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We can't trust wikipedia. (1 Viewer)

Pin dÁr

DP Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
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Political Leaning
A lot of people here who are against conspiracy link a lot to wikipedia.


Why am I not surprised?! Simple, I never trusted wikipedia in the first place! way too mainstream for me!

A lot of people here who are against conspiracy link a lot to wikipedia.


Why am I not surprised?! Simple, I never trusted wikipedia in the first place! way too mainstream for me!

You should not trust naturalnews.
You should not trust naturalnews.

I do trust it much more then mainstream ****.

AND I have seen other sources finding these same things

wikipedia is, among others, controlled by the c.i.a
A lot of people here who are against conspiracy link a lot to wikipedia.


Why am I not surprised?! Simple, I never trusted wikipedia in the first place! way too mainstream for me!
Despite the article, and your & the article's intentions and partisanship, you finally may have posted something (accidentally!) correct, in that Wikipedia is not a trusted source - as can seen by it not being allowed as citation in academic works or for formal debate.

Which I suppose reflects the adage: "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"! :lamo
I do trust it much more then mainstream ****.

AND I have seen other sources finding these same things

wikipedia is, among others, controlled by the c.i.a

Just because it's not mainstream doesn't mean it's right. This is becoming a serious problem in our culture.
I do trust it much more then mainstream ****.

AND I have seen other sources finding these same things

wikipedia is, among others, controlled by the c.i.a

your source for the "controlled by the c.i.a. is?

I rarely use Wikipedia. There are far better sources than that.

That said. check and verify everything is a better way to go.
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A lot of people here who are against conspiracy link a lot to wikipedia.


Why am I not surprised?! Simple, I never trusted wikipedia in the first place! way too mainstream for me!

Oh! It is much worse! Wikipedia is almost always very good and catches you, when they make a mistake and don't check, because you are so used to them being right.
I do trust it much more then mainstream ****.

AND I have seen other sources finding these same things

wikipedia is, among others, controlled by the c.i.a

Is there anything you DON'T think is controlled by the CIA?
I do trust it much more then mainstream ****.

AND I have seen other sources finding these same things

wikipedia is, among others, controlled by the c.i.a

Are you katsung47?
Wikipedia is very useful, BUT it is so easily used as a propaganda tool to write history to advance an agenda.
Wikipedia is very useful, BUT it is so easily used as a propaganda tool to write history to advance an agenda.

Not only that, but it lies a lot also when it comes to parapsychology, science and other things. The bias towards mainstream nonsense is huge.

Personally I don't trust wkikpedia one bit.
You can generally trust Wikipedia on non-controversial technical topics. But topics which are in contention is where Wikipedia may be unreliable.
We can't trust anything or anybody. LOL

Wiki is as reliable as most textbooks, which can date quickly, so long as you follow through onto the references it supplies. Consider the source!
"My experience on Wikipedia showed me clearly that there is some sort of a Jewish Cabal running amok on there unobstructed, and they have seriously damaged most articles dealing with Judaica and Israel – Palestine. I got run out of Wikipedia on faked charges after I blew the whistle on em."


He's right. Just take a look at their USS Liberty page which is full of Israeli propaganda. Or check their pages on the "Holocaust", which last time I looked claimed that up to 20,000 Jews were cremated daily at Auschwitz. Never mind the fact that it takes two to three hours to properly cremate a body with modern technology. I went to one a few months ago and after the staff had pressed the "ignite" button they told the distraught widow to come back in a few hours to collect the ashes. Or call one in your area and see how long they say it takes.

A lot of people here who are against conspiracy link a lot to wikipedia.

However: Why am I not surprised?! Simple, I never trusted wikipedia in the first place! way too mainstream for me!

Yeah, right. And a road-map is also too "mainstream" for you too?

As a professor of Economics, I wholeheartedly recommend WikiP for factual explanations of basic elements. For instance, the multiple variations in the practice of "democracy". Notably one that has attained some prominence in the US from Bernie Sanders, called Social Democracy. Whyzzat?

Because my fellow Americans are losing some basic instincts of learning, foremost of which is the dictionary of words, their meanings and proper usages. On this web-site, for instance, people keep railing about "socialism", when, in fact (that is, according to its definition), it exists functionally in damn few countries on earth.

Were it ever to have the slightest recognition in the US (which it did not pre-Sanders), people would perhaps understand that the distinction between "socialism" and "social democracy" is that the latter is perfectly comfortable with capitalism and private ownership of the means of production (of goods/services) in a market-economy.

It is in this sense that WikiPedia assumes its primary importance. That of edification of some basic principles, both contemporary and historical that are crucial to good debate of ideas, notions and principles (the key artifacts of a functional society).

The world is a better place for WikiP, one of the better (if not yet the best) evolutions in the matter of Basic Education ...
"My experience on Wikipedia showed me clearly that there is some sort of a Jewish Cabal running amok on there unobstructed, and they have seriously damaged most articles dealing with Judaica and Israel – Palestine. I got run out of Wikipedia on faked charges after I blew the whistle on em."


He's right. Just take a look at their USS Liberty page which is full of Israeli propaganda. Or check their pages on the "Holocaust", which last time I looked claimed that up to 20,000 Jews were cremated daily at Auschwitz. Never mind the fact that it takes two to three hours to properly cremate a body with modern technology. I went to one a few months ago and after the staff had pressed the "ignite" button they told the distraught widow to come back in a few hours to collect the ashes. Or call one in your area and see how long they say it takes.

Da Joos! Da Joos!
As a professor of Economics,

wow, you made my day! You just proved you have no clue at all at what is going in the world.
Democracy? where? There is none.

But also on logic. Referring to yourself as a 'professor' is the logical fallacy of "appeal to authority"

And you must be clueless on money as well.

Otherwise you wouldn't have that position at all.

if you have it, that is. Being a 'professor' You can't proof you do here.
Everyone can write they are this or that, so that even doesn't interest me.

But I do see you are way off.

And. you probably won't understand in your life time what I mean, that is if you really are a professor, because of this:

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