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What would you do? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 25, 2011
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Lost at sea~
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

Make it rain.
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

Enjoy spending my newfound fortune.
I would wonder if it were marked money, and if the FBI were going to show up at my door.
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???
What would you do?

I would keep it, and get the heck out of there, it is probably drug proceeds and they will come looking for it. Besides, turning it in and you would be lucky to see a penny after the government takes what they feel is their due.
It's not mine. It could very well be drug/cartel money. They don't take kindly to absconding with their profits.

I would probably turn it over to the local police department.
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

That depends. Is the nature break the kind where I might need some TP?
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???
Finder keepers. Losers weepers. Something like that.
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

turn it in, what else?

what is there to ponder?
It's almost assuredly illegal money. What is to say that bad people aren't watching it, waiting to come get it themselves. You could be in a world of hurt if the wrong people follow you to take it. That said, I'd prob bury it somewhere else and come back in a few months to get it.
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

Keep looking. There is a chance that somewhere nearby is some of the good weed that got that cash there.
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

It's pretty easy for me. I would try to determine if the bag has been there awhile. Is it sun bleached ect. If yes then keep the cash. If it hasnt been found by then it's been written off most likely. If no, leave a note with my contact info, then put an ad in the lost and found of the local media outlets and keep the proceeds in safe keeping until someone either identifies and collects it or a year passes. If a year passes without anybody collecting their item I make the proceeds mine to do with as I see fit.
Just walk on by. I am not even touching it to look inside.
You ain't fooling nobody for a minute...Curiosity killed the cat for a very good reason...It couldn't stand not knowing!

That's why people crossed unknown oceans in rickety ships and rode atop rockets exploding beneath them to the moon.

If you or anybody could "just walk on by"; it would eat at you till your dying day and be the last regret on your mind.
You ain't fooling nobody for a minute...Curiosity killed the cat for a very good reason...It couldn't stand not knowing!

That's why people crossed unknown oceans in rickety ships and rode atop rockets exploding beneath them to the moon.

If you or anybody could "just walk on by"; it would eat at you till your dying day and be the last regret on your mind.

For some people that is not true. They can walk on by and live just fine. I know some that are that way.
For some people that is not true. They can walk on by and live just fine. I know some that are that way.
If not for curiosity people might still live in caves, eating raw meat.
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

I would turn it over to the local police department, as I am required to by California law in order to find the owner of this money. If the money's owners did not come forward in the statutory period to claim the money, I would then ask for it back. I would then pay taxes on it. Afterwards, I would then use a portion of it to fund mine and my wife's IRAs, pay down my mortgage, and put the rest of it into our son's college fund.
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OK, so I know people have accidentally left a few grand on a seat in Dennys, but 100K? In the woods? That is not a mistake. It's a drop. And you best leave it alone. Not that I know anything about that sort of thing. No way, not me. Especially outside of Miami around 1980, in a garage with some Haitian dudes with shotguns.
I would turn it over to the local police department, as I am required to by California law. If the money's owners did not come forward in the statutory period to claim the money, I would then ask for it back. I would then pay taxes on it. I would then use a portion of it to fund mine and my wife's IRAs, pay down my mortgage, and put the rest of it into our son's college fund.
I love it, Leo...And while I have your undivided attention I was wondering if maybe you could tell me none of this other stuff is true, and mean it?

I've heard of reports about people having their money confiscated by the police, discovered during routine traffic stops simply because the cash amount exceeded $10,000 without necessity for a warrant or evidence of criminal activity.

And in many of these incidents these people's money wasn't returned for years and only after spending thousands of dollars in legal fees...could any of this actually be true?
A question to ponder during the looming DP blackout...

You're hiking a trail in the mountains alone and with nary a soul in sight you step off the path for a nature call where you notice a backpack partially exposed in an opening beneath a large rocky outcrop.

Upon examining the backpack, to your amazement, you find $100,000; all in denominations of circulated twenties, fifties and hundreds, none with consecutive serial numbers, and none of it counterfeit.

What would you do???

I would turn it in and hope for a reward...
You ain't fooling nobody for a minute...Curiosity killed the cat for a very good reason...It couldn't stand not knowing!

That's why people crossed unknown oceans in rickety ships and rode atop rockets exploding beneath them to the moon.

If you or anybody could "just walk on by"; it would eat at you till your dying day and be the last regret on your mind.

You’ve never walked by a discarded bag in the trash and *not* rifled through it?
You’ve never walked by a discarded bag in the trash and *not* rifled through it?
Well of course I have.....who on earth hasn't?!

But never a stuffed backpack, partially hidden beside a secluded wilderness trail.

Which is no comparison to garbage picking or dumpster diving...at least not to me.
Well of course I have.....who on earth hasn't?!

But never a stuffed backpack, partially hidden beside a secluded wilderness trail.

Which is no comparison to garbage picking or dumpster diving...at least not to me.

You steal bigger game.

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