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What was that again? (1 Viewer)

I don't like Brussel sprouts means I don't like white people justice?

I don't think so. Based on the Star Trek bit and some other thing he said I suspect that the guy is a little, shall we say, "eccentric". He is also kind of uninformed with regard to the whole Kenosha situation but, frankly, if he's been dealing with a son in the hospital that's understandable.
I don't think so. Based on the Star Trek bit and some other thing he said I suspect that the guy is a little, shall we say, "eccentric". He is also kind of uninformed with regard to the whole Kenosha situation but, frankly, if he's been dealing with a son in the hospital that's understandable.

I think so.
Yesterday at the Washington March he made it clear when he screamed into the mic that there are two types of justice in our country. White justice and black justice. I think he kept quiet on CNN on the advice of his son's attorneys.
I think so.
Yesterday at the Washington March he made it clear when he screamed into the mic that there are two types of justice in our country. White justice and black justice. I think he kept quiet on CNN on the advice of his son's attorneys.

He did use the two types of justice line in this interview too. He does not seem to have any comprehension regarding the difference in behavior of the suspects in the two cases and, as we see over and over, only looks at the cops.

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