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What is more important to you? (1 Viewer)

What is more important to you?

  • Protection of the USA from terrorist attacks.

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Protection of our Civil Rights

    Votes: 18 81.8%

  • Total voters

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Your comments please........
Last edited:
Navy Pride said:
Your comments please:

Navy Pride, where's the poll, you tease?

Okay, it showed up after your post. Hmmmm. I gave the same answer as you did. There are checks and balances for each branch of government. Bush has acted in ways that indicate he has no respect for either Congress or the Judiciary.
aps said:
Navy Pride, where's the poll, you tease?

Okay, it showed up after your post. Hmmmm. I gave the same answer as you did. There are checks and balances for each branch of government. Bush has acted in ways that indicate he has no respect for either Congress or the Judiciary.

That may be but I have heard rumors and I can't prove this that the eavesdropping that has take place since 9/11/01 may have prevented more the one terrorist attack particulary the one by the guy who wanted to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge.....
Navy Pride said:
That may be but I have heard rumors and I can't prove this that the eavesdropping that has take place since 9/11/01 may have prevented more the one terrorist attack particulary the one by the guy who wanted to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge.....

I have no problem with them eavesdropping, as long as they follow proper procedure.
aps said:
I have no problem with them eavesdropping, as long as they follow proper procedure.

Seconded.....I dont like living with a Government I cant trust.
I will let Ben franklin speak

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

If you are willing to live in a police state more power to you but I would rather die a free man with my privacy and civil liberties intact then be a scared little conservate wimp, control freak, who give up their rights like good little sheep to the slaughter.
tecoyah said:
Seconded.....I dont like living with a Government I cant trust.

So terrorist attacks on this country are fine with you as long as we maintain our civil liberties.......
Gilluin said:
I will let Ben franklin speak

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

If you are willing to live in a police state more power to you but I would rather die a free man with my privacy and civil liberties intact then be a scared little conservate wimp, control freak, who give up their rights like good little sheep to the slaughter.

So terrorists attacks are fine with you as long as we protect our civil liberties?
aps said:
I have no problem with them eavesdropping, as long as they follow proper procedure.

What if they did not follow proper procedures and by doing so prevented a terrorist attack?
Navy Pride said:
So terrorist attacks on this country are fine with you as long as we maintain our civil liberties.......
Frankly, yes. The Government totalitarianism is much more dangerous that terrorist attacks.

I think I mentioned in another tread about my Dad's saying (He is a good liberal like me, BTW): "It is better to be a hungry wolf than a fat but chained dog."
steen said:
Frankly, yes. The Government totalitarianism is much more dangerous that terrorist attacks.

I think I mentioned in another tread about my Dad's saying (He is a good liberal like me, BTW): "It is better to be a hungry wolf than a fat but chained dog."

Thank God Liberals like you are not in charge..We would have had about 20 more terrorists attacks on this country by now........
Navy Pride said:
What if they did not follow proper procedures and by doing so prevented a terrorist attack?

Navy Pride, there is a provision within the NISA that allows them to wiretap and then ask for a warrant within 72 hours. Tell me why this wasn't something they could follow. There is no excuse for their failure to obtain a warrant.
aps said:
Navy Pride, there is a provision within the NISA that allows them to wiretap and then ask for a warrant within 72 hours. Tell me why this wasn't something they could follow. There is no excuse for their failure to obtain a warrant.

I don't know but if a wiretap without a judges permission saves millions of American lives I say go for it and worry about the details later........
Navy Pride said:
I don't know but if a wiretap without a judges permission saves millions of American lives I say go for it and worry about the details later........

They could go for it. But then within 72 hours they could apply for a warrant. It isn't the president who is writing the request for the warrant, so it's not taking him away from the issue at hand.

By the way, less than 2 years ago, he felt differently: http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?t=6730
Navy Pride said:
So terrorists attacks are fine with you as long as we protect our civil liberties?

Not what I am saying at all. If you are prepared to give up and civil liberties then the terrorists have won. I would rather be dead in a free country then live in a police state.
7-4 for Civil Rights....How fast are Liberal friends forget about 9/11/01.....I can bet you if God forbid we had another attack they would be the same ones saying that this administration did not do enough to protect us.....

Gilluin said:
Not what I am saying at all. If you are prepared to give up and civil liberties then the terrorists have won. I would rather be dead in a free country then live in a police state.

Well I don't know what country your from but the USA is not a police state by any stretch of the imagination.....
Navy Pride said:
Thank God Liberals like you are not in charge..We would have had about 20 more terrorists attacks on this country by now........
Really? Buch couldn't even mention ONE attack prevented by his Gestapo methods, and you have evidence of 20 attacks prevented? :roll: :rofl
Navy Pride said:
7-4 for Civil Rights....How fast are Liberal friends forget about 9/11/01.....I can bet you if God forbid we had another attack they would be the same ones saying that this administration did not do enough to protect us.....

Your derisiveness of civil rights is duly noted.
steen said:
Really? Buch couldn't even mention ONE attack prevented by his Gestapo methods, and you have evidence of 20 attacks prevented? :roll: :rofl

Of course he is not going to mention it..........Unlike Liberals we try and keep classified info secret.......
steen said:
Your derisiveness of civil rights is duly noted.

Civil rights don't mean squat if your dead........Think about it.....
Navy Pride said:
Civil rights don't mean squat if your dead........Think about it.....

So I guess we should have just let the British rule us. Better to live under an unjust monarchy than die for freedom. I guess these words by Partick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death" don't ring true, for you at least.
Columbusite said:
So I guess we should have just let the British rule us. Better to live under an unjust monarchy than die for freedom. I guess these words by Partick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death" don't ring true, for you at least.

I think the situation today is a teeny bit different then it was in the day of Patrick Henry where a well placed WOMD could kill millions don't you......
The civil rights and freedoms that the US gives its citizens is what makes it such a wonderful place. Give those in to the terrorists, and they've kicked your arse.
Navy Pride said:
Civil rights don't mean squat if your dead........Think about it.....
So you would rather live your life as the fat but always chained -up dog of my example. No way would I live like that, chained and controlled by the authorities; that seems more a conservative goal.

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