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What is Trump's greatest strength in the election? (1 Viewer)

Trump's greatest strength


    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • The wall

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Virus issues

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Can't decide

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • He's not Biden

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • He has presidential experience

    Votes: 4 28.6%

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Apr 29, 2020
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What is Trump's greatest strength?

He's done an outstanding job!

If u want a list of all he has done, you could go to a real news source like Fox. I'd be here all night if I tried to type it all out
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What is Trump's greatest strength?

He has presidential experience, cares about all Americans, and has the toughness to handle the job.

And, unlike Biden when this clip hits 2:00, he doesn't look like he's having a stroke when he speaks.

What is Trump's greatest strength?

He's done an outstanding job!

If u want a list of all he has done, you could go to a real news source like Fox. I'd be here all night if I tried to type it all out

Something you left out that encompasses all the things you listed, and more. IMO it is that regardless of how one looks at him, he has tried and often succeeded in keeping his promises.

This is a thing that has been rarely seen in many, if not most of our past Presidents. Even more amazing is that despite all the bureaucratic undermining, MSM name-calling, and Democrat efforts to block and also to impeach...he has accomplished so much.

I can tolerate his personal foibles, like the bragging, exaggerations, and even his off-the-cuff tweets. No one is perfect.

But I much prefer a man who actually works at doing what he says he will over the typical "new-boss same as the old-boss" politicians we've seen occupying the office regardless of Party affiliation over the years.
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What is Trump's greatest strength?

He's done an outstanding job!

If u want a list of all he has done, you could go to a real news source like Fox. I'd be here all night if I tried to type it all out

His greatest, temporary advantage now, compared to on election day, is there are less than half the total number of dead his mental and emotional medical disorders, alarming incompetence, dishonesty, and indifference will end up being the direct cause of, 85 days from now.

The two major stock market indexes are higher now than before pandemic, driven up by greed, denial, Trump's lies. and traders' reliance on a Fed Chairman Powell, "put", a flood of liquidity and direct intervention in propping up the valuations of now impossible to value investments, from ETFs to corporate issued junk bonds. New York alone reportedly suffered near $400 billion in wealth loss, so far, and damage to the demand side makes current valuation of stocks and real estate, a farce.

But Trump's greatest advantage is that he is the objectified personality of a cult psychologists describe as involuntary support.: List of cults of personality - Wikipedia
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What is Trump's greatest strength?

He's done an outstanding job!

If u want a list of all he has done, you could go to a real news source like Fox. I'd be here all night if I tried to type it all out

Probably his greatest strength is his uncanny ability to be so completely exhausting that moderates will just throw up their hands and stop caring.
He has presidential experience, cares about all Americans, and has the toughness to handle the job.

And, unlike Biden when this clip hits 2:00, he doesn't look like he's having a stroke when he speaks.

Dude its called stuttering, its just a speech impairment. You need to grow up ffs.
What is Trump's greatest strength?

He's done an outstanding job!

If u want a list of all he has done, you could go to a real news source like Fox. I'd be here all night if I tried to type it all out

You forgot draining the swamp. He's done an outstanding job there. No one has drained the swamp like Trump. No one. He's hired the best and most qualified people. The best beautiful people. It's all part of his stable geniusness.
His greatest, temporary advantage now, compared to on election day, is there are less than half the total number of dead his mental and emotional medical disorders, alarming incompetence, dishonesty, and indifference will end up being the direct cause of, 85 days from now.

The two major stock market indexes are higher now than before pandemic, driven up by greed, denial, Trump's lies. and traders' reliance on a Fed Chairman Powell, "put", a flood of liquidity and direct intervention in propping up the valuations of now impossible to value investments, from ETFs to corporate issued junk bonds. New York alone reportedly suffered near $400 billion in wealth, so far, and damage to the demand side makes current valuation of stocks and real estate, a farce.

But Trump's greatest advantage is that he is the objectified personality of a cult psychologists describe as involuntary support.

Looks like one of his strengths is causing members of the moonbat left to decompensate and lie constantly. No president in my lifetime (DDE was the first) has caused his opponents to exhibit so much irrational hatred.
blank stares matter.jpg

Any other questions?
He's biggest strength to the Republican base is he makes "the libs" angry. Other than that, he has nothing else.
Something you left out that encompasses all the things you listed, and more. IMO it is that regardless of how one looks at him, he has tried and often succeeded in keeping his promises.

This is a thing that has been rarely seen in many, if not most of our past Presidents. Even more amazing is that despite all the bureaucratic undermining, MSM name-calling, and Democrat efforts to block and also to impeach...he has accomplished so much.

I can tolerate his personal foibles, like the bragging, exaggerations, and even his off-the-cuff tweets. No one is perfect.

But I much prefer a man who actually works at doing what he says he will over the typical "new-boss same as the old-boss" politicians we've seen occupying the office regardless of Party affiliation over the years.

Maybe I missed something when Trump was running and in office he promisee

- to balance the budget
- To eliminate the debt in 8 years.
- Health Care for everyone
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody… We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.” [Washington Post, 1/15/19]
-Improve infrastructure
"build the next generation of roads, bridges, railways, tunnels, sea ports and airports that our country deserves.’” [Roll Call, 05/08/17]

I could go on, but these are some of the main ones. President Trump has had over 3 years and the US is not close to having a balanced budget, the National debt continues to increases, has yet to reveal his new health plan, and are infrastructure continues to decline. I realize some of these promises requires Congressional agreement and passage of legislation.

Seems to me under President Trump's leadership Congress is more partisan and less is getting done. Trump cannot manage the country through EO's alone.
What is Trump's greatest strength?

He's done an outstanding job!

If u want a list of all he has done, you could go to a real news source like Fox. I'd be here all night if I tried to type it all out

His stench?
He has presidential experience, cares about all Americans, and has the toughness to handle the job.

And, unlike Biden when this clip hits 2:00, he doesn't look like he's having a stroke when he speaks.

That's sad

The guy needs to retire... probably needn't worry after Nov 3
Something you left out that encompasses all the things you listed, and more. IMO it is that regardless of how one looks at him, he has tried and often succeeded in keeping his promises.

This is a thing that has been rarely seen in many, if not most of our past Presidents. Even more amazing is that despite all the bureaucratic undermining, MSM name-calling, and Democrat efforts to block and also to impeach...he has accomplished so much.

I can tolerate his personal foibles, like the bragging, exaggerations, and even his off-the-cuff tweets. No one is perfect.

But I much prefer a man who actually works at doing what he says he will over the typical "new-boss same as the old-boss" politicians we've seen occupying the office regardless of Party affiliation over the years.

I agree but I love the tweets..we need to be informed.. and he often gets right to the heart of an issue or problem RE the press...fake news, etc
Looks like one of his strengths is causing members of the moonbat left to decompensate and lie constantly. No president in my lifetime (DDE was the first) has caused his opponents to exhibit so much irrational hatred.


So true
He's biggest strength to the Republican base is he makes "the libs" angry. Other than that, he has nothing else.
That's more than enough. :lamo
Maybe I missed something when Trump was running and in office he promisee

- to balance the budget
- To eliminate the debt in 8 years.
- Health Care for everyone
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody… We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.” [Washington Post, 1/15/19]
-Improve infrastructure
"build the next generation of roads, bridges, railways, tunnels, sea ports and airports that our country deserves.’” [Roll Call, 05/08/17]

I could go on, but these are some of the main ones. President Trump has had over 3 years and the US is not close to having a balanced budget, the National debt continues to increases, has yet to reveal his new health plan, and are infrastructure continues to decline. I realize some of these promises requires Congressional agreement and passage of legislation.

Seems to me under President Trump's leadership Congress is more partisan and less is getting done. Trump cannot manage the country through EO's alone.

Yes, you DID "miss something."

...he has tried and often succeeded in keeping his promises...

...Even more amazing is that despite all the bureaucratic undermining, MSM name-calling, and Democrat efforts to block and also to impeach...he has accomplished so much.

That, and the clear TDS generated openly-visceral hate so many on your side of the argument have held for the last 3-plus years explains the bulk of any "failures" your side tries to attribute to him. :coffeepap:
This thread certainly resembles this reporting. If it wasn't so pathetic, it has been fascinating how Alec Baldwin's impersonation of Trump is validated, by Trump himself, day after day.

A Potemkin village'
In Trump’s White House, there is little process that guides decision-making on the pandemic. The president has been focused first and foremost on his reelection chances and reacting to the daily or hourly news cycle as opposed to making long-term strategy, with Meadows and other senior aides indulging his impulses rather than striving to impose discipline.

“Trump likes knocking down dominoes, and there’s nobody left to stop the cascade of dominoes,” said Anthony Scaramucci, a former White House communications director who has become a Trump critic but remains close to some of Trump’s aides. “He sits in the Oval Office and says, ‘Do this,’ or, ‘Do that,’ and there was always a domino blocker. It was John Bolton or H.R. McMaster on national security or John Kelly. Now there are no domino blockers.”

What’s more, with polls showing Trump’s popularity on the decline and widespread disapproval of his management of the viral outbreak, staffers have concocted a positive feedback loop for the boss. They present him with fawning media commentary and craft charts with statistics that back up the president’s claim that the administration has done a great — even historically excellent — job fighting the virus.

When “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace told the president during a recent interview that his claim that the United States had one of the lowest coronavirus mortality rates in the world was “not true,” Trump grew agitated and called for White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany to hand him one of his charts.

“Kayleigh’s right here,” Trump told Wallace. “I heard we have one of the lowest, maybe the lowest mortality rate anywhere in the world.”....

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That's more than enough. :lamo

I don't know why you guys think you're immune to your own behavior being shoved back into your faces in the future.
I don't know why you guys think you're immune to your own behavior being shoved back into your faces in the future.

The future is now!

Donald Trump Press Conference Transcript August 10: Shooting Near White House, Economy, Coronavirus - Rev
Aug 10, 2020

Donald Trump Press Conference Transcript August 10: Shooting Near White House, Economy, Coronavirus

President Trump: (45:31)
No, I wouldn’t have done that. I think it’s been amazing what we’ve been able to do. If we didn’t close up our country, we would have had 1.5 or 2 million people already dead. We’ve called it right now, we don’t have to close it. We understand the disease. Nobody understood it because nobody’s ever seen anything like this. The closest thing is in 1917, they say right. The great pandemic certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people probably ended the Second World War. All the soldiers were sick. That was a terrible situation. And this is highly contagious. This one is highly, highly contagious.
Speaker 17: (49:12)
… after the scuffle. I have an opinion question for you. Joe Biden is set to announce his running mate at any time now. We expect him to announce her. Many of your supporters feel that the reason that Obama’s former NSA, Susan Rice is on the top of Biden’s list is that she can best cover up a lot of the Obamagate surveillance crimes that had taken place during your campaign. What are your thoughts? What is your opinion? Do you subscribe to that line of thought? How do you feel about it?

President Trump: (49:47)
Well, look, the Obama campaign spied on our campaign and they’ve been caught. All right. And now let’s see what happens to them, but they have been caught. They’ve been caught red handed. It’s probably treason. It’s a horrible thing they did. It probably never happened before, at least nobody got caught doing it. But they use the intelligence agencies of our country to spy on my campaign and they have been caught. And there are a lot of people involved. I don’t want to say how much she’s involved. Frankly, if he chooses her, that’s fine. But that’s a potential liability. We’ll see.

President Trump: (50:27)
But President Obama knew about it. Joe Biden knew about it. Comey knew about it. Brennan Clapper, the whole group, they all knew about it. Lisa Page, her lover, Strzok, they all knew about it. And we have it documented. We have it in texts. We have it in all sorts of forms. They knew about it. It was a terrible thing. Should have never happened and should never be allowed to happen again to a president. This should never happen again. This was a setup like we’ve never seen. I think it’s a political crime of the century and they’ve been caught. So let’s see what happens to them all. Thank you very much. Thank you.

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On Tuesday at 9:30 am ET, Michael Flynn is back in court—or at least his case is. Here's what to listen for. Many readers will recall that after Flynn pleaded guilty ...
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His humourless flat-affect detachment.
What is Trump's greatest strength?

He's done an outstanding job!

If u want a list of all he has done, you could go to a real news source like Fox. I'd be here all night if I tried to type it all out
If Trump wins in November then I'd say his greatest strength in the election is knowing how to win.

We could already say that from 2016, but let's not jump the gun here.

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