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We Need to Talk About Cosby (1 Viewer)

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
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This is an impressive 4-part documentary on Showtime. I listened to his comedy records as a kid, but never watched him much on TV. There is a racial angle of course - how interesting that it took a black, male comic talking about him on stage to catapult the story into everyday consciousness. But it's our misogynistic culture that stands out. "America's dad has a rape problem."

"Beyond tracing these contradictory ideas, Bell excavates Cosby’s career to show what we had missed all along. When the talking heads react to footage of Cosby delivering his infamous “Spanish fly” routine, about spiking women’s drinks, we learn that he first told the bit in the 1960s and was still telling it in the ’90s (“Cosby, from almost day one, was telling us that he was willing to — and didn’t think anything was strange about — putting things in women’s drinks,” reacts academic Marc Lamont Hill).

Bell also plays his interview subjects a clip of The Cosby Show where Dr. Huxtable deviously explains how people “get all huggy-buggy” after eating his homemade barbecue sauce. Bell is in effect asking us to consider that perhaps Cosby has been giving us glimpses into who he has always been all along. It unsettles the notion that the Cosby story is some sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tension. The New Yorker’s Jelani Cobb drives home the point: “You could make the case that it was all Mr. Hyde.”"

Why do we "need to talk about Cosby?"

What we "need" to talk about is the "pound me too" movement and others of similar evil ilk like them that wrongfully had Cosby publicly crucified and finally imprisoned - a conviction recently overturned after he spent nearly three years behind bars - wrongfully accused. He never should have been charged in the first place.

And now they're trying to convict him yet again, this time in the court of public opinion and biased media. Disgusting. And very, very dangerous.
Why do we "need to talk about Cosby?"

What we "need" to talk about is the "pound me too" movement and others of similar evil ilk like them that wrongfully had Cosby publicly crucified and finally imprisoned - a conviction recently overturned after he spent nearly three years behind bars - wrongfully accused. He never should have been charged in the first place.

And now they're trying to convict him yet again, this time in the court of public opinion and biased media. Disgusting. And very, very dangerous.

So you don't believe any of Cosby's accusers? All sixty of them?
Why do we "need to talk about Cosby?"

What we "need" to talk about is the "pound me too" movement and others of similar evil ilk like them that wrongfully had Cosby publicly crucified and finally imprisoned - a conviction recently overturned after he spent nearly three years behind bars - wrongfully accused. He never should have been charged in the first place.

And now they're trying to convict him yet again, this time in the court of public opinion and biased media. Disgusting. And very, very dangerous.

If you think Cosby is innocent you don't have a clue and you haven't even read about the story.

The reason Cosbys conviction got overturned is because he got criminal immunity to testify in the civil trial. This was given because they didnt ever think there would be a criminal trail and they wanted to give something to the victims. So his criminal conviction got overturned, but HE DID RAPE those women and he has admitted so on the record in court.
If there is a need to talk about Cosby, it would make more sense to do it in a courtroom. Any conversation on the Internet only taints the jury pool.
If there is a need to talk about Cosby, it would make more sense to do it in a courtroom. Any conversation on the Internet only taints the jury pool.

We need to talk about why it could go on for so long. Why people STILL support him.
That might be a good idea after any trials have concluded.

He said under oath that he did it, so not sure why a trial matters when talking about it.

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