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What's New - Latest Profile Posts (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Republic of Florida
Political Leaning
Whats this latest profile posts page on the whats new link? I see people talking about being probed by their doctor. Looks like personal convos. Can that be disabled?
Ok, looks like its just the default. But clicking new posts only shows new posts.

Feedback then, default the whats new link to new posts, not new posts and new profile posts.
Profile posts are public msgs to your profile and can be liked/reported.

Profile posts can also be set in your privacy settings.
Profile posts are public msgs to your profile and can be liked/reported.

Profile posts can also be set in your privacy settings.
I know that. They just didnt show by default on the old site. People probably dont want them being seen by default since they look personal.

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