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What do you do with a bad cop? (1 Viewer)

Drowning Man

DP Veteran
Dec 26, 2019
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Well, apparently if you're on the NYPD, nothing.

Settlements top $1M for much-sued NYPD sergeant accused of unwarranted stops, arrests and raids

An NYPD sergeant has hit a less than enviable milestone — lawsuits against him have topped the $1 million mark in settlements, the Daily News has learned.​
Sgt. David Grieco, nicknamed “Bullethead” by his detractors, has been sued 46 times — believed to be near the top of the list for the most-sued cop — with 24 lawsuits thus far settled. The city has paid out $1,066,750 in taxpayer money to those who have accused him of unconstitutional street stops, illegal arrests and raids without warrants.​
One settlement was for $103,000 but most have settled for tens of thousands of dollars.​
In 2019, NYPD Detective Jodi Brown of Bronx Narcotics was revealed by civil rights advocates to have been named in 30 suits that settled for $1,244,500, including $614,500 paid to a 19-year-old man who accused a group of cops of beating him with a baton and kicking him as he lay on the ground.​
The suits against Grieco started when the 16-year veteran was an anti-crime cop in East New York, Brooklyn, and have continued in his current assignment as a field intelligence officer in East Flatbush.​
“Grieco epitomizes the lack of accountability and widespread impunity throughout the NYPD,” said Molly Griffard, a Legal Aid lawyer. “New Yorkers need the mayor and police commissioner to take action to root out misconduct and stop giving serial abusers like Grieco mere slaps on the wrist for abusing our neighbors.”​
Grieco has been cited several times by the NYPD for failing to make a log book entry after taking enforcement action and last year he was docked 10 vacation days for an unjustified car stop.​
But Grieco, the NYPD said in a statement, keeps New Yorkers safe by taking guns off the street and “has made and supervised hundreds of arrests that did not lead to any civil litigation.” The NYPD also noted that a settlement “is not an admission of wrongdoing.”​
Where is the police chief? Where is the mayor? Their lack of action lets issues like this fester. Local accountability is a must but is lacking across the country.
Sounds like the NYPD has a habit of settling out of court quickly, cause it is cheaper than going to trial. This doesn't prove that this officer is a bad cop, just that he gets a lot of complaints against him.
Sounds like the NYPD has a habit of settling out of court quickly, cause it is cheaper than going to trial. This doesn't prove that this officer is a bad cop, just that he gets a lot of complaints against him.

Because the NYPD and the the city like setting frivolous lawsuits for an average of almost $45,000 per lawsuit?
Sounds like the NYPD has a habit of settling out of court quickly, cause it is cheaper than going to trial. This doesn't prove that this officer is a bad cop, just that he gets a lot of complaints against him.
To answer the OP's questions, this is why the police behave this way. There are people who will reflexively defend them no matter how often they violate the rights of citizens.
Well, apparently if you're on the NYPD, nothing.

Settlements top $1M for much-sued NYPD sergeant accused of unwarranted stops, arrests and raids

An NYPD sergeant has hit a less than enviable milestone — lawsuits against him have topped the $1 million mark in settlements, the Daily News has learned.​
Sgt. David Grieco, nicknamed “Bullethead” by his detractors, has been sued 46 times — believed to be near the top of the list for the most-sued cop — with 24 lawsuits thus far settled. The city has paid out $1,066,750 in taxpayer money to those who have accused him of unconstitutional street stops, illegal arrests and raids without warrants.​
One settlement was for $103,000 but most have settled for tens of thousands of dollars.​
In 2019, NYPD Detective Jodi Brown of Bronx Narcotics was revealed by civil rights advocates to have been named in 30 suits that settled for $1,244,500, including $614,500 paid to a 19-year-old man who accused a group of cops of beating him with a baton and kicking him as he lay on the ground.​
The suits against Grieco started when the 16-year veteran was an anti-crime cop in East New York, Brooklyn, and have continued in his current assignment as a field intelligence officer in East Flatbush.​
“Grieco epitomizes the lack of accountability and widespread impunity throughout the NYPD,” said Molly Griffard, a Legal Aid lawyer. “New Yorkers need the mayor and police commissioner to take action to root out misconduct and stop giving serial abusers like Grieco mere slaps on the wrist for abusing our neighbors.”​
Grieco has been cited several times by the NYPD for failing to make a log book entry after taking enforcement action and last year he was docked 10 vacation days for an unjustified car stop.​
But Grieco, the NYPD said in a statement, keeps New Yorkers safe by taking guns off the street and “has made and supervised hundreds of arrests that did not lead to any civil litigation.” The NYPD also noted that a settlement “is not an admission of wrongdoing.”​
And people who post here stupidly wonder why people don't trust cops...
Where is the police chief? Where is the mayor? Their lack of action lets issues like this fester. Local accountability is a must but is lacking across the country.
They are too busy to deal with the cops... they are settling lawsuits of their own.
Sounds like the NYPD has a habit of settling out of court quickly, cause it is cheaper than going to trial. This doesn't prove that this officer is a bad cop, just that he gets a lot of complaints against him.
What is even less expensive is firing the idiot cop costing them the money in the first place...
The brutality that black people face will come to bite white people too.
Depends on how bad, can he be retrained to function within legal and acceptable parameters, then after a suspension without pay he should get retrained (at a reduced wage for as long as his re-education needs to take, the lower wage is needed for him to fully comply with the retraining) and after that he has to work 1 year as a probationary officer and just as a second officer rather than his own car with his own police stops.

If the officer is beyond retraining or has violated his oath of office in such manner that he cannot be trusted ever again with the functions of being a police officer, that officer should be fired forthwith.
Sounds like the NYPD has a habit of settling out of court quickly, cause it is cheaper than going to trial. This doesn't prove that this officer is a bad cop, just that he gets a lot of complaints against him.

People aren’t often big fans of the police who pull them over, give them tickets, search their homes, arrest them. But it seems like this officer in particular is a quick path to tens of thousands of dollars in settlement money.
The US Supreme Court and police unions have made it very difficult to fire/prosecute bad cops.
'My dad was a good person. He was treated like trash': Daughter of LA DUI suspect who died after screaming 'I can't breathe' 11 times calls for DA Gascon to file criminal charges against the cops who pinned him face-down as seen in horrifying video
  • Edward Bronstein, 38, died March 31, 2020, in Pasadena less than two months before George Floyd died in Minneapolis
  • Footage of his final moments was released by LA cops on Wednesday after his family sued to see the harrowing video
  • He was pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving and police were forcing him to give blood for a sobriety test
  • His family sued for excessive use of force and violation of his civil rights
  • Daughter Brianna Palomino said her father 'was treated like trash' and did not deserve to die the way he did
  • Video shows Bronstein being forced onto a mat in the police station's garage while handcuffed then five officers kneel on his back as they extract blood
  • He screams 'I can't breathe' 11 times before he eventually falls silent
  • The California Highway Patrol fought the release of the videotape, but a federal judge ordered them to do so
  • Criminal justice experts say the tape shows a callous disregard for human life

Brianna Palomino, the daughter of Edward Bronstein, who died in California highway Patrol custody in 2020, said during a press conference that her father was 'treated like trash.'

Brianna Palomino, the daughter of Edward Bronstein, who died in California highway Patrol custody in 2020, said during a press conference that her father was 'treated like trash'

Brianna Palomino, the daughter of Edward Bronstein, who died in California highway Patrol custody in 2020, said during a press conference that her father was 'treated like trash'
Bronstein protests giving blood, because, his family says, he was afraid of needles

Bronstein protests giving blood, because, his family says, he was afraid of needles
The final moments show a DUI suspect who died screaming 'I can't breathe

'His screams, his face, them slapping him around, it will live in my head forever and there's nothing more than justice and these officers paying for what they did,' Palomino added, referring to the graphic content of the police footage. 'I wish my dad was here, every day, and there's nothing that will take that away.'

Carillo, the family's attorney, slammed the officers in the video for ignoring his desperate cries and allegedly failing to render aid.

'He's lifeless, he's dead,' Carillo said. 'He's cold, he's blue and instead of trying to save his life, they slap him in the face, thinking that's going to wake a dead man up.'

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