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What should be done regarding the Iranian attacks on US bases in Iraq? (1 Viewer)

What should our response be?

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Gen 4:10
DP Veteran
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
US of A
Political Leaning
Last night, Iranian ballistic missiles were fired at US bases in Iraq.

There are no reported casualties yet, and the damage is still being assessed.

It appears that the Iranians may have deliberately selected their targets in order to not inflict any casualties.

What should our response be?
Last night, Iranian ballistic missiles were fired at US bases in Iraq.

There are no reported casualties yet, and the damage is still being assessed.

It appears that the Iranians may have deliberately selected their targets in order to not inflict any casualties.

What should our response be?

Hearty laughter.
Last night, Iranian ballistic missiles were fired at US bases in Iraq.

There are no reported casualties yet, and the damage is still being assessed.

It appears that the Iranians may have deliberately selected their targets in order to not inflict any casualties.

What should our response be?

Fire ballistic missiles to pepper around their nuclear facilities at Bushehr, calibrated not to cause casualties. All in good fun.
Exit the Middle East.
Last night, Iranian ballistic missiles were fired at US bases in Iraq.

There are no reported casualties yet, and the damage is still being assessed.

It appears that the Iranians may have deliberately selected their targets in order to not inflict any casualties.

What should our response be?

Pick a random Iranian base and select targets for maximum casualties. Or pick another official for a date with a flying robot.
While I voted "We should withdraw our forces out of harms way" as the should be done in this... something else is happening.

Outside of Trump himself potentially obtaining his reelection war that he warned his predecessor would do, I am starting to ask myself who else benefits from US conflict with Iran. And that is of course considering our own history with that nation.

We might want to start talking about Israel and Saudi Arabia, be it for different gains by Iran being in this position.
Last night, Iranian ballistic missiles were fired at US bases in Iraq.

There are no reported casualties yet, and the damage is still being assessed.

It appears that the Iranians may have deliberately selected their targets in order to not inflict any casualties.

What should our response be?

In the 70's-80's, I knew many active warriors and veterans.

At that time, Iran was a bad actor, exporting terror and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

At that time the Warriors and Veterans that I knew said we should "Nuke 'em' 'til they glow".

Fast forward to today.

Today, Iran is a bad actor and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

Some things never change unless they are changed.

At this time, the policies the US has effected to Iran's actions seem to have provided little or no impetus to improve Iran's behavior(s) as a member of the international community.

It might be a good time to change the way in which our communication to the leadership of the regime is delivered.
In the 70's-80's, I knew many active warriors and veterans.

At that time, Iran was a bad actor, exporting terror and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

At that time the Warriors and Veterans that I knew said we should "Nuke 'em' 'til they glow".

Fast forward to today.

Today, Iran is a bad actor and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

Some things never change unless they are changed.

At this time, the policies the US has effected to Iran's actions seem to have provided little or no impetus to improve Iran's behavior(s) as a member of the international community.

It might be a good time to change the way in which our communication to the leadership of the regime is delivered.

Are you suggesting we nuke Iran?
I say leave it. We accomplished what we wanted to accomplish. They got to make a face-saving response that seems to have been designed exactly for that purpose and nothing else. If their "response" continues, then we should do something to end it. But now, there's an opportunity to avoid further escalation.
Maybe oft that agreement had not been cancelled, we would not have this mess now.
In the 70's-80's, I knew many active warriors and veterans.

At that time, Iran was a bad actor, exporting terror and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

At that time the Warriors and Veterans that I knew said we should "Nuke 'em' 'til they glow".

Fast forward to today.

Today, Iran is a bad actor and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

Some things never change unless they are changed.

At this time, the policies the US has effected to Iran's actions seem to have provided little or no impetus to improve Iran's behavior(s) as a member of the international community.

It might be a good time to change the way in which our communication to the leadership of the regime is delivered.

We did change the way we communicate with them. And Iran’s response seems to be that they got the message.

Now the ball is in Iran’s court.

With Souleimani’s expertise out of the picture, a revolution is that much closer.
Normally, I would advocate for a diplomatic solution but since Donald Trump and his supporters have no diplomatic skills, I think it is best for them to leave especially as the Iraqi parliament has made such a request.
I think i would increase sanctions here. This isnt the time to turn the other cheek. Theres needs to be a price to pay.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
I think we are in a win-win situation here if we play our cards right. Of course that depends on us being a united front not a political mess. I am sure Iran has been planning a way to attack us. They cannot win a war so terror is the only choice until nuclear capable. Trump acted on the as he should. Their retaliation clearly was not intended to kill Americans. This is to hopefully appease their people but not give us a green light to wipe out their nuclear facilities. I say next move is up to Trump. Does Trump strike Iran's nuclear facilities and possibly start a war that will cost them money they need to develop nuclear capability. Or does he wait and act as if he wants a peaceful solution in the hope Iran will make a major mistake and attack us causing casualties. This would give Trump the green light to take our their nuclear facilities. Interesting game of chess. Trumps only handicap is the stupid hate by the left who is willing to let Iran become a nuclear power in the Middle East. Then a nuclear war in the Middle East will be inevitable.
I think we are in a win-win situation here if we play our cards right. Of course that depends on us being a united front not a political mess. I am sure Iran has been planning a way to attack us. They cannot win a war so terror is the only choice until nuclear capable. Trump acted on the as he should. Their retaliation clearly was not intended to kill Americans. This is to hopefully appease their people but not give us a green light to wipe out their nuclear facilities. I say next move is up to Trump. Does Trump strike Iran's nuclear facilities and possibly start a war that will cost them money they need to develop nuclear capability. Or does he wait and act as if he wants a peaceful solution in the hope Iran will make a major mistake and attack us causing casualties. This would give Trump the green light to take our their nuclear facilities. Interesting game of chess. Trumps only handicap is the stupid hate by the left who is willing to let Iran become a nuclear power in the Middle East. Then a nuclear war in the Middle East will be inevitable.

And who are we to say they can't become a nuclear power? That's right we will then be what the republicans complain about. The united states of america being the world's police and we aren't.

If iran, iraq or north korea shot off a nuke, I pity them. The world's response wouldn't be pretty.
We should do nothing. The Iranians have basically said that this harmless barrage settles the score for Soleimani.

Although I do believe Iranian proxies will still be doing the Devil's work in regards to retribution. But this is the "twilight-warfare" that the US and Iran have both been engaging in for decades.

You can bet the farm that Trumps closest advisors (Pompeo and Graham) are lobbying Trump hard this morning for a military strike on Iran.
Maybe oft that agreement had not been cancelled, we would not have this mess now.

And if my ex were a man, I never would have married her.
Move the troops out of Iraq and away from any threat from Iran. Move everybody to Qatar and maintain a presence. Reiterate that if an American is killed by the Iranians there will be severe consequences. Put the ball in Iran's court and let them know they need to end their nuclear program and cease all attacks on American interests. If this is done then we may be able to come up with a deal that ensures our safety and allows the Iranians to rebuild their economy. We are seeing now how awful the Obama deal was. Giving back untracked billions of dollars for the Iranians to use against American interests was one of the biggest political blunders of our time.
We should do nothing. The Iranians have basically said that this harmless barrage settles the score for Soleimani.

Although I do believe Iranian proxies will still be doing the Devil's work in regards to retribution. But this is the "twilight-warfare" that the US and Iran have both been engaging in for decades.

You can bet the farm that Trumps closest advisors (Pompeo and Graham) are lobbying Trump hard this morning for a military strike on Iran.

I think you are right on all three points. I would add that I think Trump will let it end here.
Last night, Iranian ballistic missiles were fired at US bases in Iraq.

There are no reported casualties yet, and the damage is still being assessed.

It appears that the Iranians may have deliberately selected their targets in order to not inflict any casualties.

What should our response be?

America should do nothing and pay some construction company to come fix the damage.
Last night, Iranian ballistic missiles were fired at US bases in Iraq.

There are no reported casualties yet, and the damage is still being assessed.

It appears that the Iranians may have deliberately selected their targets in order to not inflict any casualties.

What should our response be?

Iran offered Trump an off ramp, he should take it.
Nothing, if Trump was smart. But he's a POS his supporters are POS and he wants a war to get reelected and deflect from his impeachment and the fact his tax cuts are proving to be a failure and the economy is on precipice of a decline
In the 70's-80's, I knew many active warriors and veterans.

At that time, Iran was a bad actor, exporting terror and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

At that time the Warriors and Veterans that I knew said we should "Nuke 'em' 'til they glow".

Fast forward to today.

Today, Iran is a bad actor and chanting Death to America every Friday on a national basis.

Some things never change unless they are changed.

At this time, the policies the US has effected to Iran's actions seem to have provided little or no impetus to improve Iran's behavior(s) as a member of the international community.

It might be a good time to change the way in which our communication to the leadership of the regime is delivered.

Ah yes, swallow the lies that Iran is a bad actor Of course, ignoring the US is the worst actor in that region., Contant bombing and killing, constant sanctions. We helped overthrow government in Iran that lead to the extremism. We helped bin Laden and then just left Afghanis in crumbles which lead to taliban rise, we support a despicable country with no civil rights in Saudi Arabia that is slaughtering civilians, we supported Saddam to fight against Iran, then decide later to invade the country leading to a power vacuum and the rise of ISIS, then more war in Syria after ISIS went into that country, then renege on a deal and slap sanctions on Iran for no reason. Which is what started Iran's defiance. Then the US assassinates a top commander of that country. But Iran is the bad actor

The US is the bad actor in that region. BUt to right wing idiots, they just swallow the lies and propaganda like the unthinking morons they are

I think i would increase sanctions here. This isnt the time to turn the other cheek. Theres needs to be a price to pay.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

YEah, sanction on the US for assassinating a high ranking foreign official
Nothing, if Trump was smart. But he's a POS his supporters are POS and he wants a war to get reelected and deflect from his impeachment and the fact his tax cuts are proving to be a failure and the economy is on precipice of a decline

It will be fun to see how wrong you are this time.

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