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What did you have for dinner? -Part dois (3 Viewers)

what spices did you use?
3TBL of Garam marsala, plus turmeric, coriander, cumin, smoked paprika, mild chili blend, salt, black pepper, white pepper. I am out of fenugreek (methi). I usually use the chopped stems of cilantro in the sauce, but what the store had was badly wilted, and I wasn't going to pay $1.75 for wilted herbs.

Fresh ginger-garlic paste that I make.
3TBL of Garam marsala, plus turmeric, coriander, cumin, smoked paprika, mild chili blend, salt, black pepper, white pepper. I am out of fenugreek (methi). I usually use the chopped stems of cilantro in the sauce, but what the store had was badly wilted, and I wasn't going to pay $1.75 for wilted herbs.

Fresh ginger-garlic paste that I make.
how old is your garam marsala? i feel like the pre ground stuff doesnt have a super long shelf life
3TBL of Garam marsala, plus turmeric, coriander, cumin, smoked paprika, mild chili blend, salt, black pepper, white pepper. I am out of fenugreek (methi). I usually use the chopped stems of cilantro in the sauce, but what the store had was badly wilted, and I wasn't going to pay $1.75 for wilted herbs.

Fresh ginger-garlic paste that I make.
The lack of fenugreek did you in, I think.
dang that would take me forever to go through

we made red lentil dal here a lot but part of me wants to try making some meat based indian food
I have maybe 2 TBL left. I keep it in a glass mason jar, so its still very fresh.

I finish the gravy/sauce with both yogurt and butter before serving. It is very hot, (85° and 80% humidity) so I had the AC cranked up, maybe I just wasn't hungry enough.

Vijaya makes Indian cooking very easy and still authentic.

The lack of fenugreek did you in, I think.
That is very possible.
Thin sliced some chicken breast last night and dredged it in a tasty seasoned breadcrumb mix. Quick fry up and then into a couple of long buns with coleslaw and extra home made sweet mayo. Super tasty 10 minute meal, but did a few extra sit-ups this morning.
Not an asparagus fan in general, but lightly steamed and put on top of buttered toast and covered in a tangy cheese sauce 😋😋😋😋
Why cover up a good thing?
Unless it is wrapped in Prosciutto, of course. I had that overseas
Not an asparagus fan in general, but lightly steamed and put on top of buttered toast and covered in a tangy cheese sauce 😋😋😋😋
Thanx. I haven’t that in years.
Why cover up a good thing?
Unless it is wrapped in Prosciutto, of course. I had that overseas
I have some strange food tastes. Some foods I love in one form, but despise in a different form. i.e. I hate cooked carrot, but love them raw. I hate cooked pumpkin, but love pumpkin soup. I hate roast parsnip, but it's the most essential ingredient in vege soup etc etc. And with asparagus they must be smothered in my own cheese sauce. Doesn't make much sense, but just is what it is.
I have some strange food tastes. Some foods I love in one form, but despise in a different form. i.e. I hate cooked carrot, but love them raw. I hate cooked pumpkin, but love pumpkin soup. I hate roast parsnip, but it's the most essential ingredient in vege soup etc etc. And with asparagus they must be smothered in my own cheese sauce. Doesn't make much sense, but just is what it is.
You must do you, every time.
I eat Sauerkraut straight from the jar and sometimes I have canned corn for dinner.
how old is your garam marsala? i feel like the pre ground stuff doesnt have a super long shelf life

I don’t think it lasts long.

A couple of years ago I started grinding my own garam masala so I know it’s fresh. Plus, I found different recipes for gram masala and tried them to find the one I really like.
I have maybe 2 TBL left. I keep it in a glass mason jar, so its still very fresh.

I finish the gravy/sauce with both yogurt and butter before serving. It is very hot, (85° and 80% humidity) so I had the AC cranked up, maybe I just wasn't hungry enough.

Vijaya makes Indian cooking very easy and still authentic.

That is very possible.

That looks excellent. I like the way the kitchen smells when I’m making tikka masala.

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