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What does your nail shape say about you? (1 Viewer)


Loves third parties and steak
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DP Veteran
Mar 25, 2010
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Libertarian - Right

Mine are round --- feminine, caring, romantic
Mine are trimmed but kind of irregular and part of one is missing.
Apparently, not bothering to round off the edges and points on my fingernails when I clip them makes me young, unique and creative.
right hand says that i like to strum and attempt to fingerpick a guitar. left hand says that i like to fret a guitar.

right hand nails are also good for picking up things like paper on a flat surface.
Well, technically this is just for women. Sorry to be sexist about it. :p
What do ragged gnawed off stumps signify?

(I have bad habits. I'm sorry. :3oops: lol )
For the record, rough man-hands are sexy.
My say that they're regularly chewed. According to the OP, my GF is assertive and ambitious, which is completely wrong.
I dunno. I just finished up with the belt sander. I know more when the smoke clears.

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