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We Can Officially Add Truth Social To The Ever-Growing List Of Donald trump’s Business Failures (1 Viewer)

This old man (84) knows nothing about Twitter or Facebook or ...

But I guessed that President Trump's version would be a dud.

With all due respect, why would it be a success?

I voted twice for him (and would do so again if given a chance), but he is so Mr. Yesterday.

The Republican Party is also moving on under younger and more diplomatic leadership.

The Donald is a real character. He seems to lack any sense of self-awareness.
Hope he spent a lot of his $$$ on it.

But really, I think it might be too soon to say it's failed. It was rushed, and was never expected to be fully operational until the end of this month.
This is funny but so expected.

They had around 2 million people at first. Now, it's down to 300 thousand.


I liked this one on Twitter:

C'mon guys 'Truth social' is not a complete failure, it got devin nunes out of Congress.
1:03 PM · Mar 5, 2022

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