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What do you think Trump followers would have done if Trump had admitted Covid was serious? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.
What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

Oh I have a much more interesting question for you. What would the DEM's have done, dropped back and punted?
What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

Oh I have a much more interesting question for you. What would the DEM's have done, dropped back and punted?

Well one thing we know for sure is the democrats have a lousy candidate and a lousy policy position on just about everything. No matter what Trump does, or doesn't do the left will criticize it what ever it is. They can't really lay out their programs because their programs are all extreme leftist. So, they attack and criticize every action Trump takes, the media will keep it hot for them and Joe doesn't get asked any questions. Is America stupid enough to ignore these tatics or are they going to demand Joe get in front of some real questions instead of the softballs he's seen thus far?
What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

Seeing as he had already warned us about Covid.
This thread is nothing more than another excuse for the OP to cry about Trump.
Well one thing we know for sure is the democrats have a lousy candidate and a lousy policy position on just about everything. No matter what Trump does, or doesn't do the left will criticize it what ever it is. They can't really lay out their programs because their programs are all extreme leftist. So, they attack and criticize every action Trump takes, the media will keep it hot for them and Joe doesn't get asked any questions. Is America stupid enough to ignore these tatics or are they going to demand Joe get in front of some real questions instead of the softballs he's seen thus far?

How do you think Trump got elected?
Well one thing we know for sure is the democrats have a lousy candidate and a lousy policy position on just about everything. No matter what Trump does, or doesn't do the left will criticize it what ever it is. They can't really lay out their programs because their programs are all extreme leftist. So, they attack and criticize every action Trump takes, the media will keep it hot for them and Joe doesn't get asked any questions. Is America stupid enough to ignore these tatics or are they going to demand Joe get in front of some real questions instead of the softballs he's seen thus far?

Can you name a few of the “extreme leftist” programs?
No matter what Trump does, or doesn't do the left will criticize it what ever it is.

Heh. Many of those that love Trump love him because he pisses off those darn "libtards", and nothing else. Many of those people don't actually know what they really believe when it comes to real policy issues, only that Trump speaks their language. Whatever Trump says or does, they will follow it. If it means following a leader that gives the finger to military soldiers while simultaneously going on about how Kaepernick disrespects the flag, so be it. If it means saying COVID-19 is nothing serious while simultaneously defending Trump's response to a very "deadly" virus, so be it. If it means demeaning liberals as godless heathens while supporting someone that pays off porn stars and brags about sexual assault, so be it.
What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

I think it's good that Dear Leader lied to us.

It was for our own good. We're like children. We can't handle scary things. We would have nightmares.

When Dear Leader lies to us, it's because he loves us.
They would wear masks and be social distancing, because the Trumpssiah told them about the dangers of the evil China Virus.
Well one thing we know for sure is the democrats have a lousy candidate and a lousy policy position on just about everything. No matter what Trump does, or doesn't do the left will criticize it what ever it is. They can't really lay out their programs because their programs are all extreme leftist. So, they attack and criticize every action Trump takes, the media will keep it hot for them and Joe doesn't get asked any questions. Is America stupid enough to ignore these tatics or are they going to demand Joe get in front of some real questions instead of the softballs he's seen thus far?

Here is what we know. The most relevant issue going into the election is COVID and Trump has blown it from January till now and continues to blow it the same way day in and day out, make the same mistakes day in and day out. Supports the same COVID nonsense day in and day out, contradicts the scientists day in and day out. So if he had taken COVID off the table, I actually don't know how the DEM's would have responded. THEN THEIR failings would become more of a campaign issue.

So far all Donnie boy has is painting Biden as a Socialist and ANTIFA coming to your suburbs to burn them down your homes and rape "suburban housewives" (as if Women appreciate the label). That is pissing into the breeze against Trump's horridly failed response to COVID and the resultant the death and destruction of COVID to lives and the economy.
Had Trump done a good job with Covid prevention he'd lead the polls right now, and be on a good way to a second term, because the rally to the flag effect would actually work. People like governments that does it's job when things get tough. The main reason Trump's future looks shaky is because just how much he botched it up.

Also he really need to find his energy. Now he's so low energy he makes JEB! blush.
Heh. Many of those that love Trump love him because he pisses off those darn "libtards", and nothing else. Many of those people don't actually know what they really believe when it comes to real policy issues, only that Trump speaks their language. Whatever Trump says or does, they will follow it. If it means following a leader that gives the finger to military soldiers while simultaneously going on about how Kaepernick disrespects the flag, so be it. If it means saying COVID-19 is nothing serious while simultaneously defending Trump's response to a very "deadly" virus, so be it. If it means demeaning liberals as godless heathens while supporting someone that pays off porn stars and brags about sexual assault, so be it.

I agree, owning the libs is number one for the gop and even if they have to vote against their own best interests to 'own' them, so be it.
Seeing as he had already warned us about Covid.
This thread is nothing more than another excuse for the OP to cry about Trump.

He warned us not to worry about covid as it was no worse or even less bothersome than the flu. He refused to wear a mask and continues to have his gatherings of the cult. So answer the question, what would his followers have done if he had warned people hoe dangerous it was and that they needed to take actions mentioned by the scientists. If you can not face the reality of what Trump has failed to do then just keep quiet
Well one thing we know for sure is the democrats have a lousy candidate and a lousy policy position on just about everything. No matter what Trump does, or doesn't do the left will criticize it what ever it is. They can't really lay out their programs because their programs are all extreme leftist. So, they attack and criticize every action Trump takes, the media will keep it hot for them and Joe doesn't get asked any questions. Is America stupid enough to ignore these tatics or are they going to demand Joe get in front of some real questions instead of the softballs he's seen thus far?

I guess you know that Trump failed to act as president and this is how you answer the question asked in the OP. Pitiful
Oh I have a much more interesting question for you. What would the DEM's have done, dropped back and punted?

Do not have a good answer, so you point back to the Dems, Pitiful
Heh. Many of those that love Trump love him because he pisses off those darn "libtards", and nothing else. Many of those people don't actually know what they really believe when it comes to real policy issues, only that Trump speaks their language. Whatever Trump says or does, they will follow it. If it means following a leader that gives the finger to military soldiers while simultaneously going on about how Kaepernick disrespects the flag, so be it. If it means saying COVID-19 is nothing serious while simultaneously defending Trump's response to a very "deadly" virus, so be it. If it means demeaning liberals as godless heathens while supporting someone that pays off porn stars and brags about sexual assault, so be it.

I love a good getting to the heart of the matter.
He warned us not to worry about covid as it was no worse or even less bothersome than the flu. He refused to wear a mask and continues to have his gatherings of the cult. So answer the question, what would his followers have done if he had warned people hoe dangerous it was and that they needed to take actions mentioned by the scientists. If you can not face the reality of what Trump has failed to do then just keep quiet

No, he warned people. The fact that you're getting upset about him trying to keep peoples spirits up, is of no consolation to me.
The fact that you're still so desperate as to call people cultist over not having the same opinions as your own, is also of no real consolation to me.

I see no reality here. You keep bashing your heads against this same brick wall over and over, and yet you still don't get it. If you want to claim that he failed, you're going to have to actually prove that he did so. And seeing as we know that he was working with people to address Covid even before the impeachment trial was done with. We know that you are the ones who actually have to supply something here.

-You whine about him not wearing a mask? Fauci also had to flip on mask himself and a multitude of other politicians who promoted using mask in public, were caught not wearing them when the cameras weren't rolling.
-You whine about him stating that it's less bothersome than the flu? When the virus first hit, how many people were saying the exact same thing? How many state officials and how many medical institutes were giving that same notion out so freely?

The question is defunct on it's own premise. The fact that you still refer to people as cultist is only showing how pathetic your agenda for this argument is in the first place.

We know that Trump could've done some things better in this epidemic, but he did not fail, by any means.
If you want to look at someone who failed. Look to someone like Cuomo, who decided to tell his people to continue going out and socializing, even after Trump dropped his first warnings about Covid. Who then took the option of depositing Covid patients into senior care facilities, resulting in even more unnecessary deaths.

If you want to prove that Trump failed, find a base and work up from there.

Then we can talk.
What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

They would have jumped right in line, wore masks social distanced, jumped on one foot, patted their head and rubbed their belly if he told them that's what was necessary. We'd be living in a different America ... with a LOT more of our fellow AmeriCANs still with us.

And, god save the person that didn't comply ... they would be ostracized even shot as "lefty scum".
What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

America could have seen the same positive results as Europe has, with rates of infection and death falling rapidly. Instead political bickering took centre stage with an election looming and here you are.
No, he warned people. The fact that you're getting upset about him trying to keep peoples spirits up, is of no consolation to me.
The fact that you're still so desperate as to call people cultist over not having the same opinions as your own, is also of no real consolation to me.

I see no reality here. You keep bashing your heads against this same brick wall over and over, and yet you still don't get it. If you want to claim that he failed, you're going to have to actually prove that he did so. And seeing as we know that he was working with people to address Covid even before the impeachment trial was done with. We know that you are the ones who actually have to supply something here.

-You whine about him not wearing a mask? Fauci also had to flip on mask himself and a multitude of other politicians who promoted using mask in public, were caught not wearing them when the cameras weren't rolling.
-You whine about him stating that it's less bothersome than the flu? When the virus first hit, how many people were saying the exact same thing? How many state officials and how many medical institutes were giving that same notion out so freely?

The question is defunct on it's own premise. The fact that you still refer to people as cultist is only showing how pathetic your agenda for this argument is in the first place.

We know that Trump could've done some things better in this epidemic, but he did not fail, by any means.
If you want to look at someone who failed. Look to someone like Cuomo, who decided to tell his people to continue going out and socializing, even after Trump dropped his first warnings about Covid. Who then took the option of depositing Covid patients into senior care facilities, resulting in even more unnecessary deaths.

If you want to prove that Trump failed, find a base and work up from there.

Then we can talk.

Trump hasn't failed? Do you regard 200,000 deaths (and rising), a success story?
Trump hasn't failed? Do you regard 200,000 deaths (and rising), a success story?

No, trump hasn't failed. The fact that you're just going to flippantly throw those deaths at his feet, when you know that he's not actually responsible for all of them. Is a distinct problem that you keep bypassing.
What do you think that Trump followers have done differently if trump had admitted at the beginning that covid was a very serious disease and that people should listen to the scientists and wear their masks, social distance and stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of the disease.

They would be wearing masks and become strict vegetarians.
No, trump hasn't failed. The fact that you're just going to flippantly throw those deaths at his feet, when you know that he's not actually responsible for all of them. Is a distinct problem that you keep bypassing.

Ok, so how would you measure his 'success'?
No, he warned people. The fact that you're getting upset about him trying to keep peoples spirits up, is of no consolation to me.
The fact that you're still so desperate as to call people cultist over not having the same opinions as your own, is also of no real consolation to me.

I see no reality here. You keep bashing your heads against this same brick wall over and over, and yet you still don't get it. If you want to claim that he failed, you're going to have to actually prove that he did so. And seeing as we know that he was working with people to address Covid even before the impeachment trial was done with. We know that you are the ones who actually have to supply something here.

-You whine about him not wearing a mask? Fauci also had to flip on mask himself and a multitude of other politicians who promoted using mask in public, were caught not wearing them when the cameras weren't rolling.
-You whine about him stating that it's less bothersome than the flu? When the virus first hit, how many people were saying the exact same thing? How many state officials and how many medical institutes were giving that same notion out so freely?

The question is defunct on it's own premise. The fact that you still refer to people as cultist is only showing how pathetic your agenda for this argument is in the first place.

We know that Trump could've done some things better in this epidemic, but he did not fail, by any means.
If you want to look at someone who failed. Look to someone like Cuomo, who decided to tell his people to continue going out and socializing, even after Trump dropped his first warnings about Covid. Who then took the option of depositing Covid patients into senior care facilities, resulting in even more unnecessary deaths.

If you want to prove that Trump failed, find a base and work up from there.

Then we can talk.

ALL OF THIS is the fault of the party in control of the Senate and the White House with the chief spokesperson being Donald Trump. The GOP FAILED to restock the Emergency Preparedness Inventory thus COVID19 had time to permeate the USA = permeation has yet to halt. Trump had two reminders to do this in 2016 and 2017 by the military . Of course all were certain the government would answer the call as always. TRUMP FLIPPED THE NATION THE BIRD INSTEAD.

And all the republicans and some members of the democrats can think about is shelling out billions to the oil industry, and billions to the health insurance industry and billions upon billions upon billions more to other corporate tax dollar leeches who are so so wealthy they don't ned the money and WILL NOT put the money back into the economy. When it comes to big time reckless spending the fuc-king conservatives are in the spot light.

Tens of Millions have lost their jobs, 200,000 should not have died and thousands of small business employers are going out of business all due to the GOP negligence of the right wing radical anti american GOP. This is
more fu-king negligence beyond reality and reckless reckless reckless.

I say COVID 19 has been in America much longer than America was advised. How long has COVID 19 been allowed penetrate the USA population?

5,000 have died in China.

Trump said he lied -

Trump Admits He Lied About COVID-19 Threat In New Woodward Book | HuffPost

Trump Admits That He Lied About the Coronavirus – Mother Jones

Pay The Stimulus Money! IT'S PATRIOTIC!!!!

The employed did not ask the government to treat the coronavirus threat as if there was no reason for concern. As a result COVID 19 came upon us and is not going away. Meanwhile the GOP government is still advising no need to worry all will be swell. and Trump said all will be swell yet again no matter that 200,000 have died........thus far.

5,000 have died in China......... China has the largest population in the world. There is something wrong with this picture.

Why is Capitol Hill funneling billions upon billons of tax dollars from the COVID relief fund to the fossil fuel industry as we speak? This is reckless use of our tax dollars. Fossil fuel does NOT need bailed out.

The negligent GOP Elected officials pay themselves more than $3,370 per week ( $174,000-$194,000 annually) plus a variety of expense accounts = Over rated and over paid!

We taxpayers should receive stimulus money @ $ 2000 twice a month until further notice to keep the economy on task and keep small business employers open and issuing paychecks.

We taxpayers should receive stimulus money @ $ 2000 twice a month to spend in the economy which to keep enough economic growth on the table that generates tax dollar revenues. After all tax dollars do belong to the taxpayers.[/QUOTE]

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