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Whacko Jacko Kiddie Porn King (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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So, how does someone not get put away for years when cops find this?

One private investigator with direct knowledge of the raids said: “The detectives’ report cites Michael even used sexy photos of his own nephews, who were in the band 3T, in their underwear to excite young boys.”


“The documents exposed Jackson as a manipulative, drug-and-sex-crazed predator who used blood, gore, sexually explicit images of animal sacrifice and perverse adult sex acts to bend children to his will,” said the source.

“He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism.”

Michael Jackson Police Reports Search Warrant Pornography | Radar Online

Is money and fame that much of a get out of jail free card? Most people go to jail immediately when they get popped with child porn. I guess some people have to follow different rules when it comes to American Justice.
It is all about the money.
So, how does someone not get put away for years when cops find this?

Is money and fame that much of a get out of jail free card? Most people go to jail immediately when they get popped with child porn. I guess some people have to follow different rules when it comes to American Justice.
And everyone who mishandles top secret information is at least fired and at the most thrown in jail. It's WHO you are sometimes.
Radar Online is an entertainment gossip site. While I wouldn't be surprised to find out Jackson covered up some bad things, I don't take this particular story at face value.
And everyone who mishandles top secret information is at least fired and at the most thrown in jail. It's WHO you are sometimes.

Whoa...Flip to Clinton Reference Award of the Month nominee.
Whoa...Flip to Clinton Reference Award of the Month nominee.

Same same --- anyone "lesser" would've been thrown in jail in both cases.
Radar Online is an entertainment gossip site. While I wouldn't be surprised to find out Jackson covered up some bad things, I don't take this particular story at face value.

There are PDFs of the police raid and reports thereof.
Radar Online is an entertainment gossip site. While I wouldn't be surprised to find out Jackson covered up some bad things, I don't take this particular story at face value.

It's everywhere: LA Times, San Jose Merc News, CNN, Hufpo, etc.; but Radar has the best. most in-depth take on it.
Sooo, they found pictures of a band in their band outfits in his house?

And that is a crime how?
Equal justice is a fantasy taught along with visits by the tooth fairy.

There certainly are different laws for different people. If Michael Jackson was a conservative, he'd be in jail and probably still alive today.
Who here didn't assume that MJ had a large measure of industrial grade kink going on? Probably most of us assumed that MJ's sexual proclivities included underage boys. Hell, I wouldn't even have been comfortable with him taking care of my dogs when I was out of town. Any parent who left his or her or their children or child alone with MJ for 30 seconds is a bad parent as far as I am concerned.

Do I believe everything in the OP? Not necessarily, but if it proves to be true I will not be in the least bit surprised.
I love it when conservatives get their victim on.
Equal justice is a fantasy taught along with visits by the tooth fairy.

There certainly are different laws for different people. If Michael Jackson was a conservative, he'd be in jail and probably still alive today.
Equal justice is a fantasy taught along with visits by the tooth fairy.

There certainly are different laws for different people. If Michael Jackson was a conservative, he'd be in jail and probably still alive today.

Super, you are right, the "Justice System" is one ****ed up mess through and through, starting with that massive law book filled with often overly vague, often emotionally driven, often unhelpful laws that are used to ruin the lives of so many millions of people that your government decides to go get, way too often for trivial things.......THIS IS NOT JUSTICE!

THe time to deal with that is before you put a guy on trial. If that trial we gave Jackson was not done correctly by your agents the government, if justice was not done, that is your fail my fault.....F, everyone's fault.

Whacko Jacko had his trial, he was found not guilty of all charges.

You are now honor bound to leave him alone.

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Jacko was a Whacko? Not exactly a shocking revelation.
Everyone knew he was somewhere on the "Nutball Scale". This just confirms he was near "Jared Fogle" level.
Jacko was a Whacko? Not exactly a shocking revelation.
Everyone knew he was somewhere on the "Nutball Scale". This just confirms he was near "Jared Fogle" level.

We knew he was a freak during the Eighties even the slow amongst us.

A high percentage of the best artists are.

And MJ was awesome.

So, how does someone not get put away for years when cops find this?

Is money and fame that much of a get out of jail free card? Most people go to jail immediately when they get popped with child porn. I guess some people have to follow different rules when it comes to American Justice.

I'm curious.

Did you actually review the material provided in the "Read the Reports" link in the article? I just finished.

Nothing appears to be as the article states. In fact, page after page states that the "documents" were books, videos, and photos that displayed no illegal pornography.

Instead, the expert keeps saying "in my professional opinion these items were part of a grooming process." This comment switched on my "Defense Attorney Radar" as intentionally prejudicial. Reviewing these materials page by page I would have brought in counter-experts to refute this statement for each and every "Item"...easily.

Evidentiary items are supposed to be identified clinically, without personal opinion involved. You identify an item clearly, without editorializing. Professional opinion takes place in Court during a battle of the experts.

Now I don't know what was really going on with Michael Jackson. I doubt we will ever know the truth since it is easier to denigrate than it is to review things with an open mind. But this article is just a smear campaign and an impersonal review of the documents failed to support the article's claims.
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So, how does someone not get put away for years when cops find this?

Is money and fame that much of a get out of jail free card? Most people go to jail immediately when they get popped with child porn. I guess some people have to follow different rules when it comes to American Justice.

Animal sacrifice... that's disgusting. I don't even understand. Why would he want photographs of that.
Animal sacrifice... that's disgusting. I don't even understand. Why would he want photographs of that.

Some people collect pics of gruesome death scenes...No really, this is a thing.

Freaks are freaks

Don't let me take the thread off track but...the other day I was googling something for work (no, really) and hit images to more quickly find what I was looking for. There were several pics of bodies from crime scenes, dismembered bodies from trains, just really really gross stuff I guess I just had not thought about being out there. Now back to kiddie porn.
Some people collect pics of gruesome death scenes...No really, this is a thing.

Freeks are freaks

Don't let me take the thread off track but...the other day I was googling something for work (no, really) and hit images to more quickly find what I was looking for. There were several pics of bodies from crime scenes, dismembered bodies from trains, just really really gross stuff I guess I just had not thought about being out there. Now back to kiddie porn.

I also dont want to divert the thread, but this is something that the minders want to outlaw but those who say that we citizens are in charge of the government refuse to allow. The "justice system" is a ****ing wreck, but we still are most of the time (so long as it is not a woman who is claiming that a man did her erotically wrong of course) allowed to view the evidence. If victim culture gets any worse you will not, this is guaranteed. By me. And I am brilliant. Just ask me, says the wife.

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