals have kids, too, ya know. But, thanks for proving my point.
ptsdkid said:
***Funny, I thought that you would have been seeking counsel from some planned parenthood counselor, as to how you could abort the fetus when the time was right, or when it would be less emotionally traumatic during your delicate pregnancy.

Being a Dick is one thing Kid...but there is a line. There comes a time when people really no longer feel the need to show any respect whatsoever for another Human, and its amazing how close you are to this right now. That you are a ****ed up person is understandable, even the disregard for opinion is acceptable, But I swear to all that is holy if you EVER mess with a pregnant womans actual life again, I will use all means at my disposal to destroy any persona you pretend to have in here....and follow your IP wherever it may go.

This is not a good direction for either of us to go, and I recommend you rescind your comment and apologise for the rediculous comments you spew onto this little chunk of heaven......Oh I am so ****ing Pissed.
tecoyah said:
Being a Dick is one thing Kid...but there is a line. There comes a time when people really no longer feel the need to show any respect whatsoever for another Human, and its amazing how close you are to this right now. That you are a ****ed up person is understandable, even the disregard for opinion is acceptable, But I swear to all that is holy if you EVER mess with a pregnant womans actual life again, I will use all means at my disposal to destroy any persona you pretend to have in here....and follow your IP wherever it may go.

This is not a good direction for either of us to go, and I recommend you rescind your comment and apologise for the rediculous comments you spew onto this little chunk of heaven......Oh I am so ****ing Pissed.

Hey Teacup, I always thought that you were a bit unbalanced. Thanks for proving my assumption. Not only did you take my response to Stace out of context, but you managed to expose the anger and rage that is growing inside. Take it from me (a self aggrandized psychology professional)...you need shrink help immediately. Teacher refused to come to me for his second session for psyche help. Look how he's doing now. You don't want to end up like the disturbed Teacher...do you?
ptsdkid said:
Hey Teacup, I always thought that you were a bit unbalanced.

From one who is seriously phucked up, that's laughable.

ptsdkid said:
Thanks for proving my assumption. Not only did you take my response to Stace out of context, but you managed to expose the anger and rage that is growing inside. Take it from me (a self aggrandized psychology professional)...you need shrink help immediately.

Heaven help us!

ptsdkid said:
Teacher refused to come to me for his second session for psyche help. Look how he's doing now. You don't want to end up like the disturbed Teacher...do you?

I wouldn't mind. If I had half of teacer's talent I'd be well pleased.

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