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When will Biden stop the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Hamas and Israel that he started? (2 Viewers)

If Israel can be Biden's fault, Covid can be Trump's fault.
There are actual things trump did to help cause the 10/7 attack - he emboldened the terrorist moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and more critically was pushing Arab countries to sign deals which abandoned the Palestinians, the direct trigger.
Hilarious, sorta' like when trump in the glare of worldwide tv told us he had no reason not believe Putin over his own intelligence agencies? I'm sure that made America look great to other dictators around the world.

Because the intel agencies have gotten it wrong too many times. With weapons of mass destruction that caused the Gulf War and Hunter Biden laptop.
Four years ago we were paralyzed by a catastrophic health crisis, supermarket shelves were empty, the DOW cratered, we were all isolated in order to give grandpa the possibility of not dying, and there was a 9/11-worth of deaths every day.

If you’re looking for Evidence Exhibit A for why Conservatives have no credibility, their nostalgia for one of the most traumatizing periods in American history is it.

And Biden still sucks at foreign policy.
Because the intel agencies have gotten it wrong too many times. With weapons of mass destruction that caused the Gulf War and Hunter Biden laptop.
The Intel agencies told bush over and over, no connection between Saddam and bin laden but bush or maybe Cheney/Rumsfeld also were whispering to bush to attack and guess what, no wmd but what we did find was tons of bullshit lies. W did America really dirty with that blunder and in the end it also crashed the economy and yet Republicans still insist they are better with the taxpayers dollars.
COVID originated in a Chinese lab, but I don't believe China chose to release it on the world. I think it was an accidental leak.
Further, the increased lethality of COVID was a likely a direct result of the 'gain of function' research that the US government funded, at Fauci's insistence and 'workarounds' of stated policy restrictions.
Further, the increased lethality of COVID was a likely a direct result of the 'gain of function' research that the US government funded, at Fauci's insistence and 'workarounds' of stated policy restrictions.
What gain of function?
Because the intel agencies have gotten it wrong too many times. With weapons of mass destruction that caused the Gulf War and Hunter Biden laptop.
Its less safer now thanks to your senile buddy Brandon.
It is sad that how facts take a beating by blind politics. The "Ukraine war" actually started in 2014

In 2014, during the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, President Obama exerted pressure on Germany to cease its gas purchases from Russia. This move was intended to place a financial strain on Russia. Under Obama’s administration, numerous sanctions were imposed that effectively limited the escalation of the war. However, under Trump’s administration, Russia was essentially given carte blanche, which eventually led to a full-scale invasion.

Biden is not without fault, when he had the control of Senate and the House, he should gone full tilt and be fully committed to Ukraine. You have no idea how dangerous Putin is. He sees himself as not someone that wants to restore, the Soviet Union. He sees himself as Peter the Great and he wants to recapture all the states that were under Russia back then. In other words...Putin is Hitler crazy.. That is how serious this is.

But just to reiterate. the world is no more safer or more dangerous during Obama/Trump/Biden

  • 2016
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • Iraqi Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
  • 2017:
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • Iraqi Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
  • 2018:
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
  • 2019:
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
  • 2020:
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
    • Nagorno-Karabakh war
  • 2021:
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
    • Tigray War
  • 2022:
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
    • Tigray War
  • 2023:
    • Syrian Civil War
    • Yemeni Civil War
    • War in Afghanistan
    • Boko Haram Insurgency
    • Somali Civil War
    • War in Darfur
    • South Sudanese Civil War
    • Tigray War
    • Gaza
Diving Mullah
Biden isn't directly responsible, but he's a weak leader and the world sees it. That lossens the restraints on aggressor states.

Bull, they see us as weak because a loud chunk of the country rails against its own president CALLING him weak. Nice going MAGA. And all because you're *still* as butthurt as eight year olds over your guy not winning.

Do other nations see that as weak...um, yeah. How could they not? Freaking infants. Smooth move.
Last edited:
What gain of function?

Without gain of function studies literally NO medication could have an accurate dose.
Gain of function studies are absolutely necessary in medicine, as necessary as torture tests are in structural and mechanical engineering.
Without gain of function studies literally NO medication could have an accurate dose.
Gain of function studies are absolutely necessary in medicine, as necessary as torture tests are in structural and mechanical engineering.
Yeah I know. I was just curious if he knew what the hell he was talking about. Fair to say no.
But just to reiterate. the world is no more safer or more dangerous during Obama/Trump/Biden

You provided a lot of good specifics, but I disagree with that opinion about them.
That's my fault?


Your thread title is not from a link. It is a title you created yourself. Joe Biden did not start the wars in Ukraine and Palestine.

But your thread title disingenuously lays the blame at his feet. That is all that many people see from the Home Page view.

Your title sounds no different than the disinformation VySky would post from ZeroHedge.
Biden isn't directly responsible, but he's a weak leader and the world sees it. That lossens the restraints on aggressor states.

Not only weak, but the corruption enables them to heighten their desires knowing he's paid for.
Biden isn't directly responsible, but he's a weak leader and the world sees it. That lossens the restraints on aggressor states.
OK genius, just exactly what would you suggest Biden do about (1) Ukraine and/or (2) Israel?

Please be clear and specific as you seem to recognize that Biden's current stance is too "weak."
Why do some Americans blame Biden for this kind of thing happening?
Biden didn’t start either war. Russia and Hamas did. The threat of Ukraine joining NATO may have had a lot to do with Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine in order to keep The Ukraine out of NATO. Both Russia and Israel have their own national interests to achieve in both conflicts. There was nothing Biden could do to prevent these two wars, there’s nothing he can do to stop them.

Contrary to a lot of Americans thinking of the presidency, there’s a lot a president can’t control or do about certain situations and events. These two wars are beyond Biden’s or any president ability to prevent, control or stop. All Biden or any president can do is to react to the present situation concerning both wars. I think Biden or any president must let both play out. The reality of the situation is there’s nothing else he can do.

Biden is Officially the Least Popular President in 70 Years​

Oh look. The crowd that only cares about how popular someone is.
“Look! I have more followers on social media! I’m a great president!”
Biden isn't directly responsible, but he's a weak leader and the world sees it. That lossens the restraints on aggressor states.

Is that why NATO has expanded the last 2 years - because Biden's a weak leader?

Has China moved on Taiwan?

Iran's doing its usual shit, but no different than anytime the last 45 years, really.

Your thread title is not from a link. It is a title you created yourself. Joe Biden did not start the wars in Ukraine and Palestine.

But your thread title disingenuously lays the blame at his feet. That is all that many people see from the Home Page view.

Your title sounds no different than the disinformation VySky would post from ZeroHedge.
It was sarcasm, I'm sorry you didn't get it.

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