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West Point moves to vanquish Confederate symbols from campus (1 Viewer)


Sit Nomine Digna
DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2012
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Montreal, QC
Political Leaning
From AP News:
NEW YORK (AP) — Before turning against the U.S. military to command the Confederate army, Robert E. Lee served as the superintendent of West Point, the hallowed military academy that produced patriots like Ulysses S. Grant, Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eisenhower.

But in the coming days, the storied academy will take down a portrait of Lee dressed in his Confederate uniform from its library, where it has been hanging since the 1950s and place it in storage. It will also remove the stone bust of the Civil War’s top southern general at Reconciliation Plaza. And Lee’s quote about honor will be stripped from the academy’s Honor Plaza.

The moves are part of a Department of Defense directive issued in October ordering the academy to address racial injustice and do away with installations that “commemorate or memorialize the Confederacy.”

That includes a trio of bronze panels, measuring 11 feet tall and 5 feet wide, that depict significant events and figures in U.S. history, including Benjamin Franklin and Clara Barton. But the oversized plaques, dedicated in 1965, not only featured Lee and other supporters of the Confederacy but an image of an armed man in a hood, with “Ku Klux Klan” written below.

The congressional Naming Commission, which initiated the changes at the academy, noted “there are clearly ties in the KKK to the Confederacy.”
Should not have taken until 2022 for this to happen. Never should have been allowed in the first place. What country honours it enemies at its most prestigious military academy?
From AP News:

Should not have taken until 2022 for this to happen. Never should have been allowed in the first place. What country honours it enemies at its most prestigious military academy?
The military academy itself.
From AP News:

Should not have taken until 2022 for this to happen. Never should have been allowed in the first place. What country honours it enemies at its most prestigious military academy?
These things need to go to a museum. You can't change history and you shouldn't try to hide it. Move those to a civil war museum or some place where anyone interested in history can see them.
Since Lee was a former superintendent of West Point, and was regarded by Lincoln himself as the finest General in the US Army, it might be more appropriate to find a portrait of him Pre-Civil War and hang it.

The current fervor to Exorcise the Confederacy is Victor History. All causes of secession, other than slavery, will be excised! All persons who sided with the Confederacy shall be Vaporized from History! (sound a bit Orwellian here?). If we study history in order to avoid repeating it, Progressive History is a poor substitute for the Real Thing.
Since Lee was a former superintendent of West Point, and was regarded by Lincoln himself as the finest General in the US Army, it might be more appropriate to find a portrait of him Pre-Civil War and hang it.

The current fervor to Exorcise the Confederacy is Victor History. All causes of secession, other than slavery, will be excised! All persons who sided with the Confederacy shall be Vaporized from History! (sound a bit Orwellian here?). If we study history in order to avoid repeating it, Progressive History is a poor substitute for the Real Thing.

Yeah, they should have hung a portrait of him wearing a US Army uniform. That would have sent the the Lost Causers around the bend.

How about monuments throughout the south, and the nation, celebrating the acts that led to the liberation of our fellow citizens from bondage?

Is that real enough? Or too real?
Since Lee was a former superintendent of West Point, and was regarded by Lincoln himself as the finest General in the US Army, it might be more appropriate to find a portrait of him Pre-Civil War and hang it.

The current fervor to Exorcise the Confederacy is Victor History. All causes of secession, other than slavery, will be excised! All persons who sided with the Confederacy shall be Vaporized from History! (sound a bit Orwellian here?). If we study history in order to avoid repeating it, Progressive History is a poor substitute for the Real Thing.

The Confederacy EXPLICITLY went to war to protect and defend slavery.

Trying to ignore that is ACTUAL historical ignorance.
How can we be almost in 2023, and there are still dishonest ass bitches claiming that if you don't keep up some statue or some painting in a buildings, then history will be forgotten?

It's just so embarrassing that people can have access to a library millions of times larger than that of Alexandria... In their fingertips... and still say things like "we gonna forget history without a statue".
From AP News:

Should not have taken until 2022 for this to happen. Never should have been allowed in the first place. What country honours it enemies at its most prestigious military academy?

I kind of find it funny that the generation that actually fought and died to vanquish the Confederacy was gracious and magnanimous in victory; while a WOKE generation more than a century afterwards displays a viciousness that would have shocked the Grants, the Shermans.

While we are it when are we gonna take down monuments to the notorious industrial scale slavers: Massas Tom Jeff'son and George Washington?
I kind of find it funny that the generation that actually fought and died to vanquish the Confederacy was gracious and magnanimous in victory; while a WOKE generation more than a century afterwards displays a viciousness that would have shocked the Grants, the Shermans.

While we are it when are we gonna take down monuments to the notorious industrial scale slavers: Massas Tom Jeff'son and George Washington?

The 1913 Gettysburg reunion was a Gettysburg Battlefield encampment of American Civil War veterans
for the Battle of Gettysburg’s 50th anniversary. The June 29–July 4 gathering of 53,407 veterans (~8,750 Confederate)
was the largest ever Civil War veteran reunion, and “never before in the world’s history [had] so great a number of men so advanced in years been assembled under field conditions” (Chief Surgeon). All honorably discharged veterans in the Grand Army of the Republic and the United Confederate Veterans were invited, and veterans from 46 of the 48 states attended (cf. Nevada).Despite concerns “that there might be unpleasant differences, at least, between the blue and gray” (as after England’s War of the Roses and the French Revolution), the peaceful reunion was repeatedly marked by events of Union–Confederate camaraderie.

President Woodrow Wilson’s July 4 reunion address summarized the spirit: We have found one another again as brothers and comrades in arms, enemies no longer, generous friends rather, our battles long past, the quarrel forgotten—except that we shall not forget the splendid valor.
welcome the USA's very own Cultural Revolution..I recall reading about it during Mao's China and thought
"what is wrong with these people that they have to erase their past"...never thought id see it here

The 1913 Gettysburg reunion was a Gettysburg Battlefield encampment of American Civil War veterans
for the Battle of Gettysburg’s 50th anniversary. The June 29–July 4 gathering of 53,407 veterans (~8,750 Confederate)
was the largest ever Civil War veteran reunion, and “never before in the world’s history [had] so great a number of men so advanced in years been assembled under field conditions” (Chief Surgeon). All honorably discharged veterans in the Grand Army of the Republic and the United Confederate Veterans were invited, and veterans from 46 of the 48 states attended (cf. Nevada).Despite concerns “that there might be unpleasant differences, at least, between the blue and gray” (as after England’s War of the Roses and the French Revolution), the peaceful reunion was repeatedly marked by events of Union–Confederate camaraderie.

President Woodrow Wilson’s July 4 reunion address summarized the spirit: We have found one another again as brothers and comrades in arms, enemies no longer, generous friends rather, our battles long past, the quarrel forgotten—except that we shall not forget the splendid valor.
They were traitors to America
I kind of find it funny that the generation that actually fought and died to vanquish the Confederacy was gracious and magnanimous in victory; while a WOKE generation more than a century afterwards displays a viciousness that would have shocked the Grants, the Shermans.

While we are it when are we gonna take down monuments to the notorious industrial scale slavers: Massas Tom Jeff'son and George Washington?

Almost begrudged victors, really, because so many could not face the idea that we are all created equal.

In so many ways, the south won the Civil War.
welcome the USA's very own Cultural Revolution..I recall reading about it during Mao's China and thought
"what is wrong with these people that they have to erase their past"...never thought id see it here
I don't want them erased. I want them removed to a Hall Of Traitors To America for everyone to see
simplistic nonsense. It was "These United States" not The United States...anyways enjoy literally erasing history.
Mao would be proud
Not erased

Just not glory to Traitors To America
I don't want them erased. I want them removed to a Hall Of Traitors To America for everyone to see
same thing as putting dunce caps on intellectuals during the cultural revolution of China.. used to display they were enemies of the collective state

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