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When women join the “fair and balanced” network, they get “Foxified” (1 Viewer)

I'd like to point out that rather than legs "nearly always crossed toward the male guest du jour" it could just be that the are crossed away from the camera so that they aren't providing any special viewing to the TV audience when they change position.

As far as the rest of this garbage.....we're not talking about a new concept here. Outnumbered is soft opinion like what you'd see on The View or something. It's supposed to be entertaining first and informative second.

I've often wondered how they can keep their legs crossed that long without cutting off the blood supply to their feet. I know that I couldn't.
You're going to use the term "virtually identical women" while considering only hairstyle, body type and style of dress? And we're the ones being sexist?

Welcome to the wacky world of liberalism!!! Its ok to judge on appearance and sex, apparently.
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That's simple... It's a combination of seething partisan hatred and that mythological "liberal tolerance" coming together for a meaningless and quite ridicules rant to mask the embarrassment of having an inept and incompetent president representing them in the White House.... Well, that's my guess anyway.

It seems much more inwardly-directed to me. It seems clear that the OP has serious self-esteem issues, perceives herself to be unattractive and is lashing out jealously at a group of women that she perceives as being more attractive than herself.

Why is it that those who come from a political leaning that claims to be tolerant of others, is so intolerant?

It's obvious enough if you take a careful look at wrong-wing tolerance. They are very tolerant toward those who agree with them. Not so much tolerant of anyone who dares to hold opinions or beliefs with which they disagree. Liberal “tolerance” misses the entire point of genuine tolerance.

Not surprising, the poster here isn't too quick on the uptake, if lacking that ability altogether. First, he again avoids the topic, instead addressing an "opinion" of mine. As he cannot refute the blatant sexism that fox news lives by, which is the topic, he hopes to mislead people by asking a red herring question.

The simplex male mindset of attacking the messenger instead of the message betrays and inability to see the larger picture.

Just recently, faux news launched another overtly sexist program called; "Outnumbered" which has been described like this;

"Even before its debut, it was evident that Roger Ailes' brainchild would be incredibly sexist. The name Outnumbered alone announces that the show operates from the perspective of its sole male guest, who must inevitably feel outnumbered in the presence of four female hosts (never mind the fact that many of Fox's current programs, like Fox & Friends or The Five, feature more male hosts than female yet carry no such designation).

Outnumbered likewise doesn't depart from Ailes' trademark exploitation of Fox women -- immediately evident in the no-pants dress code thus far for female anchors, whose legs are on prominent display and nearly always crossed toward the male guest du jour, known to the Twittersphere as #OneLuckyGuy."



You will note the topic of this groups discussion: "New Briefs Designed To Protect Men From Electromagnetic Rays"

Rather than having the women discussing hard hitting news and social events, faux once again shows it's disdain for women.

Oh for crying out loud. I happened to catch that segment of the new show on Fox in the afternoon which is a spinoff of The View. There are four very intelligent attractive women in the group daily and one guest male. The format includes one puff segment. That particular day it was on men's underwear designed to protect them from going sterile. The rest of the show delves into serious discussion on current affairs and issues.

You started your argument complaining about women at Fox all being Arian blondes. And you were proved wrong. Then you went after their dress looking for pictures of those who have worn a plunging neckline as the norm and you were proved wrong. Even though between the Renaissance and the 19th century, wearing low-cut dresses that exposed breasts was acceptable. Talk about backwardness. Then the mocking of their intelligence when every one of the females on Fox have degrees and experience in previous professions that they bring to the table.

What's wrong? You think more women should look like Candy Crowley at CNN? A woman with a stripper's name, who doesn't give a flip about her appearance and looks like she should be standing behind the cash register at your local 7-11? :lol:
I've often wondered how they can keep their legs crossed that long without cutting off the blood supply to their feet. I know that I couldn't.
Or do you mean cutting off the blood to someplace else?
Fox News is a modern day Stepford factory for accomplished women. By turning professors and authors into porn star doppelgangers, the network effectively communicates what women say is not as important how they appear. – Source

Considering the author of the source posted in the OP. Margot Magowan

Seems she sees sexism wherever she casts her gaze.

“This is how ****ed up kidworld has become. Finally, parents are catching on that gender stereotyping children limits potential. So what do we get? An anti-everything pink and princess themed ad, which is great, selling a princess themed toy. WTF?”
Margot Magowan » Girl w/ Pen

Girls aren't allowed to be girls anymore just to make sure that the sexes are treated equally. Harrummph.
Odd way of gettinng around to the point I guess. But oh well.

Given your own example and measure, then, just because the main stream media news sources are popular doesn't mean that they are good or should be trusted, nor that they aren't engaging in brainwashing and / or propaganda.

Fox news is MSM, and they are all highly suspect. Non Fox media only looks good in comparison to Fox. I remember back when Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq, the MSM was all gung ho for it and was an instrumental part of the machine that made it happen.
Fox news is MSM, and they are all highly suspect. Non Fox media only looks good in comparison to Fox. I remember back when Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq, the MSM was all gung ho for it and was an instrumental part of the machine that made it happen.

And then they got Obama elected-even more tragically. :doh
So you want us to judge these women based on how they appear? Thats kinda sexist and demeaning of you, dont you think? Plenty of brunettes work there too, odd you left them out when making your case.
Also, murdock is a democrat and supports hillary clinton, as well as Obama. What now? :cool:

Do I remember the OP claiming to have been a journalism major? What does it say about her credibility in that field, to be repeatedly caught cherry-picking data to make a case that doesn't stand when all the data are examined? Pretty much what we know about most modern mainstream journalists, I suppose.

Aside from the obvious jealousy issue over her perception that the women she is trashing are prettier than she is, perhaps there's also some resentment that they are journalists who don't engage in the cherry-picking and other dishonesty that is apparently taught to most modern journalism majors.
Fox news is MSM,

It depends on how define what is MSM. Mainstream media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia would seem to led one to believe that 'traditional media' is a more accurate term, and given how recent Fox as entered the media business, don't think they could be considered as traditional in that way. Nor would one consider Fox as traditional in their content, which is typically a bit right in the political spectrum of what one would consider the traditional media. So, no, I don't think Fox qualified as mainstream media.

and they are all highly suspect.

We agree that no one should take any media's position on anything as a single source on which to base an informed opinion on.

Non Fox media only looks good in comparison to Fox.

This would be a personal opinion, which is fine. I happen to have the personal opinion counter. But everyone is can have their own opinions.

I remember back when Bush wanted to go to war in Iraq, the MSM was all gung ho for it and was an instrumental part of the machine that made it happen.

Not sure how this figures into this particular topic. The Iraq invasion was supported by many of on both sides of the political spectrum at the time. Seems now through, that many are reneging on their previous position in one way or another, as the political winds have shifted direction on this topic. Well, hell, what do you expect? They are politicians, after all.
Well, it's OK when liberals do it. Not when conservatives do it.

Bob you know what I think a lot of left leaning women hate about Fox women? These women celebrate being women. Femininity is not looked upon as a weakness. I have never seen another network where more female news anchors and commentators work through their entire pregnancies in front of the cameras not hiding their bellies than Fox. And at 8 months pregnant they still look lovely.
Bob you know what I think a lot of left leaning women hate about Fox women? These women celebrate being women. Femininity is not looked upon as a weakness. I have never seen another network where more female news anchors and commentators work through their entire pregnancies in front of the cameras not hiding their bellies than Fox. And at 8 months pregnant they still look lovely.

Maybe theres something to that. Its always interesting to see the liberal crowd shriek that Fox News is disrespectful of women, and then argue that women need free birth control from the govt for life. :doh
More tragic than the Iraq war? Quite the patriot you are.

It's been stated so many times before, but I'll try again. Hillary, Kerry, and many other Democrat leaders made impassioned speeches in favor of going to war with Iraq! Just because they would now like us to forget that fact does not change history! Are you saying they are unpatriotic? Sheesh! Try something else! You're making the Democrats look bad! :doh:

Greetings, Verax. :2wave:
You're going to use the term "virtually identical women" while considering only hairstyle, body type and style of dress? And we're the ones being sexist?

No. There's a jaw, nose, and eyebrow shape they seem to select for as well. There's also a limited spectrum of blonde that seems to be acceptable. There's also only one or two hair cuts, depending on how generous you feel like being; all straight with a slight body wave, lots of spray at the crown Texas-style, with layers, between neck and armpit length in accordance to age, or how much bleach damage they have to hide.

It's much, much more than that. It's a recipe, and it's quite precise, just like some other industries have. Look again.

Although, even taking the criteria you listed alone, it is still rather strange that they only seem to allow very certain things.

There's billions of us, and with a combination of strongly appearance-based selection and stringent preparation guidelines, you can make lots of people look virtually identical. And that's exactly what appears to be happening.
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Maybe theres something to that. Its always interesting to see the liberal crowd shriek that Fox News is disrespectful of women, and then argue that women need free birth control from the govt for life. :doh

I don't know about that one, but pregnancy and celebrating life through the women on Fox is quite common. An example is Meg Kelly is in her 40's and a mother of four. She worked through her entire pregnancy on her afternoon show last year. Was off on maternity leave 6 weeks and came back to hosting a primetime show Kelly Files.
It's been stated so many times before, but I'll try again. Hillary, Kerry, and many other Democrat leaders made impassioned speeches in favor of going to war with Iraq! Just because they would now like us to forget that fact does not change history! Are you saying they are unpatriotic? Sheesh! Try something else! You're making the Democrats look bad! :doh:

Greetings, Verax. :2wave:

Something like this?

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