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What happened to my post? (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Southern California
Political Leaning
First you pushed non-liberal ideas into the basement, now you're just deleting them.
Omg censorship.:shock:

This is just like affirmative action bake sales.:(
alphamale said:
First you pushed non-liberal ideas into the basement, now you're just deleting them.

Maybe there is another "NeoCon" or a "WakLib" conspiracy afoot or maybe there is just a united conspiracy to get rid of posts that suck. Get smarter....write better posts.
Last edited:
GySgt said:
Maybe there is another "NeoCon" or a "WakLib" conspiracy afoot or maybe there is just a united conspiracy to get rid of posts that suck. Get smarter....write better posts.

Gunny your a hard man............;)
Synch said:
Omg censorship.:shock:

This is just like affirmative action bake sales.:(

ahahaha we had an affirmative action bake sale not that long ago. it was great.
alphamale said:
First you pushed non-liberal ideas into the basement, now you're just deleting them.

Yea, the mod team is actually made up of 12 liberals. We go out of our way to stifle all thought to the right of Chomsky. Uh huh.

We should make a forum where everyone who accuses us of bias can go and argue to decide if were fascists or commies...
GySgt said:
Maybe there is another "NeoCon" or a "WakLib" conspiracy afoot or maybe there is just a united conspiracy to get rid of posts that suck. Get smarter....write better posts.

The post that was deleted was an excellent and timely post. It's problem was that it was un-PC, raising facts that the only way for the lib mod to confront is to delete them - pure cowardice.
alphamale said:
The post that was deleted was an excellent and timely post. It's problem was that it was un-PC, raising facts that the only way for the lib mod to confront is to delete them - pure cowardice.
That's terrible...

absolutely horrible...

I think the only true way to get back at them is to leave and never come back...
Speaking of deleting posts... when is this one going to be deleted? What is the point of this thread again?
How about a hint? What post are you talking about?

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