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What is wrong with you? (1 Viewer)

Did you also read the warnings and disclaimers in how to evaluate the information?

Yes I did, if anything the polling underestimates the numbers because people are likely not to tell a pollster their true feelings on a sensitive issue like race. Moreover, the question is whether White Republicans or White Democrats are more racists, but rather whether there are still significant numbers of whites with racist views, and there obviously are.
Hard to understand the ignorance and fear that pervades the mind of Nazi sympathizers, White Supremacists, and others like them.

What I find curious is the wall to wall coverage by the left's MSM of this tiny sliver of a fraction of a percent of the population here in the US.

If I read the numbers right, even the alt-left ideologues at the Southern Poverty Law Center places their numbers at something below 20k in total between all of them.

As despicable as these idiots are, why all this attention?

You figure there's more than 20K antifa in the US?
The tragedy in Charlottesville was perpetrated by one person, one mentally ill person, Alex Fields, Jr.

Here's another just one person at Charlottesville...

Look at the answers to these polling questions. There still are a significant number of whites with racist views and its not just limited to Republicans. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/are-white-republicans-more-racist-than-white-democrats/

A full 27% of White Republicans hold racist views and 19% of White Democrats do.

It doesn't look that way to me. Under 10% of those who would not vote for a black president as of 2008 and that number has probably dropped significantly since then. As for the other categories, it just depends on what is asked and what the people are thinking as they answer. For instance on the question of whether black people are unmotivated to work their way out of poverty, I would have answered yes. But my answer would not have been racist. I would have been seeing it from the perspective that the government has largely removed all incentive for black people to be motivated to help themselves and not that they are unmotivated because they are black.

There is a huge difference between those two things, but the race baiters would see my response as racist. I think most Republicans would know better.
It doesn't look that way to me. Under 10% of those who would not vote for a black president as of 2008 and that number has probably dropped significantly since then. As for the other categories, it just depends on what is asked and what the people are thinking as they answer. For instance on the question of whether black people are unmotivated to work their way out of poverty, I would have answered yes. But my answer would not have been racist. I would have been seeing it from the perspective that the government has largely removed all incentive for black people to be motivated to help themselves and not that they are unmotivated because they are black.

There is a huge difference between those two things, but the race baiters would see my response as racist. I think most Republicans would know better.

Do black people in poverty get special treatment that white people don't get?
Do black people in poverty get special treatment that white people don't get?

Yes, but not in a good way. It is ingrained into poor black people how disadvantaged they are because of evil, greedy people who keep them down. They are punished by their society for talking 'white' or dressing 'white' or giving their children 'white people's names'. It is drilled into them that they are victims, and that they are entitled to restitution and should be at the head of the line for compensation because of how badly they have been treated and crimes committed against them are worse than other crimes. And they are taught to be angry and resentful of white people, conservatives, and Republicans most of whom are racist.

It is one of the cruelest things a society has ever done to a people in the name of compassion. And of course it was not out of real compassion but a desire to keep a large voting bloc on a political reservation.
The second the man pulled the gun out, he was in the act of terrorizing.

Words have meaning, and they will held to their meaning.

You can fib all day long, and that will not change the meaning of words.

You are wrong and having a terrible time accepting that fact.

Alright then, try and put your spin on this.
If the man was a terrorist, then why did he not get charged with that crime?

Man arrested for firing gun at Charlottesville rally - CNN

This is common sense 101, the man was a jackass yes.
But what he did was not terrorism, and you should be able to see that from what he was charged with in the first place.

If you want a reference for terrorist, just look up Antifa.
You figure there's more than 20K antifa in the US?

Probably not. However, the support for antifa is substantially more than that. Pelosi and Feinstein have given them cover. The press is giving them cover. The left is giving them cover.

There are very few people I've seen who agree with the beliefs of the KKK, and the rest of the stunted minds in that section of the cesspool.
Probably not. However, the support for antifa is substantially more than that. Pelosi and Feinstein have given them cover. The press is giving them cover. The left is giving them cover.

There are very few people I've seen who agree with the beliefs of the KKK, and the rest of the stunted minds in that section of the cesspool.

And why shouldn't those who are anti-fascist be given support.

The propaganda teams are out in full force denigrating the Antifa movement. It's all part and parcel of the US propaganda system. Just like Operation Gladio and its other European countries' counterparts.
If you want a reference for terrorist, just look up Antifa.

You could add any and all Antifa terrorist actions to all the other terrorist actions around the world and you would come anywhere near the total of US terrorist actions. Not remotely close, not even anywhere in the planetary system close.
The point is that Nazis only make up a tiny percentage of the population is irrelevant when you consider that those that sympathize with them in one way or another do make up a significant percentage of the population. It is true there are not many Nazis, but there unfortunately is a significant number of Americans that would argue "I don't like Nazis but...." and then go on to some racist tirade.

I don't like Nazis but I support their free speech rights. Does that make me one of those sympathizers?
You could add any and all Antifa terrorist actions to all the other terrorist actions around the world and you would come anywhere near the total of US terrorist actions. Not remotely close, not even anywhere in the planetary system close.

You hate us. We get it.
You could add any and all Antifa terrorist actions to all the other terrorist actions around the world and you would come anywhere near the total of US terrorist actions. Not remotely close, not even anywhere in the planetary system close.

Do you live in the USA?

Can you give some in depth answers as to what the United States has done poorly and how we should rectify our mistakes?

Is it even possible for the United States to do any moral good at this point?

How can we change and what sort of priority should we give this process?
I don't get it. Perhaps he could explain it in more depth.

Oh, I don't get or really care why, but it's clear he wants it understood and I'm just assuring him that it is.
Oh, I don't get or really care why, but it's clear he wants it understood and I'm just assuring him that it is.

His argument holds so much truth.... I want to learn more.
And why shouldn't those who are anti-fascist be given support.

The propaganda teams are out in full force denigrating the Antifa movement. It's all part and parcel of the US propaganda system. Just like Operation Gladio and its other European countries' counterparts.

Awww. Pobrecito. Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization. They will be dealt with accordingly.

The simple way will be when their faces are exposed on social media, and the public takes care of it from there.
I don't like Nazis but I support their free speech rights. Does that make me one of those sympathizers?

What does the first amendment have to do with racism?
You hate us. We get it.

You don't get it at all, which can be seen by your repeated use of memes. I hate what you should hate, the despoiling of what was supposed to be a grand experiment. Can you actually tell me that you enjoy living a gigantic lie?
Can you give some in depth answers as to what the United States has done poorly and how we should rectify our mistakes?

Is it even possible for the United States to do any moral good at this point?

How can we change and what sort of priority should we give this process?

Don't you think being at war for 93% of your years as a country should give y'all a pretty good idea how the US has done poorly?

How about being the only nation ever to be convicted of international terrorism?

How about the over 70 US illegal invasions of sovereign nations just since WWII? How about the tens of millions murdered?

How about the US planned genocide in Iraq where the US knew full well that millions would die from their destruction of water treatment plants?

How about ... ?
You don't get it at all, which can be seen by your repeated use of memes. I hate what you should hate, the despoiling of what was supposed to be a grand experiment. Can you actually tell me that you enjoy living a gigantic lie?

If it's a lie, it's a pleasant one. Yes, I'm very happy and rather proud to be American.
Don't you think being at war for 93% of your years as a country should give y'all a pretty good idea how the US has done poorly?

How about being the only nation ever to be convicted of international terrorism?

How about the over 70 US illegal invasions of sovereign nations just since WWII? How about the tens of millions murdered?

How about the US planned genocide in Iraq where the US knew full well that millions would die from their destruction of water treatment plants?

How about ... ?

You didn't answer one of my three questions... can you please offer solutions instead of argumentative blame?
You didn't answer one of my three questions... can you please offer solutions instead of argumentative blame?

Y'all never answer any questions. You just collect in groups like little children, pointing fingers and avoiding the central issues.

Why would you think it unfair to point up the USA's ugly ugly track record of war crimes, murder, raping, planned genocides, carpet bombing, ... when you folks just love pointing fingers at your government boogeyman du jour, whipping you up into a frenzy to support yet another illegal invasion, more terrorism, more rapes, more murders, more thievery, more ... ?

You expect me to tell the equivalent of the Nazis how they might rectify 235 years of lies, terrorism, genocide, ... .

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