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What is more important to you, life or guns? (1 Viewer)

"Mass shootings are statistically rare compared to regular murders. All a gun ban did for the UK was just change the way most murder victims were murdered."

The problem is, you're ignoring EVERYTHING. You're literally trying to say that because there was a handgun ban, that this then had an impact on crime. A simplistic "well, murder went up, isn't it?" doesn't really cut it here.

The UK was changing at the time, Yardies were becoming an issue at around this time, bringing Jamaican crime with them that took nearly a decade to get a grip on.
When homicides don't drastically go down after enacting draconian gun control laws you can't actually say those draconian gun control laws were a success. Sitting there and saying well gun deaths and mass shootings went down don't mean dick when people are just getting murdered a different way. If someone stabbed you death or beat the **** out of you to death your loved ones aren't going to find relief in the fact that you were stabbed or beaten to death instead of shot.
The thing is - we can have both. In my opinion there's no reason for private citizens to own assault rifles with 100-round magazines. Having said that, if I thought I needed a hand gun for personal protection, I'd buy one and don't have any trouble with other law-abiding folk that wish to do the same.

what does need have to do with exercising a right-and while I have no use for a 100 round magazine and have never considered buying one-if a government can ban 100 round magazines, then aren't you conceding it can ban 40-30-20-15 round magazines?
When homicides don't drastically go down after enacting draconian gun control laws you can't actually say those draconian gun control laws were a success. Sitting there and saying well gun deaths and mass shootings went down don't mean dick when people are just getting murdered a different way. If someone stabbed you death or beat the **** out of you to death your loved ones aren't going to find relief in the fact that you were stabbed or beaten to death instead of shot.

Dude face it..

Gun control works
and when a teacher or staff member mozambiques some angry nutcase, make sure the shooter is lionized in the press, and the asshole who was wasted, gets almost no press at all. These losers who take out their hatred of themselves, as active shooters, want publicity.

If the media did just this would help reduce mass shootings. Some studies show that mass shootings happen in clusters.

Mass Shootings Can Be Contagious, Research Shows : Shots - Health News : NPR
Mass shootings: Experts say violence is contagious, and 24/7 news cycle doesn'''t help
Mass Shootings Are Contagious | Live Science
Mass Shootings Are Contagious - Scientific American
Dude face it..

Gun control works

You have yet to prove it does. Murders dropping in New York doesn't prove it works when states like Vermont and and some other states with lax gun control laws have low homicide rates.
You have yet to prove it does. Murders dropping in New York doesn't prove it works when states like Vermont and and some other states with lax gun control laws have low homicide rates.

The exception proves the rule. States with lax gun laws have the most gun deaths
You have yet to prove it does. Murders dropping in New York doesn't prove it works when states like Vermont and and some other states with lax gun control laws have low homicide rates.

You do know Vermont passed more gun control last year....dont you?
what does need have to do with exercising a right-and while I have no use for a 100 round magazine and have never considered buying one-if a government can ban 100 round magazines, then aren't you conceding it can ban 40-30-20-15 round magazines?

I don't think there's any reason for private citizens to own assault rifles, period.
39,000 gun deaths

Two thirds which are suicides. Which are not relevant to murder statistics or even gun deaths. Suicides are not a violent criminal act.Many countries with draconian gun control laws have higher suicide rates than ours.So it would indicate that not having guns doesn't reduce suicides.
I don't think there's any reason for private citizens to own assault rifles, period.

Non responsive-we were talking where you draw the line on magazine capacity.
I really don't care what you think others need. In a free society-you don't have to own those things. BTW do you even have a clue what an assault rifle is? Do you think civilian police ought to use them on our city streets?
Two thirds which are suicides. Which are not relevant to murder statistics or even gun deaths. Suicides are not a violent criminal act.Many countries with draconian gun control laws have higher suicide rates than ours.So it would indicate that not having guns doesn't reduce suicides.

80% of gunshot murders either involve those banned from owning guns doing the shooting or are the victims
I don't think there's any reason for private citizens to own assault rifles, period.

Assault rifles are select fire automatic rifles that fire an intermediate sized cartridge. No assault weapon is an assault rifle and no assault rifle is an assault weapon. Assault rifles were defacto banned in 1986 with the Hughes amendment that banned civilians from owning automatic firearms IE machine guns made after may of 1986. Thus driving the price sky high of existing machine guns.
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You do know Vermont passed more gun control last year....dont you?

I doubt their homicides were higher the year before,or they year before that.
Assault rifles are select fire automatic rifles that fire an intermediate sized cartridge. No assault weapon is an assault rifle and no assault rifle is an assault weapon. Assault weapons were defacto banned in 1986 with the Hughes amendment that banned civilians from owning automatic firearms IE machine guns made after may of 1986. Thus driving the price sky high of existing machine guns.

I thought the assault rifle ban expired during the W. Bush term wasn't renewed under W.

The U.S. Once Had A Ban On Assault Weapons — Why Did It Expire? : NPR
I doubt their homicides were higher the year before,or they year before that.

Yeah but they decided they need to lower gun deaths. I love they closed the gun show loophole
vegas giants;1070489762[B said:
]The exception proves the rule. [/B] States with lax gun laws have the most gun deaths
Then that logic can be applied to New York as well. Because I am sure New York implemented some crime control measures as well that contributed to their lower amount of murders they have.
Then that logic can be applied to New York as well. Because I am sure New York implemented some crime control measures as well that contributed to their lower amount of murders they have.

What were they?
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Assault rifles are select fire automatic rifles that fire an intermediate sized cartridge. No assault weapon is an assault rifle and no assault rifle is an assault weapon. Assault weapons were defacto banned in 1986 with the Hughes amendment that banned civilians from owning automatic firearms IE machine guns made after may of 1986. Thus driving the price sky high of existing machine guns.

yet no legally owned assault rifle has EVER been used by a private citizen to commit murder in US history. Showing that the gun banning scum are lying when they claim that their reason for passing laws is to prevent crime. The Hughes Amendment was not even properly passed in the first place -and was due to a scum bag and his allies spite over a federal law that prevented New Jersey from persecuting travelers with legally owned guns going through that crap hole of a state.
Under federal law they are

No they are not. No assault weapon is an assault rifle. No assault rifle is an assault weapon.They are not synonymous terms.

Assault rifles are select fire automatic rifles that fire an intermediate sized cartridge.

Assault weapons are semiautomatic rifles, pistols, and shot guns with cosmetic features like pistol grips,grenade launchers, bayonet lugs, threaded barrels, flash suppressors, the placement of where the magazine is loaded, it's unloaded weight and various other features.
No they are not. No assault weapon is an assault rifle. No assault weapon is an assault rifle.They are not synonymous terms.

Assault rifles are select fire automatic rifles that fire an intermediate sized cartridge.

Assault weapons are semiautomatic rifles, pistols, and shot guns with cosmetic features like pistol grips,grenade launchers, bayonet lugs, threaded barrels, flash suppressors, the placement of where the magazine is loaded, it's unloaded wieght and various other features.

Federal law defines assault weapons.

Show me the official legal definition you are using
Federal law defines assault weapons.

Show me the official legal definition you are using
How about you show the law you are talking about since you made the claim federal law defines assault rifles as assault weapons.
You are confused. Assault weapons and assault rifles are not synonymous terms. Assault rifles are select fire automatic rifles that fire an intermediate sized cartridge. Assault weapons are semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with certain cosmetic features.

the term assault has no legitimate use when applied to semi auto firearms.

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