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What Specifics Have The Tea Party Actually Accomplished? (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Slightly Conservative
The Tea Party blasts RINO's for not accomplishing conservative goals and has thrown a few RINOs under the bus because of this but what goals have the Tea Party actually accomplished? Here's a short list:

By not coming out to vote for McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012, Obama was elected which resulted in Obamacare, who knows how many lefty executive orders, and Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan as two lefty Supreme Court lifetime judges. For those that can't add, the Court is now tied at 4 -4 and if Obama had never been elected then that ratio would more than likely be 6-2 in favor of conservatives now, kind of making the current Supreme Court opening a moot point. Now the far right is throwing all establishment candidates running for office under the bus, with a good possibility of nominating Trump as their hero, who is probably destined to lose to Clinton the general election, causing yet more pain a grief to conservative goals.

Since the far right has been famous for throwing the RINO's under the bus for not achieving conservative goals please tell me again what goals the far right have actually accomplished, other than the ones I mentioned in the previous paragraph. When are they going to realize the destruction they have done for conservative goals and throw themselves under the bus?
And the deterioration of the GOP continues...
The Tea Party blasts RINO's for not accomplishing conservative goals and has thrown a few RINOs under the bus because of this but what goals have the Tea Party actually accomplished? Here's a short list:

By not coming out to vote for McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012, Obama was elected which resulted in Obamacare, who knows how many lefty executive orders, and Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan as two lefty Supreme Court lifetime judges. For those that can't add, the Court is now tied at 4 -4 and if Obama had never been elected then that ratio would more than likely be 6-2 in favor of conservatives now, kind of making the current Supreme Court opening a moot point. Now the far right is throwing all establishment candidates running for office under the bus, with a good possibility of nominating Trump as their hero, who is probably destined to lose to Clinton the general election, causing yet more pain a grief to conservative goals.

Since the far right has been famous for throwing the RINO's under the bus for not achieving conservative goals please tell me again what goals the far right have actually accomplished, other than the ones I mentioned in the previous paragraph. When are they going to realize the destruction they have done for conservative goals and throw themselves under the bus?

Not to mention that one of the Tea Party's goals was to make the establishment listen and the establishment is ignoring the Tea Party harder than ever. The only way to fail harder than that would be to try and sell steaks at the sharper image or start a mortgage company in 2006 or create a league to compete with the NFL which can only succeed if you win a lawsuit and force a merger.
The only way to fail harder than that would be to try and sell steaks at the sharper image or start a mortgage company in 2006 or create a league to compete with the NFL which can only succeed if you win a lawsuit and force a merger.

I see what you did there
The Tea Party blasts RINO's for not accomplishing conservative goals and has thrown a few RINOs under the bus because of this but what goals have the Tea Party actually accomplished? Here's a short list:

By not coming out to vote for McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012, Obama was elected which resulted in Obamacare, who knows how many lefty executive orders, and Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan as two lefty Supreme Court lifetime judges. For those that can't add, the Court is now tied at 4 -4 and if Obama had never been elected then that ratio would more than likely be 6-2 in favor of conservatives now, kind of making the current Supreme Court opening a moot point. Now the far right is throwing all establishment candidates running for office under the bus, with a good possibility of nominating Trump as their hero, who is probably destined to lose to Clinton the general election, causing yet more pain a grief to conservative goals.

Since the far right has been famous for throwing the RINO's under the bus for not achieving conservative goals please tell me again what goals the far right have actually accomplished, other than the ones I mentioned in the previous paragraph. When are they going to realize the destruction they have done for conservative goals and throw themselves under the bus?

They would say that just by standing up and saying no that they accomplish various things especially with the outing of John Boehner. But to me it's clear the tea party never actually liked Republicans. The Republicans just promised them a bunch of things that they would have liked to see get done because some of their economics claims aligned with the republicans. I think the Republicans are now realizing that with Trump and Ron Paul, the tea party never actually really cared about the party or what it stands for. The Republicans are realizing that the Tea Party just wanted to take it over. I think Trump would be doing a lot better if he ran in 2012, but then would he have to explain his liberal policies even then? Either way, since the disruption the Tea Party has brought to our party in 2010, we need a major crisis management and rebranding campaign in 2020 in order for the party to survive. We did begin to start, but Trump has brought our party back to 2008.

The Tea Party has not enacted a single piece of far right legislature, if the Republicans do something within the laws of the land that are in line with policies they claimed to have liked. The Tea Party can be heard at all hours of the day railing against the RINOs (that word's meaning seems to change with the wind) making government bigger. They don't have principles and are a large part of the party of NO. Yet rather than actually trying to accomplish something every four or two years, time and again they keep getting run out of town either because of silly things they say or the ridiculous beliefs that they hold.
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They made their mark. It is hard to believe that without the Tea Party influence federal spending would have gone down from 24.4% of GDP in 2009 to 20.7% in 2015. Or that spending in adjusted dollars would have almost stabilized, from $3.5T in 2009 to $3.7T in 2015. Or that the deficits would have dropped. Most of this improvement happened not after the recession ended in June, 2009 but not until the FY2011 budget, the first budget after the 2010 elections when Tea Party competed. The biggest improvement in unemployment happened when budget conservatives finally were able to end the extended unemployment benefits, long after the end of the recession.
I seriously doubt that the country today is what liberals envisioned in Nov. 2008. Republican Presidential voting was not that bad in 2008 or 2012. Obama just had better turnout.

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