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We don't know (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 23, 2005
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I think there might be a God out there, or something that dictates us all. But choosing one is just stupid, there are so many faiths out there, how do we know which one is right? We just don't know. Some people can't accept that. What we should do is just live out our lives the best we can, and we shouldn't be afraid of a God, because if he loves you, then why would he want you to be afraid of him? Just accept the fact that religion might have just been our own creation, so we might not feel so alone in the universe. maybe God is tending to another civilization right now trying to make them believe and can't get to us right now. Maybe we are just an experiment by a group of superior aliens. We don't know. And we won't until we die.
shakenbake19 said:
I think there might be a God out there, or something that dictates us all. But choosing one is just stupid, there are so many faiths out there, how do we know which one is right? We just don't know. Some people can't accept that. What we should do is just live out our lives the best we can, and we shouldn't be afraid of a God, because if he loves you, then why would he want you to be afraid of him? Just accept the fact that religion might have just been our own creation, so we might not feel so alone in the universe. maybe God is tending to another civilization right now trying to make them believe and can't get to us right now. Maybe we are just an experiment by a group of superior aliens. We don't know. And we won't until we die.

Perfect. I completely agree. I do believe in a god, but I am not even sure about that, much less how many gods there are, which gods they are (they could be Zeus and Athena for all I know), or if there is an afterlife at all.

But, the way I see it, it is more important to be a good person and enjoy your life (to some extent) than to worry all your life about who God is or whther you will go to heaven. I am not saying that religion is a bad thing, just that we shouldn't be arrogant by assuming that our religion is right when we have no idea whatsoever.
I'd say to go with whichever faith gives your the most fulfillment, and makes you happy. In my opinion, they're all a means to the same end, anyway, and none of them are "wrong".

...except for crazy doomsday cults.

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