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What did you have for dinner? -Part dois (1 Viewer)

Fresh green lip mussels in the shell cooked in a mildly curried coconut cream and onion sauce. Baked a loaf to go with it and to soak up the sauce. Lots of butter on the freshly hot bread. Modest helping of coleslaw on the side. Tried dropping some chunks of firm, fresh tomato into the dish as it was cooking to see how that would work. Was ok, but didn't make any significant difference. Going to try potato chunks instead next time. I also sometimes serve this over a bed of rice instead of with the fresh bread, and it is excellent like that as well.

Made too much thinking I would do a reheat tomorrow for an easy meal, but went back for 2nds/3rds and ate the lot. Very simple but delicious dish when I can get fresh mussels. Fresh mussels (still live) are about US$1.90/lb at the local live fish market. A bit over $2/lb when they have them at the local supermarket. One of the local delicacies that is both cheap and delightful. The local NZ greenlip variety are bigger than any that I have personally had in the US or Europe, and super tasty.
Its apparently officially summer for me because I had a broiled filet of flounder over quinoa, wild rice and orzo pilaf.

It's only late May and the temps are already 90°F. I dread summer when its this hot.
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Yesterday...Chicken salad sandwich on Kaiser roll, dill spear on the side.

Tonight was shredded beef burritos smothered, chili rellenos smothered in green chili, chips and salsa.
I made London Broil, Russet baked potatoes and broccoli/cauliflower/baby carrots medley.

Personally, I opted to just have the potato - with butter, shredded cheddar, bacon bits, queso and Everything but the bagel seasoning.

Definitely NOT a heart healthy choice, but I wasn’t feeling the steak tonight 😂
Its apparently officially summer for me because I had a broiled filet of flounder over quinoa, wild rice and orzo pilaf.

It's only late May and the temps are already 90°F. I dread summer when its this hot.
Yeah, I hear that.
I made a 9x12 Detroit style pizza. It was good but extremely filling. I only managed to eat 2 pieces. The other 6 are in the fridge.
I made chicken tikka Marsala over rice. It was missing something but I cant figure out what it was. It was definitely edible but it wasn't crave-able. The rice was separate , buttery and fluffy, which is a plus.
Well, tonight we attended our grandson’s graduation from university of Delaware. Before hand we all ate at Firebirds restaurant. I had their buffalo chicken salad and washed it down with a Coors lite. 2 universities down, 2 high schools to go. Cha ching cha Ching.
I made chicken tikka Marsala over rice. It was missing something but I cant figure out what it was. It was definitely edible but it wasn't crave-able. The rice was separate , buttery and fluffy, which is a plus.
what spices did you use?

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