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What matters most to Americans? (1 Viewer)


Progressive, Green
DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Maryland, U.S.A.
Political Leaning
I was wondering what you thought is the most important aspect to your life as an American... Just curious.


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the most important aspect to my life is peace and yes it is amazing but i live in america.
Security....then the ability to do what I want....when I want to...within reason . And basically do what liberals hate most....work hard...be happy and take care of my family without hand-outs from govt. :roll:
ban.the.electoral.college said:
I was wondering what you thought is the most important aspect to your life as an American... Just curious.


See?...I told you folks he was working for the Liberals...

I would've picked something other than "CRAP", but who am I to argue?:smile:
wave said:
Security....then the ability to do what I want....when I want to...within reason . And basically do what liberals hate most....work hard...be happy and take care of my family without hand-outs from govt. :roll:

Liberals hate that? No one gave me that memo. I consider myself liberal, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say "liberals". When persented in that context, it usually means a "conservative" or a "republican" wants to inflict a slight wound on particular group, in this case "liberals". Just curious, what do "liberals" have to do with your point?
Is this suppose to be a poll? If it is why are there no options?:confused:
Originally posted by cnredd:
See?...I told you folks he was working for the Liberals...

I would've picked something other than "CRAP", but who am I to argue
C.R.A.P. The cnredd Republican A$$hole Party!
My right to seize power should the people allow me to.

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