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'When the looting starts, the shooting starts': Trump outraged by Minnesota protests (1 Viewer)

Well, I guess that is a difference in societal attitude. Here the insurance will just restore the store and deal with everything financial.
All these businesses are fully insured? Is this an attempt to alleviate the human concerns and that there was no harm done because insurance companies will pay for the many millions in damages anyway?
Against criminals committing felonies that will harm entire populations for possibly decades? Criminals that are actively creating destruction that will lead to joblessness, abuse, possible suicides... etc.? IMO the President is showing restraint.

:lol: There it is...

If you think that looting and arson during riots is analogous to a person stealing then you have a fundamental disconnect...

Yes there it is. Supporting a nationalist who is anti immigrant, xenophobic and often quotes far right groups makes you a fascist.

Like I genuinely don’t understand what you people think is happening? You support a candidate who doesn’t have support of any minority groups, hates the free press and has the backing of every far right group in the world, from the KKK to Britain First.
Like it or not he is uncomfortably close to fascism and if you support him then you are as well.
All these businesses are fully insured? Is this an attempt to alleviate the human concerns and that there was no harm done because insurance companies will pay for the many millions in damages anyway?

In the Netherlands most businesses have insurance. I have worked at several shops and all of them were insured except for shoplifting, breaking and entering/looting are insured. But in the Netherlands looting is not really that much of a widespread issue. I know in France it was very bad with the yellow vests movement.
You want them shot for crimes. We should try to maintain peace and order. Encouraging more violence is wrong. The president shouldn't do it

Why do you keep saying I want to shoot people? What I want is for these Democrat politicians telling the cops to stand down to get some balls. The police should never have abandoned that precinct in Minneapolis. They should have defended it.
If you're so anxious to see a government act this way, I suggest yo move to N. Korea. We don't do that in America, no matter what color they are.

We used to. Now we have the cops abandoning their precincts and ***** Democrat mayors who want these rioters to let us know how they feel and tell us if they need a hug. The cops should never have abandoned that precinct in Minneapolis. They should have defended it--with bullets if necessary.
I agree. Unfortunately the Democrats want to disarm our police and military and threaten them with prison if they ever choose to properly perform their duty of protecting the public and the city.
Those people doing the burning are democrats. I don't condone any violent protests. Maybe the 4 cops that killed George Floyd should have put aside their hatred and let him live.

I don't condone violent protests, and I don't condone what happened to Mr. Floyd. But the only way to effectively quell a riot is with force, and a lot of it. Anyone holding an incendiary device with the intention of committing arson is a potential mortal threat. Shooting them should be permitted.
Should police who kill citizens be shot on sight? Or do people have value than property?

It's not just property you're defending. Someone committing arson or hurling large, heavy objects such as rocks can seriously injure or kill someone. Everyone, including a cop or a citizen of a neighborhood under siege, has a right to defend himself. Then there's the idea that when you're defending something like a police station, you're defending the social order and what separates us from uncivilized society. Look at how fast chaos devolved in Venezuela, once one of the Latin America's most stable and longest-running democracies.
Yes there it is. Supporting a nationalist who is anti immigrant, xenophobic and often quotes far right groups makes you a fascist.
Perhaps. But that would not be the US Presidwnt, unless you have any real evidence to the contrary.
Like I genuinely don’t understand what you people think is happening? You support a candidate who doesn’t have support of any minority groups, hates the free press and has the backing of every far right group in the world, from the KKK to Britain First. Like it or not he is uncomfortably close to fascism and if you support him then you are as well.
You're watching too much BBC.
I don't condone violent protests, and I don't condone what happened to Mr. Floyd. But the only way to effectively quell a riot is with force, and a lot of it. Anyone holding an incendiary device with the intention of committing arson is a potential mortal threat. Shooting them should be permitted.
That will likely come.
How about looking at two reports of hundreds demonstrating the problem of illegal felon voting. This is not about whether felons should vote, it is about the fact that felons have broken the law by voting and democrats have to lie in order to say it does not happen.

Were 275 votes cast by Florida felons illegally? Miami-Dade prosecutors investigate
Miami Herald

AUGUST 14, 2018 10:27 PM , UPDATED AUGUST 15, 2018 08:18 AM

Convicted felons charged with illegally voting in Hoke :: WRAL.com

So you have no actual proof, gotcha.
Trump's just jealous because the riots draw bigger crowds than his inauguration.
Yes there it is. Supporting a nationalist who is anti immigrant, xenophobic and often quotes far right groups makes you a fascist.

Like I genuinely don’t understand what you people think is happening? You support a candidate who doesn’t have support of any minority groups, hates the free press and has the backing of every far right group in the world, from the KKK to Britain First.
Like it or not he is uncomfortably close to fascism and if you support him then you are as well.

This post is extremely stupid and that says volumes about whoever might post it.
Why are the cops not stating on loudspeakers and the news that they are going to open fire on everybody on the streets after certain time frames? There is also the National Guard. "Hey public... you have 1 hour to leave or you will be shot." And then you shoot some of these ****ers and see how the rest react... running home and hiding. This bull**** has gone on long enough... at some point you restore order or you give in to anarchy... time is to shoot these ****ing pieces of ****.

What has Fred done that is fascist?

Agreed... they are going to use this incident to cause a lot of problems and it needs to be put to a stop.

That link does not work but I am pretty sure that your attempted character assassination is ridiculous.

It was just Hong Kong protestors and police actually.
I can’t feel any pity or compassion for the current situation. Many posters here would trash the government of my hometown and country, standing with the “Peaceful protestors” of Hong Kong, when in actual fact, things were way worse then what is happening in the States.

In HK, the “peaceful” protestors would cover for the rioters and looters (and in multiple cases, murderers), forming human chains to block off the police, actively forming relay chains to pass molotov cocktails up to the “front lines”, blocking the media with umbrellas when those that spoke out against their rioting, looting, and violence were brutally attacked. They threw molotovs at police, ransacked businesses, beat up older “conservatives”, burned subway stations and vehicles, set off bombs near police housing, and burned people alive.

Yet many that I see calling for the police to shoot looters and rioters were screaming “Stand with Hong Kong” when the antifa-inspired idiots here were destroying the city last year, and condemning our government.
Just checked the MSNBC clueless home page. Headlines read...

Watch live: MSNBC coverage as protests rage in Minneapolis and across the country

Live Blog / Latest on the nationwide protests over George Floyd's death
Just now11m ago

Biden calls protests 'right and necessary'
Just now15m ago

No end in sight as protests and aggressive police responses continue nationwide
Just now28m ago

Flash-bangs go off near NBC News reporter as Minneapolis protesters retreat from tear gas

'There was no warning whatsoever': Police shoot tear gas toward protesters, MSNBC crew

They must have had to really look hard to find these protests going on, amid all the rioting, burning vehicles, violence, and looting! Which, they somehow completely missed.

I searched their page for the word "riot". Guess what, ZERO occurrences.

Biden is an idiot, what a stupid statement.

Those police, with their aggressive responses! Are you absolutely kidding me??? It's the police who are aggressive here? These are the dumbest people on the planet.

I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to get news from these people. They haven't seen any riots yet, but they managed to take a few swipes at the police, who have been showing tremendous restraint, for using tear gas and flash bangs (non lethal).
The cops in Minneapolis are still treating people like ****.

Here is just some random innocent driver and they yell at him to run through a light and scream at him at the top of their lungs that he is a "****ing moron".


I dont think anything is gonna get healed any time soon.
New clip shows officers getting rough with Gentle George after hes in the back of the car, handcuffed. You cant really see whats going on but you can see 2 officers seemed to be striking or doing something. I assume all 4 of their body cams reveal it all but wont be released in full.

New Footage Shows Moments Before George Floyd was Killed on Vimeo
There were facts? :lol:


Does he have a single majority with minorities voters? No

Has he waged war with the press? Yes

Did he run on a platform of actually banning Muslims from entering the US? Yes

Does he have the support of far right groups? Yes

Has he even shared tweets from far right groups like Britain first? Yes

You can play dumb all you want but the writing is on the wall.
Last edited:
Yes there it is. Supporting a nationalist who is anti immigrant, xenophobic and often quotes far right groups makes you a fascist.

Like I genuinely don’t understand what you people think is happening? You support a candidate who doesn’t have support of any minority groups, hates the free press and has the backing of every far right group in the world, from the KKK to Britain First.
Like it or not he is uncomfortably close to fascism and if you support him then you are as well.

Apparently you're not showing enough bigotry and hatred for anyone with black skin. Come on man, pick up the slack!

Does he have a single majority with minorities voters? No

Has he waged war with the press? Yes

Did he run on a platform of actually banning Muslims from entering the US? Yes

Does he have the support of far right groups? Yes

Has he even shared tweets from far right groups like Britain first? Yes

You can play dumb all you want but the writing is on the wall.

You missed the point and you are compounding the issue with every post...

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