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???What Jobs Do Americans Not Want??? (1 Viewer)


Oct 27, 2005
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South Carolina
Political Leaning
Really what jobs do Americans not want? Are the illegal immigrants really taking the job Americans don't want? If we allow worker visas will this help us as one or be our down fall?
Loxd4 said:
Really what jobs do Americans not want? Are the illegal immigrants really taking the job Americans don't want? If we allow worker visas will this help us as one or be our down fall?

I have thought this as well.

What Bush means is this: if we don't let in cheap Mexican labor that will work at minimum wage or less without benefits, we will have to pay Americans who live here more to do the same job. That would hurt corporate profits and make our maids more expensive.

The guy is so transparent.
Loxd4 said:
Really what jobs do Americans not want? Are the illegal immigrants really taking the job Americans don't want? If we allow worker visas will this help us as one or be our down fall?

Dishwasher at the restaurant I work at. We haven't had a single non-hispanic applicant.
No offence to African-Americans, but there is a good deal of them who are unemployed...they surely would take up the jobs left behind after we kick out the illegal aliens.
Kelzie said:
Dishwasher at the restaurant I work at. We haven't had a single non-hispanic applicant.

Off the topic....i work as a dishwasher...i thought you had a collage degree...why do we give hispanic jobs before citzens of the USA on unemployment?
Loxd4 said:
Off the topic....i work as a dishwasher...i thought you had a collage degree...why do we give hispanic jobs before citzens of the USA on unemployment?

Working on it.

Well, are the hispanics citizens? That might be one explanation. Another might be that the "citizens of the US" don't want to work for that little. I can't say for sure. You've given me very little evidence to work with here.
Loxd4 said:
Really what jobs do Americans not want? Are the illegal immigrants really taking the job Americans don't want? If we allow worker visas will this help us as one or be our down fall?

I staff anywhere from 10-20 Mexican workers year round here in socal. We couldn't survive as a growing company without these laborers willing to work for 7.00 an hour. Per the agency that staffs us, they all have social security #'s, however after talking with one of the lead workers they can easily get around this to work here illegally. I think work visas will help reduce labor costs and streamline the process of getting more labor to the companies that need it.

I don't see illegals taking jobs that Americans want in our situation. I see illegals and legal immigrants primarily Mexican as a valuable resource to help us become profitable by keeping our labor costs down.
Iriemon said:
I have thought this as well.

What Bush means is this: if we don't let in cheap Mexican labor that will work at minimum wage or less without benefits, we will have to pay Americans who live here more to do the same job. That would hurt corporate profits and make our maids more expensive.

The guy is so transparent.
Bush?..When did this question become political?...:confused:

I'm sorry, but could you please show me where Clinton, Bush41, Reagan, Carter or Ford had the borders nice and tight before Bush43 "decided" to let them flow in freely?...

This was a valid question that's been on the minds of people and has been an issue for decades, but "attack Bush, attack Bush, attack Bush" is all some can think of...:roll:
realist said:
I staff anywhere from 10-20 Mexican workers year round here in socal. We couldn't survive as a growing company without these laborers willing to work for 7.00 an hour. Per the agency that staffs us, they all have social security #'s, however after talking with one of the lead workers they can easily get around this to work here illegally. I think work visas will help reduce labor costs and streamline the process of getting more labor to the companies that need it.

I don't see illegals taking jobs that Americans want in our situation. I see illegals and legal immigrants primarily Mexican as a valuable resource to help us become profitable by keeping our labor costs down.
There are plenty of unemployed African-Americans looking for jobs...you don't have to look to far to find one. Why not give these jobs to them, U.S. citizens, instead of these illegals who don't even deserve to be here anyway?
Without immigrants working at convenience stores, we wouldn't have stereotypical characters like Apu from the Simpsons and this would be a tragedy :( because he is one of my favorite cartoon characters. Bring on the illegals!
Kelzie said:
Dishwasher at the restaurant I work at. We haven't had a single non-hispanic applicant.

How much does it pay? What are the benefits?
Dose everone agree illegle immigrants are destroying our country?

On November 28, 2005, President Bush made a plan to crack down on those who enter the country illegally but also give out more visas to foreigners with jobs. The plan concedes of providing border agents with cutting-edge technology like overhead surveillance drones and infrared cameras, while at the same time constructing simple physical barriers to entry. And in 2006 he plans on adding 1,000 additional Border Patrol agents. The immigrants would receive a 6 years U.S. work visas. After that, they must leave the U.S. or be in the pipeline for a green card, which indicates lawful permanent residency.

Sources: -The Sun News-

Now allowing "work visas" to be hand out to illegally foreigners is taking jobs away, neither from the average American nor the above-average American. But from the country budget and GOP. The jobs that the "Illegally" or just "Foreigners" take could go to the people that are "Unemployed American Citizens," that are down on there luck and get them back in the working field, so that they become independent of the government and more dependent on themselves and family. Because right now people are taking advantage of "Unemployment System," if we kick out the illegally foreigners that are taking jobs from "American Citizens" and put people to work. We could get America up and going again as we once was were.

Border Control thing is a great thing! But now what were they talking about constructing simple physical barriers. What kind of barrier would it be(Ditch, Electric fence, Chain-link fence, Cement wall, etc.)? And dose any one know when it would be done?

You can also find this at? http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?t=6267
Iriemon said:
How much does it pay? What are the benefits?

Benefits if i get hurt on the job they pay for it...pay for wash other people seven dollars...now what is your point???
Iriemon said:
How much does it pay? What are the benefits?

I have no idea what the pay is. Not much more than minimum wage, if it's more at all. I'm assuming that the benefits are similar to the front of the house benefits: you work there for a year and you get health insurance.
realist said:
I staff anywhere from 10-20 Mexican workers year round here in socal. We couldn't survive as a growing company without these laborers willing to work for 7.00 an hour. Per the agency that staffs us, they all have social security #'s, however after talking with one of the lead workers they can easily get around this to work here illegally. I think work visas will help reduce labor costs and streamline the process of getting more labor to the companies that need it.

I don't see illegals taking jobs that Americans want in our situation. I see illegals and legal immigrants primarily Mexican as a valuable resource to help us become profitable by keeping our labor costs down.

Why couldn't you survive paying labor $10 an hour, and raise your prices? If your competitors had pay labor the same, they'd have to raise their prices too.
Iriemon said:
Why couldn't you survive paying labor $10 an hour, and raise your prices? If your competitors had pay labor the same, they'd have to raise their prices too.

Damn your right...i would jump at a job offer that pays $8 dollars an hour and up...if i get 35 hours a week...people on unemployed that are american citizens should and could jump at this offer....but then again i am in high school...

Here goes my offer for a bill for unemployment:

You(unemployed person) should get unemployment for only one month while look for a job...if you(unemployed person) do not find a job(Hopefully because you can find one and not looting the government) within that month...the government should have 3 job to pick from(that you can burn you're bridge down). And if you do not pick one of these job or get one on your own(that this illegal immigrants are taking and you can do take from then so they can't get a job here...so they go back)...you're unemployment should stop....now if you should get that government job...you're unemployment should be lower, not dropped...but after 3 month you should be financially stable...if not you can sign up for 1/2 unemployment payment...
Loxd4 said:
Here goes my offer for a bill for unemployment:

You(unemployed person) should get unemployment for only one month while look for a job...if you(unemployed person) do not find a job(Hopefully because you can find one and not looting the government) within that month...the government should have 3 job to pick from(that you can burn you're bridge down). And if you do not pick one of these job or get one on your own(that this illegal immigrants are taking and you can do take from then so they can't get a job here...so they go back)...you're unemployment should stop....now if you should get that government job...you're unemployment should be lower, not dropped...but after 3 month you should be financially stable...if not you can sign up for 1/2 unemployment payment...

Sounds a little too socialist to me... *runs away, screaming in terror*
Ok...you are entitled to your opinions...but do you think it would work?
I think that umemployment is a crock... if some one who wants to take advantage of the system then they can claim unemployment and then mow yards for people and get paid in cash. Of course I suppose that there is a law against that though isn't there...does that fall under Tax evasion?

Well at any rate in my town there is a yard mowing company and I see them go around town mow a yard in about 10 minutes and get paid...later on in the day I will see them at Wal-Mart or Country Mart getting food with their food stamps. And they were holding up the line by trying to figure out if they wanted lobster or crab that night so they obviously weren't doing too badly.
I think that demographics play a measurable part in the employment market as well. I just took a leasurely drive from Rochester New York to Chicago going through Ohio and Indiana. We made a lot of pit stops in small town and I saw mostly typical white or Anglo, if you will, youngsters working as busboys and dishwashers, Once I got to Chicago that all changed and the same jobs were filled mostly by Latino immigrants.
Iriemon said:
Why couldn't you survive paying labor $10 an hour, and raise your prices? If your competitors had pay labor the same, they'd have to raise their prices too.

We are paying $10 an hour after the agency gets their cut. My point was that if we have work visas we could bring in more labor without the screening requirements by the agency reducing the cost even more. If we gave the employees $3 an hour more ea., this would be about 150k annually which we couldn't afford. Being a growing business, this is a huge chunk of change.
Hornburger said:
There are plenty of unemployed African-Americans looking for jobs...you don't have to look to far to find one. Why not give these jobs to them, U.S. citizens, instead of these illegals who don't even deserve to be here anyway?

We have had all races staffed, however the only workers that stay are the Mexican workers who aren't Americanized and content to work for us, making in one day here what they would make in one week in Mexico. Whatever your race, after the unemployment checks run out, you can find work in America if you really want to work.
Loxd4 said:
Ok...you are entitled to your opinions...but do you think it would work?


Well, it would work in a similar way that the Soviet Union worked.

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