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What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85, 252] (1 Viewer)

If he did this, if he did that, if I did what most liberals do I would be dependent on taxpayer assistance just like millions of Obama supporters still looking for Obama stash. Let me know when he is convicted

/facepalm He will NEVER be convicted, because he cut a deal and got AMNESTY.

Let me help you out with the meaning of amnesty:

am·nes·ty [am-nuh-stee] - a general pardon for offenses, often granted before any trial or conviction.
/facepalm He will NEVER be convicted, because he cut a deal and got AMNESTY.

Let me help you out with the meaning of amnesty:

am·nes·ty [am-nuh-stee] - a general pardon for offenses, often granted before any trial or conviction.

Good, glad to hear it. That means there is one less pardon he is going to have to give when he becomes President
What is best for this great nation IS my business and it should be the business of every voter in America!!!
Why would anyone want to refuse the American voter from having a complete understanding of the candidates or from having all the information available in making an informed decision? Makes no sense at all UNLESS you have no respect for the American People.

You understand my point completely. I don't have respect for "the American People" just like I don't have respect for any amorphous group. Individuals, sure on a case by case basis. As for your "informed opinion", I suggest you look for a better measure.
RINO will NOT become President. I have no doubt about that.

You understand my point completely. I don't have respect for "the American People" just like I don't have respect for any amorphous group. Individuals, sure on a case by case basis. As for your "informed opinion", I suggest you look for a better measure.

If you don't have respect for the American People then you do not have respect for the Constitution and you do not have respect for America. Because America is made up of American people my friend. So it that what you are saying? That you do not have respect for America?
RINO will NOT become President. I have no doubt about that.

If you don't have respect for the American People then you do not have respect for the Constitution and you do not have respect for America. Because America is made up of people my friend. So it that what you are saying? That you do not have respect for America?

Your leaps of logic are astounding. My respect for the Constitution has little or nothing to do with the American people since so many people don't truly respect the Constitution, particularly those who are elected officials.

As the noted philosopher said: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

"We" are looking for something, anything that can be spun into a big deal and used to distract from the real issues.

And you only want to distract us from the REAL Romney. For some reason, this candidate is not to be understood.
Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

Your leaps of logic are astounding. My respect for the Constitution has little or nothing to do with the American people since so many people don't truly respect the Constitution, particularly those who are elected officials.

As the noted philosopher said: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”

Doesnt the Constitution say "We the People..."?
Not "We the people - except for those stupid people in large groups..."???

If you cannot respect the fact that the Constitution is for ALL the people in America, and not just your chosen few, then you can just shut your tater trap right now about your so-called "respect for the constitution" AliHaj!!!

And you only want to distract us from the REAL Romney. For some reason, this candidate is not to be understood.

Romney is the epitome of an empty suit. I watch his stump speeches and campaign appearances on CSPAN and what not, and I can never recall someone talking so much while saying absoluting nothing of substance what so ever. He has no issues, no policies, nothing but rah-rah slogans and anti-Obama soundbites.
He is going to get his ass royally kicked in the debates if this is all he's got. And I'm gonna love Every Frickin minute of it!!!
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Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

Doesnt the Constitution say "We the People..."?
Not "We the people - except for those stupid people in large groups..."???

If you cannot respect the fact that the Constitution is for ALL the people in America, and not just your chosen few, then you can just shut your tater trap right now about your so-called "respect for the constitution" AliHaj!!!

So, tell us the perspective as one from the large group of stupid people?

Romney is the epitome of an empty suit. I watch his stump speeches and campaign appearances on CSPAN and what not, and I can never recall someone talking so much while saying absoluting nothing of substance what so ever. He has no issues, no policies, nothing but rah-rah slogans and anti-Obama soundbites.

Oh, first election?

He is going to get his ass royally kicked in the debates if this is all he's got. And I'm gonna love Every Frickin minute of it!!!

Ya know, just you saying it doesn't mean that it happened.
I think alot of Partisan Hacks on the right are either intentionally in denial of the truth OR ELSE they are incredibly NAIVE to think that Romney is completely innocent of any unethical wrong doing. Why else on god's green earth would he be trying to hide his tax returns from us???

Nah...no denial from partisan hacks on the right...just dismissal of taxers and their blatherings.
RINO will NOT become President. I have no doubt about that.

If you don't have respect for the American People then you do not have respect for the Constitution and you do not have respect for America. Because America is made up of American people my friend. So it that what you are saying? That you do not have respect for America?

You certainly have a problem with logical deduction. Perhaps that's the basis for your nonsensical posts, eh?

A person states he has no respect for the American People as an amorphous group...and you somehow equate that to having no respect for the Constitution. :doh
Doesnt the Constitution say "We the People..."?
Not "We the people - except for those stupid people in large groups..."???

If you cannot respect the fact that the Constitution is for ALL the people in America, and not just your chosen few, then you can just shut your tater trap right now about your so-called "respect for the constitution" AliHaj!!!

Romney is the epitome of an empty suit. I watch his stump speeches and campaign appearances on CSPAN and what not, and I can never recall someone talking so much while saying absoluting nothing of substance what so ever. He has no issues, no policies, nothing but rah-rah slogans and anti-Obama soundbites.
He is going to get his ass royally kicked in the debates if this is all he's got. And I'm gonna love Every Frickin minute of it!!!

I deny the Constitution to no one, not even trolls or the stupid people you reference.
Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

And you only want to distract us from the REAL Romney. For some reason, this candidate is not to be understood.

The real Romney is a politician who, like most politicians, have a way of talking a lot and saying nothing. The best way to understand him is to look back at what he has done, then look back at what his opponent has done.

One thing he has done is to pay his taxes and share with us the last year of tax returns.

Another thing he has done is to give a lot more time and money to charity than most of us ever do. That shows character.

And yet another is to rescue financially failing entities and put them back in the black. Now, I have my doubts that he or anyone else can accomplish that with the Federal Government, but I think we all know that his opponent can not.
Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

The real Romney is a politician who, like most politicians, have a way of talking a lot and saying nothing. The best way to understand him is to look back at what he has done, then look back at what his opponent has done.

One thing he has done is to pay his taxes and share with us the last year of tax returns.

He also has an IRA worth $100 mill and closed a Swiss bank account under suspicious conditions that he has refused to clarify
Another thing he has done is to give a lot more time and money to charity than most of us ever do. That shows character.

He gives 10% of his income to the Mormon Church becasue that is what his religion requires.
And yet another is to rescue financially failing entities and put them back in the black. Now, I have my doubts that he or anyone else can accomplish that with the Federal Government, but I think we all know that his opponent can not.

He has shown an abiltiy to profit from all sorts of business takeovers, perhaps he plans on taking us into bankruptcy, he has plenty of knowledge of that too.
One thing we can be sure of he will be the same as every other Republican President and will take us into a recession in his 1st term if elected.
I sure you will still be supporting him as most Romneyites want another recession. It's the "medicine" we need, right?
Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

Where did this idea come from that eliminating teachers, firefighters, police officers and other government positions will be beneficial to us?

Did Steve Ducey promise you that teachers were only here to promote socialist ideals in america's youth?
Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

Where did this idea come from that eliminating teachers, firefighters, police officers and other government positions will be beneficial to us?

From the balance sheets that their pensions, and constant pay for substandard production (in the case of teachers) have cost in the past, and are continuing to bankrupt localities.

You do know that Fire, Police, Teachers, are all local issues right?

Did Steve Ducey promise you that teachers were only here to promote socialist ideals in america's youth?

No, people are paying more attention to their child's education, especially when they come home with wild ideas of Global Warming, or Wealth redistribution etc, and are questioning why their kids have been passed along through the grades and get to High School, and still can't multiply, or in some cases even add without the aid of a calculator...
Re: What, exactly, are "we" looking for in Romney's tax returns? [W:85]

Where did this idea come from that eliminating teachers, firefighters, police officers and other government positions will be beneficial to us?

Did Steve Ducey promise you that teachers were only here to promote socialist ideals in america's youth?

Wisconsin is the model. Make teachers contribute a reasonable amoount to their retirement and health plans, similar to the private sector. Restrict collective bargaining in public sector unions. Class sizes remain the same, teacher employment remains the same, budgets begin to come into balance.

Union power in the public sector isnt about fair, its about more. It doesnt matter how much they are already getting, the answer is always more.
Mr. Independent, wow! I always thought that you were innocent in this country until proven guilty. You have already convicted Romney. Don't worry though when he is elected President he can pardon himself from your conviction

Mr. Romney is running for President of the United States.
This is a position of Trust.
Ronald Reagan said, "Trust but Verify."
Mr. Romney has said, "Trust me," re his tax returns.
It is not unreasonable for voters to want to "Verify.

What is the single issue on which Mr. Romney has never flip-flopped? He stands doggedly firm on never, under any circumstances, releasing his tax returns.


It is not just liberals who want to see Romney's tax returns.
It is 63% of American voters who do.

The longer Mr. Romney delays, the more suspicious it appears.

Obama released 8 years of tax returns
GW Bush 10 years
Clinton 12 years
GHW Bush 14 years
George Romney 12 years.

What is there to hide?
Mr. Romney is running for President of the United States.
This is a position of Trust.
Ronald Reagan said, "Trust but Verify."
Mr. Romney has said, "Trust me," re his tax returns.
It is not unreasonable for voters to want to "Verify.

What is the single issue on which Mr. Romney has never flip-flopped? He stands doggedly firm on never, under any circumstances, releasing his tax returns.


It is not just liberals who want to see Romney's tax returns.
It is 63% of American voters who do.

The longer Mr. Romney delays, the more suspicious it appears.

Obama released 8 years of tax returns
GW Bush 10 years
Clinton 12 years
GHW Bush 14 years
George Romney 12 years.

What is there to hide?

We have seen the 2010 tax returns showing he paid 4.6 million dollars in Federal Income taxes and donated 3 million dollars to charity. Romney was Governor of MA from 2003-2007 so tell me will 2008-2009 tax returns suffice for you? Do you think Romney tax returns or his record will put 23 million unemployed/under employed Americans back to work? Trust what, tax returns that show little or results which say it all?
We have seen the 2010 tax returns showing he paid 4.6 million dollars in Federal Income taxes and donated 3 million dollars to charity. Romney was Governor of MA from 2003-2007 so tell me will 2008-2009 tax returns suffice for you? Do you think Romney tax returns or his record will put 23 million unemployed/under employed Americans back to work? Trust what, tax returns that show little or results which say it all?

Actually, 2008 and 2009 would be perfect. You see, Romney most likely took the amnesty deal offered in 2009, due to swiss bank UBS being coerced by the IRS into releasing the identities of 4500 people with undisclosed illegal foreign bank accounts. Romney, who definitely had accounts with UBS, and not knowing which names are being released took the deal to avoid a criminal investigation and potentially jail time.

Because, as part of the deal, he would have had to amend each prior return with the previously undisclosed accounts, and pay back taxes and penalties, it would be clear as day on his 2009 and 2008 returns. So, I don't expect Tax Evader Mitt to release those particular years, ever.

By the way, the 2010 return was incomplete, Mitt did not include his FBAR portion of the return. What is FBAR you ask? Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts. Why would Mitt want to hide his Foreign Bank disclosure form? [insert shocked face] So, tax evader Mitt, hasn't even complied with the election law, by releasing 2 complete years of income tax returns.
Actually, 2008 and 2009 would be perfect. You see, Romney most likely took the amnesty deal offered in 2009, due to swiss bank UBS being coerced by the IRS into releasing the identities of 4500 people with undisclosed illegal foreign bank accounts. Romney, who definitely had accounts with UBS, and not knowing which names are being released took the deal to avoid a criminal investigation and potentially jail time.

Because, as part of the deal, he would have had to amend each prior return with the previously undisclosed accounts, and pay back taxes and penalties, it would be clear as day on his 2009 and 2008 returns. So, I don't expect Tax Evader Mitt to release those particular years, ever.

By the way, the 2010 return was incomplete, Mitt did not include his FBAR portion of the return. What is FBAR you ask? Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts. Why would Mitt want to hide his Foreign Bank disclosure form? [insert shocked face] So, tax evader Mitt, hasn't even complied with the election law, by releasing 2 complete years of income tax returns.

What is important on the tax return are the taxes paid and the amount given to charity. So tell me if Romney releases his taxes for the period you want and nothing is there are you going to vote for him?
What is important on the tax return are the taxes paid and the amount given to charity. So tell me if Romney releases his taxes for the period you want and nothing is there are you going to vote for him?

What is important is did Mitt comply with the Law. Did he declare his foreign accounts, as the law states he must? If he took an Amnesty deal, he is admitting he violated the tax law, which should preclude him from seeking the highest office in the land.
What is important is did Mitt comply with the Law. Did he declare his foreign accounts, as the law states he must? If he took an Amnesty deal, he is admitting he violated the tax law, which should preclude him from seeking the highest office in the land.

And that would be a liberal dream, wouldn't it, four more years of dependence, class warfare, jealousy, wealth redistribution, elaborate trips, improving golf score, and symbolism over substance.

The Obama record speaks for itself but still blaming Bush is all liberals can do since the record is one of a incompetent community organizer
And that would be a liberal dream, wouldn't it, four more years of dependence, class warfare, jealousy, wealth redistribution, elaborate trips, improving golf score, and symbolism over substance.

The Obama record speaks for itself but still blaming Bush is all liberals can do since the record is one of a incompetent community organizer

So, if Mitt turns out to have taken the Amnesty deal, you seem willing to overlook his criminal activity?
So, if Mitt turns out to have taken the Amnesty deal, you seem willing to overlook his criminal activity?

What I happen to believe is if there was any illegal activity out there or a crime it would be known by now. I will be voting for Romney because of his resume and record which is contrary to Obama's
What I happen to believe is if there was any illegal activity out there or a crime it would be known by now. I will be voting for Romney because of his resume and record which is contrary to Obama's

How would it be "out there by now" if Mitt hasn't released his tax returns? But don't worry... Does the term "October Surprise" mean anything to you? The Dems wouldn't want to leak it too soon, and give the Republicans time to nominate a new candidate.

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